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I do wonder if this promotion is an attempt to try and show potential buyers what an opportunity there is from investing in this football club.


"Look <insert name of rich Arbab>, we've got 8,000 who come out of the woodwork on a Tuesday night for a game against Carlisle. Think about the opportunuities that creates if you deceide to ...."


Barry, I understand and share your frustration. The football this season deserves an extra 2,000 on the gate. Unfortunately the two key acts of destruction - Lookers and Penney - one deliberate one unfortunate - have caused damamge that will take longer to repair.


But I do agree with "encouraging" people to come back to football is going to be more successful than "tests of support" and poorly worded lectures. While price is one factor, Latics charge a typical price for a league one side. If anything, slightly cheaper than most. But this sort of occasional promotion is an excellent way of trying to get people back on board. Perhaps a turnstile voucher for those paying for £2 tickets offering £5 off the next home game as well would be a good idea?

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Many debates have occurred on this and many sites about the real reason why gates have dropped at Boundary Park.


Last week I discussed the issues with a gang of Latics fans who lay claim to being true supporters of the club. Most had not visited this season stating that the money they had in their pockets could keep them boozing for most of the afternoon.Given the excellent venture driven by Martin Thomas it will be interesting to see if this will get them away from the bar.


I look on with interest.




You have this sad ability to read something into something that is'nt there. Just see the positives . The people I was talking to happen to be friends of mine who had been put off through the Penny days. No lecturing, no judging just a staight forward view to see if the admission may tempt them. See the positives in things Leeslover. You constantly look for trouble with selected people with your misguided thuoghts.




An interesting contradiction between your first two posts Barry - Probably summing up the fact that people who dont go will always find an excuse, whether that be the cost, or the fact that we had a useless pile of yorkshire poop in charge last season, or the pies are cold, or the lookers has been knocked down, or Man Yoo are on TV...


As has been said, its all gravy unless there is a decent product on the pitch. I always cringe when these things are announced because you can virtually guarantee the worst game of the season as a result. Lets just hope its a decent performance as that is the only thing that will ensure people come back.


.. and as has been said, this isnt some sort of high-horse competition. If it works, it works, if not, oh-well. Lets just hope it doesnt lead to another toys out of pram moment if no bugger chooses to turn up. I dont live in Oldham so I dont know - but I hope this is also being marketed properly. Shoving a couple of guilt trips on here and on the website isnt enough...

Edited by BigfinLatic
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An interesting contradiction between your first two posts Barry - Probably summing up the fact that people who dont go will always find an excuse, whether that be the cost, or the fact that we had a useless pile of yorkshire poop in charge last season, or the pies are cold, or the lookers has been knocked down, or Man Yoo are on TV...


As has been said, its all gravy unless there is a decent product on the pitch. I always cringe when these things are announced because you can virtually guarantee the worst game of the season as a result. Lets just hope its a decent performance as that is the only thing that will ensure people come back.


.. and as has been said, this isnt some sort of high-horse competition. If it works, it works, if not, oh-well. Lets just hope it doesnt lead to another toys out of pram moment if no bugger chooses to turn up. I dont live in Oldham so I dont know - but I hope this is also being marketed properly. Shoving a couple of guilt trips on here and on the website isnt enough...


I asked 5 people yesterday who no longer go, 2 ignored me, one said maybe, will see on the day, another said defo, one said depends if they're back from their weekend break, asked 2 of them why they no longer go and what would make them come back, Lookers Stand, and playing in this mook division/stadium, both said they'd come back if we got promoted and or got a new stadium, and these aren't 'part-timers' they'd been long term supporters until 2/3 seasons ago.

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I really cannot believe some people.......what's wrong with you? The club are trying to get some people inside the ground. They will know along with the rest of us that the vast majorirty who do come along purely to take advantage of the £2 entry will not come back the next game at £20. Nor will they be slightly interested to know they could actually get in for £18, likewise that their child could actually see every Latics match at home for just over £2 however, they are trying for god's sake. Just accept it for what it is.


