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Boycott next home game

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It will be a terrible, dull game against Carlisle. We should boycott it. Penney and the owners need to go before they ruin Oldham Athletic.


We are losing our famous stadium and reputation. We will be playing in a souless stadium in the bottom division unless we galvanise ourselves.


I am arranging the official boycott group. All who are with me, please make yourselves known.


I have sent emails to the club telling them of our intentions already.







One little fishy for his basket


Two little fishys for his basket


Three little fishys for his basket....

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It will be a terrible, dull game against Carlisle. We should boycott it. Penney and the owners need to go before they ruin Oldham Athletic.


We are losing our famous stadium and reputation. We will be playing in a souless stadium in the bottom division unless we galvanise ourselves.


I am arranging the official boycott group. All who are with me, please make yourselves known.


I have sent emails to the club telling them of our intentions already.



ur a bellend

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96 people voted no against 83 who said yes. That really is speaking for the majority of board members.



No it isn't. Only the people with an issue with it will vote. Hence it is likely to be very skewed in favour of those who are against it.


(Chapter 1, Big book of all you need to know about non-response bias)

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beckfordsrightfoot you are a complete wank--r go and support someone else you are not wanted at oldham.and that goes for anybody else that feels that way.We are better off without people like you.


I'm unsure. Are there two letters between wank and r? Doesn't it defeat the purpose if you still stick the whole swear word in as well? I stick with the principal that so long as you have the first and last letters the same all the rest can be in easily read in a random order. But maybe that is a load of fkiuncg boocllks.

Edited by OldhamSheridan
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twha eht cfuknig elhl are uyo on tabuo? Shatt mocpleet loblocks.


Now that's mixing them all up and takes a little working out.


However you can just read this at normal pace:


Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


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Now that's mixing them all up and takes a little working out.


However you can just read this at normal pace:


Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.




tit 4 tat



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It will be a terrible, dull game against Carlisle. We should boycott it. Penney and the owners need to go before they ruin Oldham Athletic.


We are losing our famous stadium and reputation. We will be playing in a souless stadium in the bottom division unless we galvanise ourselves.


I am arranging the official boycott group. All who are with me, please make yourselves known.


I have sent emails to the club telling them of our intentions already.

battle of the useless oldham v carlisle. you dont need to organise a boycott because people are voting :with their feet, with a very few exceptions the only folk who go now are the season ticket holders. :wink:

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:thumbsdown::sign0003: sorry anyone who plan to boycott latics ,carn't call them a latics fan ever ,theres me dying to watch latics at boundary park, and theres a big :censored: like you wanting to boycott them , why don't you :censored: down to watch utd or city ,there full of pricks you will fit it there.


Another exellent post by a forum member, restores my faith in human nature

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Like HD, I want to meet BRF just out of interest in a style of Louis Theroux meets kinda set up.


I mean for somebody to employ a type of ‘Blast Fishing’ on this board with his outlandish comments and drivel yet still drag it out for as long as he has if indeed that is the case, then that there folks is some serious kind of Child Trauma.


What I mean by that is he must have been without a cuddle or affection for so many years and perhaps his only source of physical contact in a loving way will have been the horrendous chaddy owl mascot we used to have shaking his hand on match days at BP?


That’s scenario one done, scenario Two is that BRF Honestly believes in the tripe he posts and is wholeheartedly sure that boycotting the club, which in turn will deny them the vital income we need to survive, is the best way to demonstrate his views and will significantly contribute to the greater good of the club?


If it is Scenario two then that’s his view and I will gladly listen to him explain after the game in the boozer with the others that want too witness this phenomenon.

After all there isn’t enough comedy on TV on Saturday evenings anymore anyway.




BRF It is however unfortunate that the abbreviation of your on screen pseudonym sounds like a fart phonetically…….for that I am sure doesn’t represent you or your character in any way.




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It will be a terrible, dull game against Carlisle. We should boycott it. Penney and the owners need to go before they ruin Oldham Athletic.


We are losing our famous stadium and reputation. We will be playing in a souless stadium in the bottom division unless we galvanise ourselves.


I am arranging the official boycott group. All who are with me, please make yourselves known.


I have sent emails to the club telling them of our intentions already.


Are you a joke?>> :shock:

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It will be a terrible, dull game against Carlisle. We should boycott it. Penney and the owners need to go before they ruin Oldham Athletic.


We are losing our famous stadium and reputation. We will be playing in a souless stadium in the bottom division unless we galvanise ourselves.


I am arranging the official boycott group. All who are with me, please make yourselves known.


I have sent emails to the club telling them of our intentions already.


Good idea, why dont you boycott the whole season

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Now that's mixing them all up and takes a little working out.


However you can just read this at normal pace:


Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


Deep joy!

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Hi Guys! I am new to the board but have been goin Latics for around 15 years now! I agree that we need to make some short of effort to have Penny removed before its too late! I dont agree wiv boycotting cos the club needs our money but maybe we should stand with our backs to the game in our next home game

I bet the ponds and rivers of Oldham are very quiet at the moment, with the amount of fishermen currently on here!

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Thats a good idea FCUnitedOfOldham (Even though I reckon your name is taking the mick out of my idea last week).


Maybe boycotting the game is too much. I'm gonna change my petition to "standing with backs to the pitch". I'm getting everyones name who posts on the thread and adding their names to the emails I send the club.

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Question for the mods .... Are multiple logons a banning offence? :wink:

am not here to argue I can understand people thinking its an over reaction but I dont agree!! backs to the game campain should be done surley someone has the power too do this? and I ant registered twice as someone has sed I fail to see wat u mean! simply check my IP adderess END OF

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Hi Guys! I am new to the board but have been goin Latics for around 15 years now! I agree that we need to make some short of effort to have Penny removed before its too late! I dont agree wiv boycotting cos the club needs our money but maybe we should stand with our backs to the game in our next home game

This has to be a wind up right?

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