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Everything posted by yarddog73

  1. Nothing changes for me, give him till the window to get us to a minimum top 10 and hopefully with a third round cup game to come we can strengthen our midfield which for me is still two or three players short of where it needs to be. We really should be around the playoffs given the quality of this division and we are suffering still from Bunns insistence on playing O'Grady week in week out sometimes in a one man attack but he appears to of addressed that one now and we are actually better to watch as well so there are reasons to be positive. I get why some of our fans can't get dizzy over a couple of draws against Tranmere and Lincoln but they were in 1st and 4th respectively and it's important now that these results are backed up with wins and strong performances against Maidstone and Crewe. We are five unbeaten, look like we've got goals in us but more importantly the desire and attitude of the players is spot on and at the end of the day they can do no more for us than give their all, I do hope AL strengthens and brings in players who will immediately make us better, solid honest pros who would slot into what we are currently trying to build. A month ago Bunn was a dead man walking for me but he seems to have turned a corner I just wished he'd be more bolder and go for these teams, an example was Lincoln pulled everyone back on Tuesday and we had a free kick in a dangerous area but had five of the nine outfield men behind the ball which to me is stupid, I know we had to keep our shape with 10 but those set pieces were a great chance to apply pressure but we weren't prepared to gamble. Onwards and upwards though and another couple of wins before the Bury game could set that up nicely.
  2. A good reason for Lincolns decent record has to be their ability to turn defence into attack and quickly, all too often our build up play is slow and laboured compared to the opposition, at home I really wish we'd go at teams a bit more with a bit of tempo to our play.
  3. No its a new stand behind the goal with a roof.
  4. Got to play him. Saturday is a huge game for the club.
  5. I thought we matched them at times even with ten men and with a bit more composure could of nicked on the break at the end, no doubt Iversen has earned us a point but if thats a top of the table team we should be aspiring to do more than consolidate this season.
  6. I think we are too nice at times, Lincoln from the very first minute were falling over and trying to get in the refs ear about the smallest of things and he fell for it, liner who went off was really having a bad day before then and missed almost everything. As for Millers red the ref had the card out in no time and as a senior pro Miller shouldn't of given him a decision to make there, can't fault the spirit but again Lang showed what an handful he could be running at these defenders through the middle and I hope he gets his chance alongside Surridge in a front two on Saturday. With Lyden, Gardner and Miller all out now for at least a couple of weeks it's going to be a struggle as the squad looks very thin.
  7. Not as odd as your need to dissect every one of my posts but each to their own.
  8. To be fair Surridge wouldn't be on the bench if She was here.
  9. You can see why Lincoln are up there if Cowley and his wank stain of a brother are reffing every game.
  10. Other events see pyrotechnics set off on a regular basis, why should a football fan be treated any differently? You don't see all this palaver when a flare is let off at a concert with all the crowd penned in and kettled as a result of a couple of peoples actions. One of the worst examples of the way football fans are treated in relation to the general public I witnessed on the way home from Grimsby on the train, a group of Latics fans were told by the police escorting our train back to Manchester to shut up and be quiet, their crime was talking too loudly and having a bit of a laugh amongst themselves, they were threatened with arrest at Manchester if they didn't behave. Now when the train pulled in to Doncaster to take home the stragglers from the races on Leger day the racegoers were singing, drinking and dancing the whole way to Sheffield without a word from the officers on board - wankers.
  11. The only firm that were up for trouble outside the ground was the plod themselves, absolute shit houses the lot of them and the bollocks they are spouting trying to justify their neanderthal behaviour is frankly embarrassing, so what if a few of our fans have had a drink a bit of a sing song at halftime and enjoy an away day, as far as I'm aware none of that is a crime.
  12. I did by accident, went to vote for Lyden but fat finger caught Gardner instead
  13. Plenty on here claiming we'd got a better keeper in Placide.
  14. Yet some of the clueless will still tell you Placide was the better option.
  15. Won one in ten at home in the League - what could possibly go wrong....
  16. The new Baxter then Big game best 11 needed to win it, tell you what we will start with Surridge on the bench and potentially lose the first half again - yes cheers Frankie.
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