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Coal Board Grants

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Speaking to someone today and they reckon the Coal Board have a pot of £38m to regenerate former colliery, slag heap areas etc - apparently the Coal Pit Lane site qualifies, has this been looked at in enough detail. I think people need to realise when they say ' no stone has been unturned', the fans will ensure that…they really have done that….

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Speaking to someone today and they reckon the Coal Board have a pot of £38m to regenerate former colliery, slag heap areas etc - apparently the Coal Pit Lane site qualifies, has this been looked at in enough detail. I think people need to realise when they say ' no stone has been unturned', the fans will ensure that…they really have done that….

Anyone know if Barry has an email address? Or one he checks? Or would Hardy be a better contact? Maybe Barry could confirm whether certain possibilities named on here (eg, this one) have actually been looked at. I see no reason why we can't put these ideas to the club, and expect them to be seriously explored!

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Anyone know if Barry has an email address? Or one he checks? Or would Hardy be a better contact? Maybe Barry could confirm whether certain possibilities named on here (eg, this one) have actually been looked at. I see no reason why we can't put these ideas to the club, and expect them to be seriously explored!


And my question re: Government/LA loans…lottery regeneration grants are a possibility too….

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Speaking to someone today and they reckon the Coal Board have a pot of £38m to regenerate former colliery, slag heap areas etc - apparently the Coal Pit Lane site qualifies, has this been looked at in enough detail. I think people need to realise when they say ' no stone has been unturned', the fans will ensure that…they really have done that….

thats interesting....

was there actually a mine there years ago....reason is if so,then maybe it cant be built on because foundations would have to be massive if mine shafts are there etc etc...


nice idea though and obviously worth a look at id say

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And my question re: Government/LA loans…lottery regeneration grants are a possibility too….

I do feel like a lot of questions / proposals have been put forward on here over the last week or so, that have not been addressed / answered - not blaming anyone for this - just wonder if they may have been missed by anyone with any powers that be.

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I do feel like a lot of questions / proposals have been put forward on here over the last week or so, that have not been addressed / answered - not blaming anyone for this - just wonder if they may have been missed by anyone with any powers that be.

im sure prozac being the kind of guy he is has made these points to the relevant person/s in either a pm pr email communication....so i would imagine answers will be forthcoming once these have been looked into....

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It's an interesting idea, but experience of the last decade is telling me that applying for funding from a new body and fresh planning permission and... is not going to see us in a new ground any time soon. If Failsworth isn't happening then we still need to face up to the idea that it could be 5, 6, 10 years somewhere else. Personally I hope Failsworth does happen but lets be realistic that even a fantastic new site and funding will take a long time to get running, with no guarantees that it will succeed.

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I do feel like a lot of questions / proposals have been put forward on here over the last week or so, that have not been addressed / answered - not blaming anyone for this - just wonder if they may have been missed by anyone with any powers that be.


There might be issues and stipulations re: not for profit? Obviously a Community Stadium like Leigh Sports Village would come under the criteria. I'm not sure a 30 acre site of 24/7 commercial facilities making :censored: loads of wonga would? :wink:

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There might be issues and stipulations re: not for profit? Obviously a Community Stadium like Leigh Sports Village would come under the criteria. I'm not sure a 30 acre site of 24/7 commercial facilities making :censored: loads of wonga would? :wink:

I'd guess they would also be keener to spend it on regenerating the mine towns that Mrs Thatcher wisely/evily (delete as perferred) shut down in the 1980s rather than supporting somewhere just because it had an ancient coal mine under it! But better to explore every avenue rather than accept the worst at every sign of trouble.

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I'm sure they (owners) said Coal Pit Lane was second choice to Failsworth - because it needed decontaminating and that would add cost to the project.


If the council would commit to paying those costs (instead of costing everybody money in a legal battle) and any new development won't slide down a huge pit, then perhaps there is potential?


But LL's point re timescales is, I'm afraid, painfully accurate.

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I agree BUT one simple fact they havent got the money.

And usually I would have to say it's the developer's bill to pay.


But the council could well have a legal liaibility to our owners for the piss poor way they've handled things - so they could fight in court, lose, and pay up; or cut out the legal bills.


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It's "green belt" land according to the anti tip facebook page.

Doesn't that make it a non starter.

There is a legally defined "Green Belt" and there is the tern loosley defined. It will be in the local plan. (I will try and look.

However, in the definition on the communities website:

The use of land in Green Belts

1.6 Once Green Belts have been defined, the use of land in them has a positive role to play in

fulfilling the following objectives:

to provide opportunities for access to the open countryside for the urban population;

to provide opportunities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation near urban areas;

to retain attractive landscapes, and enhance landscapes, near to where people live;

to improve damaged and derelict land around towns;

to secure nature conservation interest; and

to retain land in agricultural, forestry and related uses.


Clearly some hope there,but plenty of blocks, but I don't know it.

Edit, is it farmed, are the tatty buildings you see farm?

It then depends on the grade of farmland that has to a certain extent.

However, it does look like it would be classified as land that seperates Oldham and AShton.

One would assume there would be a lot of environemental capmapigning, and as time is of the essence, and the Council's attititude of not wante=ing to be seen to bend over backwards, it would have to be down the list I would ave thought. Another era it might have been a possibility.

Edited by singe
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Nice thought but they are unlikely to provide funding due to

a) the amount we would require

B) their stipulation that "the activity will not result in personal/private benefit"




Who cannot apply for funding


The following are not eligible to receive support:

• Individuals.

• Private businesses.

• Organisations that we believe are in a poor financial position or whose

financial management systems are not in good order. We will base our

opinion on an organisation’s financial position and management systems, an

analysis of their accounts, other management information and interviews with

the organisation itself.





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To answer to points raised in this thread from actual historical evidence.


Limehurst estate (situated on the left had side of Oldham Road after Bardsley brew, Waterloo, Ashton. This land was a former pit and green belt land. I can even recall the old mine shaft suddenly appearing one morning after land fill that sealed it slid down some 50 feet!!! so ther you have it green belt and an old pit built on.

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when they built Eastlands it caused a few minor Earthquakes due to the former coal mines in that part of Manchester


I'd guess they would also be keener to spend it on regenerating the mine towns that Mrs Thatcher wisely/evily (delete as perferred) shut down in the 1980s rather than supporting somewhere just because it had an ancient coal mine under it! But better to explore every avenue rather than accept the worst at every sign of trouble.


it might explain why the councils of Barnsley, Chesterfield and Doncaster have invested far more into their towns than Oldham has now making them look light-years ahead of Oldham

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I know this is all well meaning and positive but one of the Latics directors is one of the area's most exerienced property men. I'd be more than a bit surprised if it is news to him.

I don't know him personally or professionally, I only grew up on the same Lane as him and too young to know him, but I can provide you a list of people that would not be suprised. Not casting aspertions on his support of LAtics, and doing the best for us. Put it this way, it is not always a good idea to get all your info from one source.

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