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What about the Roughyeds?

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Don't be such a clown. It's a relevant point.


People have been sneering at the rugby even as our own club slides towards a similar fate.


What do you call a cross between an ostrich and a donkey? A typical Latics fan.

Wondered what you looked like!

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Don't be such a clown. It's a relevant point.


People have been sneering at the rugby even as our own club slides towards a similar fate.


What do you call a cross between an ostrich and a donkey? A typical Latics fan.

Speak for yourself Corporal Cojones...

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i think once this quinn guy leaves the club will fold anyway,christ only 800 turned up on sunday,whats the point


the same can be said about some of our attendancies last season, whats the point?


its probably one of the better turn outs for the division they are in

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christ only 800 turned up on sunday


i think thats the point, is it worthwhile a club like roughyeds paying latics to open up a 12000 seat stadium when it won't even be a quarter full...i think it's more reasonable to expect them to relocate to a semi-pro club ground (who are desperate for money and in comparison to BP dont have as good a playing surface)....either Chaddy or Oldham Town would be fine. Failing that, a ground share with Oldham RUFC at Bardsley might work.

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Thread hijack warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interesting you say hijacking a thread.

Corp has posted over 2,200 times.

How many of those posts do you think he has started a topic, and how many are psoting a reply to someone elses.

Don't look , take a guess.

Edited by singe
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Don't call me a clown, you don't know me and you certainly are unaware what type of Latics fan I am.

You have been spreading your pessimistic view for 30 pages on another thread.


Just what is your problem?


Latics are once again trying to provide a better matchday experience for their supporters and still you are not happy.




Don't behave like a clown then, by trying to pre-empt debate by posting childish reamarks like 'thread hijack alert.'


Follow the argument, there's a good lad. Then you'd see that my only objection is not to the move but to the drastic downscaling of the BP redevelopment project. You know-the kind of thing we were for a long time lead to believe we were going to have?

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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Come on you lot as an "egg-chasing" league fan first and then a tics fan don't you lot think it would be more of an advantage to the club to help out the rugby as a jesture to try and aid the roughyeds to get themselves their own stadium and get latics some good press to stop all the ..."i don't like change brigade"whinging about anything that might help promote the latics ...help out the town and stop whinging!!! We're all here in the crap together we should be sticking together!!....ok enough of the hippy moment....you get the idea

TM :grin:

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Don't behave like a clown then, by trying to pre-empt debate by posting childish reamarks like 'thread hijack alert.'


Follow the argument, there's a good lad. Then you'd see that my only objection is not to the move but to the drastic downscaling of the BP redevelopment project. You know-the kind of thing we were for a long time lead to believe we were going to have?



Basically Corp, his problem is that you're bringing the exact same debate to every single topic you post in. This is a topic about what will happen to Oldham RUFC regarding the new stadium, it is not about what you think of the stadium, what you think about the current condition of OAFC or anything else for that matter, it is about what will happen to Oldham RUFC regarding the new stadium.

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The irony that some of the same people who criticise people of Oldham for not giving their backing to Latics are the same ones who love to have a go at the Roughyeds is clearly lost on them.


We should all remember that Oldham Rugby were well and truely shafted by Oldham council when Sheddings was sold. I remember the promises that were made to them about a new ground, yet as soon as Sheddings was demolished, they were left in the cold to become nomads.


This is why it is crucial that we do not leave Boundary Park until a new ground is at least well under construction.

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What's that got to do with anything?

It is entirely possible you are a sniper, or agitator, or someone who is set up to try and cause arguments.

I put it that your modus oeprandi is to simply shooting down other peoples view points, o rtake a contrary stance.

You have a track record of not propsing any solutions of your own, and none that do notith an infinite pot of money to spend.


The answer is 3.

So 3 topics stared, out of 2,200 posts suggests you are not at the forefront of problem solving , jsut bashing others


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What are the arrangements we are coming to with Dynamos? Will this impact on the amount of use we want the pitch to have, when you add reserves, and probably City's reserves in the long run?


Add to this, what is the impact on the crowds since the change in the structure meaning that no team of Roughyeds stature can ever do anything in the game ever again? I could see teams like them/Hornets dying on their feet within a couple of seasons. To them there would be no point in tossing more money away for a big stadium outside of the centre of Oldham, rather than on a little stadium at lesser costs outside the centre of Oldham.


With the Council being involved, would it be our decision?

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It is entirely possible you are a sniper, or agitator, or someone who is set up to try and cause arguments.

I put it that your modus oeprandi is to simply shooting down other peoples view points, o rtake a contrary stance.

You have a track record of not propsing any solutions of your own, and none that do notith an infinite pot of money to spend.


The answer is 3.

So 3 topics stared, out of 2,200 posts suggests you are not at the forefront of problem solving , jsut bashing others



Hold on, I know what you are saying as it's like listening to James Blunt on repeat. But, I would guess the percentage of people on this board don't start the conversation as they just can't be arsed. It's easier to just go along and join in. So the topics one really isn't that relevant.

