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Chelsea v Hudds

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To be fair, he might not be a million miles away on that point. If Chelsea charge their usual prices and get a full house (alright that might not be too likely) then 42,449*£48*0.45=£916,898.40. Not a million, but not far short.


But don't forget OS that Chelsea are in the final of the carling cup they are still fighting for the premiership and they are still in the champions league. Now I know they have more money than most in west London But are they still all going to want to pay through tne nose knowing that that they will have more glamorous games to go to. Last season they didn't shift all their tickets for the semi final at Old trafford. 48 quid would put a few off from going down south when you take into account travel costs excetera you are looking at well over a ton chances are they will knock the price down quite heavily for this one. Mind you if its on tv that might make up for the short fall so maybe he ain't too far off after all.

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Ok well here are my thoughts so try to listen. If you don't agree, then fine. I'm more than happy to debate my opinion which is largely based on fact.


As I was at the Council Meeting and therefire git caught up in the emotion of it all so can understand the reaction at the time perhaps. I don't agree with their outburst (leaving the fans on a limb) but at the end of the day, my concern was for the future of The Club. Instead of moaning, I did something about it and tried to see what I could do to help. In the light of day though, they did the right thing. They stayed and fought and in the end, maybe their "threats" helped to overturn the decision.


Again, I didn't agree with their outburst over Porter but since then, despite it hitting them personally in the pocket, they have continued to invest increasing amounts of money into the playing side of things.


You clearly think they are simply here to make money out of the land. So far, they have invested over £11m and are losing a further £750k per Year. The land with Planning Permission may be worth £18m but don't forget, there are Covenants in place to ensure that football has to be played on the Site. So in 5 or 6 years time when all the development is done (hopefully), they may just about break even.


Now for a 10 year investment, if all they were interested in was a return, then there are far more stable and profitable ventures into which they could have sunk their capital.


I'm sure you will trot out the "they are businessmen and so all they are interested in is making money" line. Doesn't apply to football I'm afraid unless you own Man United or Arsenal. The following are all highly successful businessmen but they will never get back what they have put into their Clubs - and they never expected to:- Steve Gibson; John Majewski; Roman Abramovich; Thaksin Shinawatra; Jack Walker; Dave Whelan; Eggert Magnusson; David Gold; David Sullivan; Mohammed Al Fayed; Bernie Eccleston; Fabio Briatore; John Ryan; Simon Jordan and I could go on and on but hopefully I have made my point.


Someone succesful in business was once asked how you created a successful small football team. Their answer? Start with a large one. Regardless of what you may think the land is worth, you do not get involved with a football club to make money. It just doesn't happen. There is too much emotion and fans won't be taken for a ride. Look at the problems Gillett and Hicks are having at Liverpool and of course The Glazers at United.


Since they took over, TTA have always said that owning a football team was their ambition. If you like, they bought Oldham because they could afford to and it fulfilled their ambition. It didn't fulfil their dreams though as they want to grow the Club and make it financial stable. To do that, they need to make the Stadium earn its keep and that is why the Planning meeting was so important. If they were true Property Developers, then they would not have made such naive mistakes and would already be well advanced in seeing the place knocked down.


If you want to believe that their motives are machiavellian, then fair enough. But please expect to be called to task for your opinions and quit the "lemmings" insult.

fair post althoigh you seem to have convieniently ignored the insults from derek to me in your post,is he being 'warned' as well?

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look,read my last post about tta and ask yourself did they give a hoot about the average latics fans feelings when they threatened to pull the plug TWICE b/c they wernt getting their own way....think about it man

Listen, if you support Latics, which you claim to, you, and every one us, have an awful lot to thank TTA for.


It is bang out of order to start throwing around accusations over what their motivation for taking over Latics is/was. They have given people no reason to believe that their intentions are anything but good and if I were them, I'd be insulted by comments like yours.

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and tv props/shirt sales/general merchandise...


nighty night


Other than TV money none of that counts.


The FA and two competing clubs split gate receipts and media cash only.


Can't really see Chelsea turning round to Nike and saying something along the lines of 'We sold a thousand shirts today but we are only paying you for four hundred because we had to split the gate money'. Can you?


Way to go Einstein, you views just become more and more folly filled.





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Other than TV money none of that counts.


The FA and two competing clubs split gate receipts and media cash only.


Can't really see Chelsea turning round to Nike and saying something along the lines of 'We sold a thousand shirts today but we are only paying you for four hundred because we had to split the gate money'. Can you?


Way to go Einstein, you views just become more and more folly filled.





righto,so the extra money they get from the 'gloty hunters' buying shirts scarves hats wont count then eh derek,yep ok whatever.


and what the hell has chelsea and nike got to do with it???LOL


hudds will make afortune from merchandise gate recpeits tv coverage ALL CONNECTED to the fact that they are in the 5th round so why on earth(not that you are on it) are you bringing up nike,WTF?????

seein as you are so keen to give me abuse and the mods seem happy to let it go i'll have some of that you are smoking.


stop digging derek,the hole is big enough

Edited by jerzybalowski
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It is a good job you never used JKL then!





derek,i'll do it like this so its easier to digest!!

hudds will make a million imo because of..

1 merchandise sales

2 gate recipts

3 tv coverage

ALL A DIRECT RESULT OF BEING IN THE 5TH ROUND,there is that better??????????????????????????????????????

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righto,so the extra money they get from the 'gloty hunters' buying shirts scarves hats wont count then eh derek,yep ok whatever.


and what the hell has chelsea and nike got to do with it???LOL


hudds will make afortune from merchandise gate recpeits tv coverage ALL CONNECTED to the fact that they are in the 5th round so why on earth(not that you are on it) are you bringing up nike,WTF?????

seein as you are so keen to give me abuse and the mods seem happy to let it go i'll have some of that you are smoking.


stop digging derek,the hole is big enough


Are you out to :censored: everybody off, because with posts like that you so will do.

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Jerzy - are you going to tell me what you are on about?

If you want to believe that their motives are machiavellian, then fair enough. But please expect to be called to task for your opinions and quit the "lemmings" insult.

your words,


have you taken derek to task for his insults(read his posts pls)



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Jerzy - are you going to tell me what you are on about?


Don't hold your breath IC. I'm still waiting for an answer on


"Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem? "

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Don't hold your breath IC. I'm still waiting for an answer on


"Of course they are in it for the land deal, but if they can provide us with a state of the art football stadium and a club which is primarily self financing as part of that deal, then what is the problem? "

christ this isnt a phone-in sorry i have other things going on you know.

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chris moore was a **** and if i saw him in the street i'd be letting him know.

my issue is that i do not trust the owners as my opinion is that they are only interested in the land(and their disgraceful antics after porter/and the initial council rejection threatening to oull the plug have been conviniently forgotton by the majority it seems)

i have not said we should be signing players we cannot afford have i? the players are stupidly overpaid.



Anyone who is in business have at one time or other thought about pulling the plug because things are not going right at the time. I know I have and still do.


Just because they say it doesn't mean they will.

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