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Everything posted by Sparkleking

  1. How infuriating. Sonhy sefil is so close to an anagram of slowly slowly.
  2. If Vera only signed today will he have international clearance for tomorrow?
  3. Sign him up, I did like him when he was here last time. Plus, we've got a stand named after him after all!
  4. There was a very brief (30 seconds max) of AL on Granada Reports tonight speaking about the manager's job. He said that he had (or he would be) speaking with Pete Wild, said that he had received a number of applications/CV's, and that the decision would be made for the best interest of the club.
  5. OK, I'll go along with that! Any advances on defender or midfielder? I'm ruling out goalie, ha ha
  6. Thanks latics22 and super_blue. So we have defender, midfielder and winger. Not sure I'm any clearer, ha ha!
  7. Putting his off the field issues to one side, I'm not sure he would be that good a signing anyway. According to the never wrong Wikipedia he has scored 26 goals in 160 appearances. That isn't exactly prolific.
  8. What position does Robinson play, he who came on for the last couple of minutes on New Year's Day?
  9. I was just going to say the same but you beat me to it. Why isn't he called football director?
  10. Depending what happens with Brexit, this could well be the last (or one of the last) transfer windows where players from the French lower leagues will be able to sign for us. After Brexit, overseas players will need work permits and the calibre of player that we are in the market for would be unlikely to get one.
  11. That's assuming he (Lang) is still here. Doesn't his loan end on Tuesday?
  12. True. But if you don't beat them at home you usually get a big payday if you take them to a replay at their place.
  13. Plus Benteke (injured?) and Duffus (unavailable until January?)
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