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To celebrate the start of Prostate Cancer Uk's New Charity Partnership with the Football League I was asked to write an article on whom I consider to be our top five Number 9s and one of our worst. Of course the five I have chosen are completely subjective, the linked website is just a bit of fun but a chance to highlight a disease that affects 1 in 9 men in the UK. And of course it has been brought a little too close to home over the last couple years with Alan Hardy's early retirement and Barry Owen's recent illness.


Anyway please take a look at my article and have a root round the site.







Edited by oafcprozac
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Some nice choices Prozac. as with anything of this nature there's always a challenge in comparing players from different eras and from different divisions. And how is "great" defined? Is it sheer technical ability or the impact on the club, or supporters ?


I'd seriously consider Bert Lister - I know he only played at Div 4 level but his goals were a massive part of getting us out of that divsion and his partnership with Bobby Johnstone was superb. 81 goals in 135 matches.


A few years before my time, Don Travis in the early 50s should be considered too. 62 goals in 114 appearances.


Edit : worst - sorry but anybody who saw Dickie Down would think Ormondroyd was a superstar

Edited by LaticsPete
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Could only pick one dodgy centre-forward, as with the crap debuts bit the other night, i'm sure there's going to be a couple of articles appearing on here soon! As I said the other night I could probably write on book on less than inauspicious Latics debuts, I reckon I could write several volumes on :censored:e centre-forwards!

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I agree with Pete... .Bert Lister is the first one to spring to mind as probably the greatest Latics centre forward, also didn't Jim Fryatt, Mike Quinn, Ron Futcher, Frankie Bunn and Ian Marshall wear the number 9 shirt with honour ?

Jim Beardall wouldn't be in my greatest list though.

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JIm Fyatt and Frank Bunn are in the list BP! Read the article Sir!


Bloody Hell I had to whittle it down to 5, I've been going to Latics for 26 years, so only fair there's some I remember and some I don't. Eric Gemmell was our record scorer to be fair. I did my research from my own memories and the half-library of Latics books I own! I did Toy with Lister, he was the 6th on the list, Marshall too was in there initially and I considered Quinn, as I did Wylde and Stainrod (Both didn't wear 9 according to my records?) but as they were before my time I omitted them. I admit I used a bit of artistic licence with Palmer but for most of his last 6 or 7 years here he was used as a striker and when starting he wore 9. The day he scored my favourite goal of his he wore no.9 at home to Everton when he soared at the far post to head home Rick Holden's corner to make it 2-2.


Marshall was excellent, but only played one year at #9, spent most of his other time at BP playing CH or flitting between the two. Quinn was just before my time and I hate him for ALWAYS scoring against us! For Pompey and The Toon. I just about remember Big Ron and thus the reference to Stick arriving on loan.


Of course if people have the time, why not pick your favourite 5 no.9s and one worst and why and add to this thread...


As I said, author's privilege of being subjective!

Edited by oafcprozac
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Having been going since late 60's here's my favourite 5 in that time, not in any order.


Jim Fryatt. The first one I remember

Dodger. Amazing

Simon stainrod for his style

Lee Hughes. Controversial, but he knows

where the onion bag is

Stitch. Probably played as number 8

but a bit of poetic license


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