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Everything posted by penrhyn

  1. Just to put a bit of reality on this the last time Fondop scored double figures in the league was with Chesterfield 2019 when he managed 10. A scoring feat he managed on two more occasions once in the ECFL Premier Division in 2014 , and again in the Isthmian League Premier Division in 2015 . So all in all we are trying to pair two from our current crop of strikers who all have there own unique qualities wether it be big, strong , quick, skilfull, . The main problem I currently see is you could not bet your house on one of the scoring consistently and bagging 20 plus goals this season . I hope I am wrong but just cant see it . I think they will all have a part to play this year if allowed, some more than others . This is why I hope the Norwood rumours are true as this will add a couple of traits missing in our strikers consistancy and killer instinct.
  2. Yes but as Unsworth has said PL clubs are unwilling to let players drop down to league 5. Also I would prefer our strongest eleven to be our own . With loan players supplementing for injuries , supensions, and loss of form.
  3. Exactly right!! Hes on a different level to the rest.
  4. Basically Chorleys defence for the last 20 - 30 minutes consisted of players who of which some were playing out of position. Had never played together, and two of them were injured and should not really have been on the pitch.Think at 66 i could have scored against them. Its ok everyone saying Fondop this and that . I hope he has a good season and is more consistent and reverses his career trend of being a flash in the pan striker .Think all the forwards will have a role to play this year. And we should get behind them all.
  5. Bit of reality here to balance out the thw stupid comments about Nuttall .
  6. What the hell do you think you are doing !!! You can talk that much sense in one post .
  7. The lad who elbowed willoughby should have gone too.
  8. Im amazed at what experts can tell from two ninety minute training sessions. Especially as we have had a settled eleven for a whopping 45 mins . Couldnt make this shit up.
  9. And Rooney needs to see a head physio!!
  10. At least Twitter keeps them off here, for now anyways. As a matter of interest did anyone wear thr number 9 shirt today?
  11. No Halifax fans forum, dont know if the rumour started on twitter. Apparantly Tollit has been on honeymoon . Halifax were after him last season.
  12. There is a rumour of a swap deal involving Tollit for Golden. Not sure how much truth is in that.Would love Johnny Smith back.
  13. Found out his best mate has gone to Donny and awaiting a phone call to join him.
  14. Could be Jordan Cropper who has a long throw also from GrimsbyTown,
  15. Any one know if there is any truth in Lundstram talk on twitter. People saying we have bid for him.
  16. If Rooney wants to leave , I wonder if they would do a swap for Campbell as well.
  17. But didnt finish pulled off after 60 minutes.
  18. The opportunity is still there if and when he is ready, or anybody else for that matter.
  19. You mean like Grimsby and Solihull , dont wobble yours too hard .
  20. Agree but midfield has been the a problem all season . Hence loans in that area . We need 2or 3 good midfielders.
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