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£2 adults vs Exeter; £1 kids

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I love the knee jerk employment of this marketing guy off the back of complaints on here. The whole point was that this should of happened about five years ago to be frank. We now need to fix what's wrong, then try to bring back the fans.


I think it's a little harsh to criticise TTA when they have clearly listened to fans and tried to ammend a mistake. You're right the marketing side should never have been neglected up to this point, but at least they have listened to fans concerns and done something about it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


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I think it's a little harsh to criticise TTA when they have clearly listened to fans and tried to ammend a mistake. You're right the marketing side should never have been neglected up to this point, but at least they have listened to fans concerns and done something about it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I fully think OAFC need a marketing guy...


It is totally fair to say in the same breath though its five years too late AND you need to fix the product first.


Microsoft for all there $$$s could not push the lemon that was Vista...

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I think it's a little harsh to criticise TTA when they have clearly listened to fans and tried to ammend a mistake. You're right the marketing side should never have been neglected up to this point, but at least they have listened to fans concerns and done something about it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


it took the fans to moan about it for them to realise!!!

4 bloody years of nothing!



edit...my eyes are going!

Edited by johnny punkster
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I still don't think marketing is at all important to a football club. If your team's flying the media and word of mouth 'markets' that for you and you sell out. If DP's your manager nobody wants to pay £20 to come and watch regardless of how many adverts you put in the local rag. I think 3.2k home fans for a league fixture against LEEDS UNITED illustrates my point. Where do Man U advertise/market? :unsure:


The only thing worth marketing is a promotion and that doesn't need a specialist employee.

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I fully think OAFC need a marketing guy...


It is totally fair to say in the same breath though its five years too late AND you need to fix the product first.


Microsoft for all there $$$s could not push the lemon that was Vista...


I agree it was far too late an dso much ground has been lost as a result, but I don't think we should be mocking the decision to bring someone in, it just seems a little like people want to have a pop regardless. They were criticized heavily (and rightly so, because the situation was ridiculous) about this subject but now they've done something about it (and probably not taken a cheap option either it should be said). BUt lets all carry on complaining and trying to find an angle to moan about it from. 'I can't believe they gave in to fan pressure, weak minded leaders', they've lost my respect.

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Not sure about a 3 game package as people would probably be unwilling to commit to a side languishing in 19th.


What could be an idea is saying that you can either use the voucher as £10 off in the club shop, or for a £10 ticket for Boxing Day.


Long and short of it is that regardless of 'getting people back', both Exeter and Tranmere are increasingly looking like big games in a fight against relegation, and the bigger the crowd to supports the players, the better.

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Not sure about a 3 game package as people would probably be unwilling to commit to a side languishing in 19th.


Your probably right... But if I was leaving the ground on Saturday after a 3-0 win over Exeter and the ticket office was open flogging a 3 for £30 deal. You can honestly say I would probably be tempted to go buy some.


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That's my fear, this could be the final nail for many floaters regarding this season. I've been dragging myself to games despite a heavy workload out of duty rather than enjoyment. It's all down to the players, we've had brief moments of joy against the dongs and Colchester, but this games importance is amplified so much by this deal. The players need to pull their fingers out and show some fight.


I think my interest will disappear come January, I'm going back to my PGCE so just won't have the time or energy to invest into watching :censored:e every week. It

got to that stage with away games last season with me taking trips gradually less often, I've been to one away game since March.


I had to bin the weekend in Norwich because of two unexpected bills last week (£700), meaning I could no longer justify the £4-500 for a family weekend away. My son has had to forfeit the chance of being mascot. I'm as gutted as him, but I do ask myself would I have loosened the purse strings a bit more if the team was doing better? I really don't know...although the wife wasn;t convinced it would do me any good anyway all that travelling and she was concerned over the expense of what was pretty much a jolly up.


Both the next two games are up in the air for me too. I've got my daughter all day on the day of the Exeter game as I've paid for mum to go and watch a show for her birthday, so I could just do something fun with her instead and Tranmere i'm wondering whether why I should leave a Boxing Day party for two hours of doom and gloom at Castle Greyskull!

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I still don't think marketing is at all important to a football club. If your team's flying the media and word of mouth 'markets' that for you and you sell out. If DP's your manager nobody wants to pay £20 to come and watch regardless of how many adverts you put in the local rag. I think 3.2k home fans for a league fixture against LEEDS UNITED illustrates my point. Where do Man U advertise/market? :unsure:


The only thing worth marketing is a promotion and that doesn't need a specialist employee.

Are you being serious?? You don't think Manure rely on marketing? It's how football clubs exist these days!