Yes, it most likely will lose money just like every other cheap entry scheme as done previously except on this occasion Latics fan Martin has tried keeping that loss to a minimum by coming up with his plan of getting local business to put some money into the pot. We all know that success and promotion along with a real sense that this club can and is moving forward on the ground front is the only thing that will see the crowds return willingly on a regular basis but, come on lets try and give everyone a break. 3200 inside BP next Tuesday or 5500?



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Many debates have occurred on this and many sites about the real reason why gates have dropped at Boundary Park.


Given the £2 entry charge for the Carlisle game, it will be interesting to see if the claim that admission charges keep the gates low is indeed correct.


Last week I discussed the issues with a gang of Latics fans who lay claim to being true supporters of the club. Most had not visited this season stating that the money they had in their pockets could keep them boozing for most of the afternoon.


Given the excellent venture driven by Martin Thomas it will be interesting to see if this will get them away from the bar.


I look on with interest.




Ah good old diplomatic Barry. You really are wasted outside of the High Commission in Washington D.C. aren't you? If only President Mubarak had your negotiation skills, he'd have probably jacked up public sector wages in expectation of everyone going home...


More seriously, what do we expect to learn from this initiaitve? Do we have a view of what we expect the gate to be at £20? If so, we can learn what difference discounting by 90% adds. However, as usual, the price will then be £20 again next game and attendance will be back to normal.


If I can suggest something innovative here. Drop the price to £2. Increase the price by £2 for each match until the end of the season. That way the club will learn more about what the majority of fans are willing to pay for a match ticket rather than "it's really cheap, lots of people come. It's £20 not many people club. How do we solve this problem?" We've got the data points for this, we know that attendance will be up but we also know it will fall again.


If only we had history on our side. If only history wasnt there to ensure we make the same mistakes again...


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what a bunch of horrible t**sers latics fans can be, every post Barry posts is analysed to ridicule and have a go, WTF! feckin pack mentality, monkey see monkey do, BTW Barry is not my pal or chum, i am just a believer in right from wrong. and refuse to stand by while morons ave a pop for nothin.....i aint gonna argue on here about my comments so please dont reply to this,,,,instead if anyone has anything to say i prefer a good old fashioned face to face, to discuss any disagreements.........UNFKINBELIVABLE!

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Many debates have occurred on this and many sites about the real reason why gates have dropped at Boundary Park.


Given the £2 entry charge for the Carlisle game, it will be interesting to see if the claim that admission charges keep the gates low is indeed correct.


Last week I discussed the issues with a gang of Latics fans who lay claim to being true supporters of the club. Most had not visited this season stating that the money they had in their pockets could keep them boozing for most of the afternoon.Given the excellent venture driven by Martin Thomas it will be interesting to see if this will get them away from the bar.


I look on with interest.




As much as I support you in principle, you need to get away from this idea that its boozers who are not coming along. It's also families and kids and wives and daughters who are not coming along. This 'blame' stuff is complete rubbish and will only serve to turn people off.

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I really cannot believe some people.......what's wrong with you? The club are trying to get some people inside the ground. They will know along with the rest of us that the vast majorirty who do come along purely to take advantage of the £2 entry will not come back the next game at £20. Nor will they be slightly interested to know they could actually get in for £18, likewise that their child could actually see every Latics match at home for just over £2 however, they are trying for god's sake. Just accept it for what it is.


Yes, it most likely will lose money just like every other cheap entry scheme as done previously except on this occasion Latics fan Martin has tried keeping that loss to a minimum by coming up with his plan of getting local business to put some money into the pot. We all know that success and promotion along with a real sense that this club can and is moving forward on the ground front is the only thing that will see the crowds return willingly on a regular basis but, come on lets try and give everyone a break. 3200 inside BP next Tuesday or 5500?


whose said they're not all for it???


the club wants to get more bums on seats, hopefully attract more fans for the next game at full price and, yes, to gauge what our potential support now is.


unfortunately, Barry seems to want to use this great idea as a stick to beat people with.

