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other clubs new badges

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Sorry if this has been done on here already, had a quick look couldn't see anything.


Was a bit bored this morning, and was looking at other clubs that have changed their badges (crests) over the past decade or so.


Firstly (sorry) Citeh!




Massive change, they kept the ship thingy (ships in Manchester?) totally dropped the name 'Manchester City' for MCFC?! and where did that chicken come from?! AND!!!! 3 gold stars? Someone tell Alan Hardy we could of had some stars on ours!!!


End of the day though - an improvement? I think so!







Again a massive change - simplified loads, again kept the main thing from the old badge - the cannon, but dropped the latin! (added gold to the badge)


Improvement or not? in my opinion A HUGE improvement!







Yet again, kept the main item, but a vast improvement on the lion 'style'. The old one looked dated at the time and even more so now! (again gold added)


Improvement : DEFO!!!







Erm...ok then! You see, if I was a Fulham fan, I would of been pissed off with this one! Yes their old one was crap, but new one, erm!? bit too simple?


Improvement : erm...I see this one as a step sideways...no better or worse, maybe cheaper to manufacture?!



Dirty Leeds




Kept the main rose and ball thing here - but their 'new' one looks amateurish?! with that stupid LUFC typeface?! Too much big thick yellow lines going on I think


Improvement : again, I think a sideways step, not really an improvement!







This one I feel is a huge improvement on their old one, adding a shrimp to denote their nickname, but this is a huge change from their old, only thing you can argue it really retains is the sheild shape? but colours, and items are totally change! (gold added, see where i'm going with this gold thing?)


Improvement : YUP! Big time!







Their old badge I feel, as ours was very dated, they have kept the CFC and colours, added a, erm, thing! (apparently its some spire they have) but it is something that represents the town, doesn't have to mean anything to anyone else! BUT is this not exactly the same shape as the arsenal badge?


Improvement : I think so, although not too keen on the pointy thing!


The Mighty Blues!




Ours has also kept the main item(s) the owl, and the diamond thingy, dropped the ball (as are alot of clubs these days, look around yourself) the owl looks a hell of a lot meaner! and is a lot more detailed (yes a bit american but never mind, I still love its 'what the f*ck you looking at' eyes)


The 'hills' ok, fair enough, means something to Latics fans, but as chesterfield other may miss it - clever simple little addition tho!


Think someone else pointed out the typeface looks a little 'Oldham council' mmmmmmmm maybe this should of NOT happened taking everything into consideration! but all the same I don't mind it, much nicer than the times new gothic (or what ever it is) we used to use! I hated the way the on the old crest the name was on that scroll, and following it around, hard to read for some?


I am personally glad the club have dropped the red! ewwww red...grrrrr


I have had another look around and the crest, does seem bespoke to our club. I can't see any others that are the same (please if I am wrong, I will stand corrected)


And I love the gold! think it doesn't come across really well on the version seen here, but on the kit, stitched in that metallic gold, it looks the dogs!!


Improvement : Yes, although I did 'like' the old badge (never loved it, I think I only liked it because it was my club badge) I think this new badge is defo a step in the right direction, defo and improvement. It is simple, and people will soon recognise the evil owl where ever we go!





I know my thoughts on the new crest will not be matched by all Latics fans, but give it time!



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didnt we change the badge when we had red and blue hoops? or we pretending that never happened?





just added it into a shield - as many clubs did at the time and as we did on the kit before




still the same badge Monty, just sat it in a shield

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Would have thought the Citeh ship thing was to do with the manchester ship canal, which historians will tell you was a big two fingers to liverpool. Shame they also got rid of the red Rose of lancashire, same as it's a shame that we've got rid of any red, as I always associate our happiest times playing in blue with red and White..... Still, think the new badge looks ok and sure it will grow on most people, including me.

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So we've learnt that some clubs' new badges look better than their old ones, and some don't. In some peoples' opinion.


I'll state mine again though: our new one looks wank.

And it's not even original. A bit of imagination would've been nice, this is just lazy.

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I like it.



very nice!


buy you can guarantee if Latics had come up with something like that we would of had comments like


"its too plain and simple"


"looks like a stencil design"

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Thanks, it was good to see how different clubs have changed their badges.


I think I have made it clear in the past how bad I think our new crest is, so I don't need to go over that again.


I just wish the club could have consulted the fans on it, given us a choice of designs.



On a side note, one of my clients is a large design print business with many multi-national contracts. When I was there last week, I showed a few of them the new latics crest to get their opinion on, but I didn't let on whether I liked it or not. It was not well received, one of the ten people that looked at it said it was an improvement on the old badge but needed refinement. The other nine said it would not have left the sketchbook in their organisation and had no potential. (to be fair, five people all made their opinions together - not individually)


The worst part was, the guy there that I talk to about english football (he coached with Doug Hodgson in the local youth league) sat down with it and started picking design flaws with it - now the flaws are all I can see on it.


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The worst part was, the guy there that I talk to about english football (he coached with Doug Hodgson in the local youth league) sat down with it and started picking design flaws with it - now the flaws are all I can see on it.



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the font is the biggest problem for me it just doesnt work. The owl im not keen on but the font i just hate

I was just thinking this morning that, the more I look at it, the more I dislike the font. I liked the badge when I first saw it but the shape of the shield bothers me now too - very American.

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the font is the biggest problem for me it just doesnt work. The owl im not keen on but the font i just hate


So in all you don't like the owl or the font? So that leaves the shape and the colour that are ok?


Let's be honest here, our new badge is completely retarded and looks like somehing a 10yr old would design thinking it looked 'cool'. It has very little link to the town and the only link to the club is through that absurd owl that looks like it's just popped up in the way with an angry look on it's face. To be honest i'm not against redesigning of the badge but if you're going to do it, it has to be done right. Why have a badge that represents so little and looks completely generic? Much like the website being a mass produced standard layout/design for nearly all football league clubs, the club badge has been redesigned in a similar vein and I could well see a number of equally misguided clubs following suit on a similar design on the basis of 'modernising their image' (for want of a better phrase).


If we were going to change our badge it should have been unique and identified something that makes the club/town unique whilst incorporating the classic 'owl on ball' that the club is generally recognised by (via our previous badges), not an american looking piece of tack with a cartoon owl that needs to be shot in the face with a blunderbuss. The things we could have incorporated, the towns heritage in the cotton industry, the county of Lancashire, a race riot, endless possibilities!



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