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Where do Man U advertise/market? :unsure:


they dont need to they get enough advertising curtesy of the lovein from match of the day sky the back pages of the national and local press/radio etc


we only get any coverage from the rarely wrong chron & the advertiser a small write up in the MEN and possibly a small box in the nationals on a sunday even when we were in the prem we got limited coverage outside of the chron .


so yes we DO need to advertise and market ourselves more we arent going to get it for free the way citeh & manure get blanket wall to wall coverage remember we have four prem teams with in half an hours drive to compete with


your given the choice of coming to sit in awindy draughty freezing cold three sided "stadium" for £20 and watch third division football or go and sit in the jjb or com stadium for £ 25 and watch top teams not rocket science is it the only way we are going to atract the floaters is if we advertise the fact that were offering cut price entry


will probarbly attend this game at bp for the first time since losing my job as i can afford to attend with my partner & two kids for less than half the normal cost of entry for myself only found this out through here so what chance has a floating/casual supporter got of finding it ?


suggestion for the advertising department find one of the advertising trailers and stick it on the bridge over the A627 at slattocks and advertise to thousands of potential customers every day

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Rubbish! It means we’ll never be able to quantify how many of the attendees are stay-aways turning up for the first time in ages in the sad lonely hope of seeing the American crumpet


:lol: That's what I was thinking. Won't this mess up their media studies dissertation (allegedly)...? :wink:

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your given the choice of coming to sit in awindy draughty freezing cold three sided "stadium" for £20 and watch third division football or go and sit in the jjb or com stadium for £ 25 and watch top teams not rocket science is it the only way we are going to atract the floaters is if we advertise the fact that were offering cut price entry


Slashing prices to increase sales does not constitute worthwhile marketing. Further, if what you say is valid (which it is) then what have we to market?


By their very nature, football clubs market themselves.

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they market big time in the far east.

they market every single new product they can sell...from football shirts to crisps.


they will market anything connected with making more profit (well they do have £700+ million debt to clear up!).


I've already conceded Asia.


Having lived in Oldham for near 26 years, I have never once noticed any form of Man Utd advertising or marketing.


I can understand the likes of Wigan doing it - they have a decent product and plenty of 'availability'. For the likes of us it's a waste of time, in my opinion. Clearly TTA agreed with me for 6 years until OWTB picked up its pitch fork and forced their hand.

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I've already conceded Asia.


Having lived in Oldham for near 26 years, I have never once noticed any form of Man Utd advertising or marketing.


I can understand the likes of Wigan doing it - they have a decent product and plenty of 'availability'. For the likes of us it's a waste of time, in my opinion. Clearly TTA agreed with me for 6 years until OWTB picked up its pitch fork and forced their hand.



i forgot that they are doing it big time in usa too now..

its the same market as barca, chelksi ac milan etc etc.


ive seen many ads in the MEN advertising tickets for games..usually the european fixture-obviously they don't need to market league game because they will invariably sell out...its the same as at barca-they don't need to market to el classico to the fans because when they go on sale,98,500 match tickets will sell out in 20 mins...but they have to market the games v. mallorca etc.


they also have to market themselves to the media-its not as straight forward as "well win everything and let the media come to us"...if they present the wrong image,the media will turn against them.

remember,they have a huge market share and they have to keep it sweet.the rest of the clubs are vying to take some of that share.


what latics marketing need to do is straight away look to all those who have not bought a season ticket over the years, contact them ,ask why and throw some sweetners in...by one match ticket get one free etc.

then they need to contact all those who bought tickets via the phone, internet, over the counter and offer them something too.

little seeds etc.


having said all that, the product on the pitch will need to improve 1000% or whatever marketing they do, it will fail miserably.

football is a results industry.no results,no custom.

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Sat 12th Dec vs Exeter City, KO 3PM, £2 Adults £1 Under 16/Over 65


Latics fans can celebrate Christmas early as the club will be offering vastly reduced admission prices for their last home game before the festive season gets under way.


It will cost adults just £2 and Under 16/Over 65's just £1 to gain admission to the game which takes place on Saturday the 12 December, plus all fans will receive a discount voucher, worth up to £10, to be used in the club shop.


Latics Sales & Marketing Manager Guy Walker said "We know how tough it is financially at the moment and with Christmas coming up the finances tend to get even more critical, so by offering these incredibly low admission prices we hope that the fans will appreciate our efforts and come along to support the team."

Article continues



Latics had a similar offer 2 years ago against Brighton and Northampton and the fans turned out in droves with 9,321 watching the Brighton game and 10,207 at the Northampton fixture.


"If we can get similar numbers for the Exeter game that we had 2 years ago that would be absolutely brilliant, the team have been struggling recently but if we can get the crowd behind them it can make all the difference" Guy said.


There is no need to purchase tickets in advance as fans just need to turn up and pay at the turnstiles on the day, with the exception of the Pentagon Vauxhall Main Stand Upper which remains reserved seating and these tickets can be purchased from the Ticket Office in advance at the same prices.

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I love the knee jerk employment of this marketing guy off the back of complaints on here. The whole point was that this should of happened about five years ago to be frank. We now need to fix what's wrong, then try to bring back the fans.


Correct............if they come for £2 it's seems like a bargain but if the team play as they have done for most of this season I would wager that very few if any will return when it's £20!!!!


These sort of offers should be happening when the team are playing well and up near the top..........it doesn't matter how cheap the tickets are if the entertainment is crap why would you consider coming back!!



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Exactly, and if the product on the pitch is right then the marketing takes care of itself.


I rest my case.



but the whole point here is to get people back to BP in the first place.

thats part 1 of the deal...part 2 is the team to do its part..part 3 is up to the customer to think about returning.


the club, by doing this, is starting the process.


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