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what a bunch of horrible t**sers latics fans can be, every post Barry posts is analysed to ridicule and have a go, WTF! feckin pack mentality, monkey see monkey do, BTW Barry is not my pal or chum, i am just a believer in right from wrong. and refuse to stand by while morons ave a pop for nothin.....i aint gonna argue on here about my comments so please dont reply to this,,,,instead if anyone has anything to say i prefer a good old fashioned face to face, to discuss any disagreements.........UNFKINBELIVABLE!

I've managed people. There is an art to motivating them. There is a fine line between motivating and demotivating people.


The wrong word said (or typed) in the wrong way at the wrong time can have unintended consequences - when you're trying to rally the troops, you will struggle if they feel you are having a dig at them.


It doesn't matter how well intentioned the message is, when it comes to the paying public they have to feel they are valued as individuals, or have something genuinely new to take an interest in, to return to buying a product that they have ceased to need.


Based on some of his previous posts, it's not Barry's strong point.


The message to all is:


"Get down to BP next Tuesday. The football's been good this season. Promotion is a possibility and your support can help. It's only £2 to get in so please change your routine and make Tuesday night Latics night."


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And a poor guage at that. Latics12345 and others make a valid point that fans are not going to return on the basis of this gesture alone (to avoid any confusion and heated replies - I support the offer), or indeed as a one-off event. This outlook on local football in Oldham area is now so ingrained into the community that is going to need success after success after success on the pitch, and that is something that nobody can offer or promise; even in this current seasons efforts.


but it will give them an idea of the potential support if that success did happen


(i struggled with guage, gauge, gague aswell)

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And a poor guage at that. Latics12345 and others make a valid point that fans are not going to return on the basis of this gesture alone (to avoid any confusion and heated replies - I support the offer), or indeed as a one-off event. This outlook on local football in Oldham area is now so ingrained into the community that is going to need success after success after success on the pitch, and that is something that nobody can offer or promise; even in this current seasons efforts.

It is interesting this.

I do agree that one of price is not going to get them flocking back, has never worked.

But conversely, relative success on the pitch is not working either.

Attractive football isn;t either.

That only leaves a nice stadium, and I am really astounded they go becasue it's a nice envirnmoment.


It must be something else or a combination.

It must be the building up of attendaces, success and creating a banter atmosphere.

I do think we must build on the Carlisle offer, adn hopefully an offer for the Tranmere game, might get a few more into the habit. A sustained push.

And more proper research into the crowds, maybe some college or Uni students could do a project , and talking to those that'd don't normall go to what would entice them back.

Edited by singe
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I do agree that one of price is not going to get them flocking back, has never worked.

But conversely, relative success on the pitch is not working either.

Attractive football isn;t either.

Leeslover has often made the point "Give out the cheapo tickets when the side is playing well. Not when the football is poor and we're playing <insert poor quality southern team name>".


He has a point.

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i prefer a good old fashioned face to face, to discuss any disagreements


Of course you do, Jacko, because you're a big lad and depend on the intimidatory factor to get your point across. The real test for anyone is whether they can put forward a reasoned debate on a messageboard without resorting to name-calling/veiled threats/'hostile takeover'.

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Just hope they put on a performance, to get the floaters back, i'm trying to bring 3 of my nephews to the game, they're asian, so there parents are worried about them attending a football match, although i've reassured the parents, they have an image it's full of hooligans.

I have an Asian mate who is a now lapsed Latics fan (baby on the way / new job etc) but for this promotion; i'm into his ribs to come back to BP for the £2 offer. For people like my mate; who have had to ‘lose’ Latics from their social events / leisure pastimes for financial reasons; this £2 promotion is surely the 1 game they can make?


As for the ‘full of Hooligans’ you allude to; it’s not been an issue at BP at all since he (my Asian mate) started to come watching in 2002; but we did run into some ‘scenes from the 70’s’ moments at Hull away & Colchester away a few years ago; which wasn’t pretty TBH. You should have no problems on Tuesday night from my experiences of home games at BP; so hopefully that allays your / parents fears..........