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Oh how blind these football fans are ............ League over this round ball game everytime for me.


I'd argue the case of the Yeds (as I have done many times) but realised most Latics fans a so blinkered on this issue.... this topic simple bores me.


But I will add that the pitch is always knackered before the Yeds step foot on it. It's about 4 years overdue replacing. if it was a decent pitch it won't see much damage done.


Wigan and Hull manage as they actually spend the required money on their pitches, Latics as usual spend as little as they can get away with. Rochdale's never looks that bad and shows that you don't have to be in the premiership to be able to have a decent pitch that used by the RL.

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You have a track record of not propsing any solutions of your own


I'll never understand this infatuation with offering solutions. People very often make observations without feeling the need to do so.

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The irony that some of the same people who criticise people of Oldham for not giving their backing to Latics are the same ones who love to have a go at the Roughyeds is clearly lost on them.


We should all remember that Oldham Rugby were well and truely shafted by Oldham council when Sheddings was sold. I remember the promises that were made to them about a new ground, yet as soon as Sheddings was demolished, they were left in the cold to become nomads.


This is why it is crucial that we do not leave Boundary Park until a new ground is at least well under construction.


That's my biggest fear, I mean look at the back end of '99 when they purchased BP, they gave us the rent holiday then wiped out the arrears we accrued later down the line, they immediately passed outline planning permission for several hundred dwellings on BP, it was only the arrival of Chris Moore that staved off that threat and they must have been rubbing their hands with glee when it all went tits up in 2003. Thankfully TTA came in and saw an opprtunity with the land and in that saw fit to re-purchase the ground too. The council though would like nothing better to get their grubby mits back on the land (if other agencies don't get there first) and that's the bit that sits uncomfortably with me. It needs confirming that any ground must be built whilst we remain at BP, i'm glad we are steam-rollering this through as there are local elections again next year and that has top be a worry as no matter what the politicians say, they will pander to the minority - Sportspark 2000 and The Oldham Arena for example. And my biggest worry is that this still may go tits up and leave us homeless if we're forced to move in with Rochdale. There's still many questions to be answered.


Oh and I feel it only fair if the council are actively involved in the part funding this new 'Community' stadium then the roughyeds should be allowed to play there. Yes a lot of their fans are bitter and twisted towards OAFC but the club are part of the heritage of the town. New dual use facilities may see their crowds rise, one of the reasons I don't go that often any more (apart from Hamilton being a knob) is that Rugby at BP is still strange and alien. Give them a permanent home in the new stadium and people may well be able to identify with their local RL team again.

Edited by oafcprozac
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Oh and I feel it only fair if the council are activelly involved in part funding ythis new 'Community' stadium then the roughyeds should be allowed to play there.


If the council are involved in any of the funding .. I expect that it'll be a joint use stadium

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i think thats the point, is it worthwhile a club like roughyeds paying latics to open up a 12000 seat stadium when it won't even be a quarter full...i think it's more reasonable to expect them to relocate to a semi-pro club ground (who are desperate for money and in comparison to BP dont have as good a playing surface)....either Chaddy or Oldham Town would be fine. Failing that, a ground share with Oldham RUFC at Bardsley might work.




Have you seen those grounds? You still need to have a safety certificate to hold Rugby matches you know. If the grounds were up to the standard needed they would have gone a long time ago.


They won't be moving to Chadderton FC, only using it as a training base (if the deal goes ahead, which now looks unlikely), the ground is on public property which means the gates have to be left open at all times .




I'm actually tied of dispelling this 'RUGBY RUINS THE PITCH' nonsense.

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It's all gone tits up for us(Roughyeds) at the minute anyway. Bill Quinn is fed up and pulling all his money out, no thanks to Chris Hamilton leaving him in the dark over a decision he made. I don't think the Chaddy deal ever went through, personally i wouldn't be too bothered if Oldham RL moved to the stadium in Tameside, we're used to playing out of town anyway and it's a decent little ground for Rugby.

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I'm actually tied of dispelling this 'RUGBY RUINS THE PITCH' nonsense.

It's not so much that it's rugby, it could be another football team or lacrosse or whatever. It's the over use of the pitch that is the problem, there is no recovery time if it's in constant use. If possible we should try to reserve the pitch for Oldham Athletic first team games only; worse case scenario only the ressies on there in addition.

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It's all gone tits up for us(Roughyeds) at the minute anyway. Bill Quinn is fed up and pulling all his money out, no thanks to Chris Hamilton leaving him in the dark over a decision he made. I don't think the Chaddy deal ever went through, personally i wouldn't be too bothered if Oldham RL moved to the stadium in Tameside, we're used to playing out of town anyway and it's a decent little ground for Rugby.


Dont quote me on this but my dad told me the other day that Hamilton has now pulled out of the rugby club and that Quinn is free to run the club, though i may be wrong!

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