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I am not sure I see all this negativity on this thread.

There's nothing wrong with a good healthy debate, and looking at protraying the club in the best light.

Besides I see this more of a workplace gathering, and this is the team discussing how we project to the wider world, not many of the lapsed fans will be here.

BEsides, have you seen the chron website, that is much more worrying if its the impression being created to the wider public.


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I am not sure I see all this negativity on this thread.

There's nothing wrong with a good healthy debate, and looking at protraying the club in the best light.

Besides I see this more of a workplace gathering, and this is the team discussing how we project to the wider world, not many of the lapsed fans will be here.

BEsides, have you seen the chron website, that is much more worrying if its the impression being created to the wider public.

Well it's in the eye of the beholder but I see it as almost wholly negative - not unlike a lot of other threads and, I suppose, not unlike the general atmosphere in the ground which tends to be one of moaning and criticism.


The internet breeds moaning - it has precious little impact which encourages people to get up off their aris and actually do something. I strongly suspect that a lot of people who post things that they may think be helpful believe that it is job done and that everything aftewards happens by magic.

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I'm not sure I agree either. I am completely behind the effort, however I (and others) are questioning the reasoning, the timing, and ultimately the impact it will have. I doubt there's a Latics fan alive that doesn't want the best for Latics, and making sure we make the right decisions, or at least checking against the authority who make them, can only be good for the club. After all, the club have form of repeatedly making bad ones in the past.


I sincerely hope that knocking the price down to £2 for a :censored:-all game in Feb will have a positive impact.

Season ticket holders plus 400 people pay £20 brings in 3,000ish crowd = £8,000.


IF 4,000 turn up and pay £2 each you get a 6,600ish crowd and £8,000.


There is a break even possibility here!



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Everyone who normally goes will be there and saving £18.


I've just asked two guys at work who used to go:


"You coming to the Carlisle game for £2? We're playing really well, some nice football."

"I hadn't heard about that, yeah I might actually. When is it?!

"Next Tuesday"

"Nah, not during the week."


I think a real 'experiment' would have been on a Saturday. Just my opinion like.

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Just hope they put on a performance, to get the floaters back, i'm trying to bring 3 of my nephews to the game, they're asian, so there parents are worried about them attending a football match, although i've reassured the parents, they have an image it's full of hooligans.


Then please come and sit next to me and my three nephews in the RRE. All three are under 10 and I always bring munchies. I can't say I will be on my best behaviour, but being a lady, I will try :grin:

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Well it's in the eye of the beholder but I see it as almost wholly negative - not unlike a lot of other threads and, I suppose, not unlike the general atmosphere in the ground which tends to be one of moaning and criticism.


The internet breeds moaning - it has precious little impact which encourages people to get up off their aris and actually do something. I strongly suspect that a lot of people who post things that they may think be helpful believe that it is job done and that everything aftewards happens by magic.

I think I am looking at this as slightly differently, I take it as read that we all have many similar aims and aspirations for Latics, just different ways of exprssing it. In Barry's case he has my respect for doing something.

However, I was looking at it from a "real test of support" standpoint. and the starting point of that marketing push of Barry's post.

The internet can be really powerful, a case in point is the protest march pretty much organised on OWTB.

Also eden ds has got the posters out, on the back of a comment by Leyland Latic on this site.

For all we know, those posters could have a huge impact on getting the attendance up. Maybe something that could be looked at.

My point being we don't really know, its not very measured, and any marketing should be able to, to a degree.


I actually think there could be quite a good attendance, but sometimes I am way too optimistic on these things.


We can certainly compare the crowd to:


2010 Mar 9 H Orient 3,126

2009 Feb 24 H Bristol R 3,745

2008 Jan 29 H Carlisle 4,701


2008 Feb 26 H Swindon 3923

2007 Forest at home in FEb might not be comparable but it was 5,584

2006 Mar 15 H Brentford 4,291 might not be fair, as that is after the Feb pay day.


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