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Once again, LP let us down today, but at least the BBC Nottingham commentary was worth listening to. It's been rubbish this season, so I've emailed the club. The email is attached below and I will post any reply I receive.


Hi there

I, along with many others am becoming increasingly disenchanted with Latics Player. Every commentary this season has been punctuated with loss of sound, often every couple of minutes, usually only returning by clicking on the Oldham button again. Today, against Notts County, all of us in the OWTB chat room were having to listen to the Notts County version for almost the entire second half as Player was non existent.

LP brings exiles like me closer to the action and allows us to enjoy as much of the match experience as possible. Match highlights, interviews and so on help us too, but the state of the match commentary (or lack of it) is making me wonder if it's worthwhile continuing to subscribe. I have a number of months to go before my membership expires, so I suppose I'll have to put up with it in the hope that it improves.

I've cleared my cache, logged out, logged back in, tried Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer all to no avail. After today's game, I believe that a few more will be emailing the club expressing their dissatisfaction. At the very least, it would help if we knew who was responsible for the failure of Latics Player. The club? Premium TV? The server? God?

Please take this on board as, if this continues, quite a few will be unsubscribing from a facility that we are paying for but not fully receiving.

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Everybody should email the club and get them to get their heads out of the sand having Billy maintain the website is not on. Gordon and Tony try but neither are experienced IT technicians or webmasters it's going to cost the club money this big time through lost clicks and subscriptions



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I was just about to email as well, it has been shocking for a long time, what is more frustrating is that you can immediately switch to the other teams commentary and it is fine. All this and my dislike for Roy means a very unpleasant experience!

There's always been hiccups with the commentary, but this season is atrocious. Not much gets me to complain about anything as a rule, but paying for a service I don't receive does get up my hooter.


Quite honestly, I don't have a problem with Roy. He's a 72 year old man who loves Oldham Athletic with a passion. He's not a professional commentator, makes a number of mistakes and sometimes says peculiar things, so I can live with that.

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Sometimes it can be quite refreshing 'having' to listen to the opponents commentaries.


You get the feel of how other less biased commentators see us. Not in the rose tinted world that is Latics Player.


Also, opponents commentary usually carries on over the half-time break rather than stop when Mike/Gordon/Roy pop off for some refreshments.

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I can only apologise for today's lack of output in the second half. Roy and myself were totally unaware. Roy heard from someone after the game too and unfortunately Bob I hadn't checked your tweets during the second period, it was difficult to do that when there was so much going on on the pitch.


However that's not an excuse - there should be a better system to advise us that the broadcast is not going out.


As you probably realise, I'm the monkey not the organ grinder, but Roy and I are going to try to ensure this doesn't happen again and will be doing regular checks on Tuesday.


In the spirit of responding to "customer" feedback, I take the point about not having much at half-time. I'll see what we can do. If there's anything else that anyone can think of to improve the commentary at home games please suggest it.


Finally, nobody is more gutted than me that there was no output today - one of the most dramatic games we've had for a while and nobody heard us try to describe it....

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I can only apologise for today's lack of output in the second half. Roy and myself were totally unaware. Roy heard from someone after the game too and unfortunately Bob I hadn't checked your tweets during the second period, it was difficult to do that when there was so much going on on the pitch.


However that's not an excuse - there should be a better system to advise us that the broadcast is not going out.


As you probably realise, I'm the monkey not the organ grinder, but Roy and I are going to try to ensure this doesn't happen again and will be doing regular checks on Tuesday.


In the spirit of responding to "customer" feedback, I take the point about not having much at half-time. I'll see what we can do. If there's anything else that anyone can think of to improve the commentary at home games please suggest it.


Finally, nobody is more gutted than me that there was no output today - one of the most dramatic games we've had for a while and nobody heard us try to describe it....


Thanks for that, Mike. I don't know if I'm the only one who's been losing commentary every few minutes, but it is certainly very annoying. I'm not convinced that Latics Player itself is at fault as we have often switched to the other team's comms and it's been fine. You couldn't use today as an example I suppose, though, as the County comms were from BBC Nottingham. We all hope that the problem can be rectified and maybe your, and Roy's, input will help.


If it's possible, we'd like the commentary to start earlier than a couple of minutes before kick-off and, as said elsewhere, it's a very abrupt end to half time and the final whistle. Keep up the good work and we go again on Tuesday.

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I can only apologise for today's lack of output in the second half. Roy and myself were totally unaware. Roy heard from someone after the game too and unfortunately Bob I hadn't checked your tweets during the second period, it was difficult to do that when there was so much going on on the pitch.


However that's not an excuse - there should be a better system to advise us that the broadcast is not going out.


As you probably realise, I'm the monkey not the organ grinder, but Roy and I are going to try to ensure this doesn't happen again and will be doing regular checks on Tuesday.


In the spirit of responding to "customer" feedback, I take the point about not having much at half-time. I'll see what we can do. If there's anything else that anyone can think of to improve the commentary at home games please suggest it.


Finally, nobody is more gutted than me that there was no output today - one of the most dramatic games we've had for a while and nobody heard us try to describe it....


Use twitter while you're commentating.

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Really, it is just not good enough. Personally I would pay ten times the price to have a higher quality output.


Maybe the club just think that it is not important enough to put resources into, and the supporters should come to the game. But it is not possible for some of us to come to games.


As others have said, it is not just a disaster because the fans couldn't hear the Oldham commentators, but because we had to switch to the Notts commentary and were shown how it should be done. I realise that the Notts feed was from the Beeb, but we could actually hear the fans and the atmosphere in the ground. Our fans actually sounded good to me for the first time since I was there! Is it the broadcasting equipment that is lacking?


I don't want to critisise Roy, Gordon and Mike too much as I know they are not pros, but they all commentate like it is on TV. When it is on radio, you have to get the facts out first before the colour. So many times we have Roy and Gordon/Mike talking about the bad decison or saying "well I can't belive that" etc, which is fine, but we still don't know what decision has been made. You have to do play by play, then colour after we know what has happened.


Believe it or not, I love the bias from Roy. It shows the passion of a lifelong fan, and I am sure I would be exactly the same doing the same job. I just think we need a better play by play coverage. I think that Gordon and Mike can both do that if they have that in their minds - as I said, I don't want to critisise the guys too much. I would critisie the decison to have TERRIBLE quality feeds coming out.


This season the quality has gotten much worse, either dropouts every 5-10 mins, or just a total loss of coverage. I can't believe there is noone at the ground listening to the output - why not? How can anything be broadcast and not be checked? I understand that mistakes are made, and whatever the problem that occured is not my issue, it is that it wasn't picked up at all. Really, if it wasn't Oldham my money was going to, I would have demanded a refund by now.

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I'd be worried if there was someone at BP specifically to listen to LP during the match - and the commentators couldn't do it themselves without causing feedback. I'm not sure what they would do anyway, other than check that stuff is plugged in? It is piss poor though and the supplier needs a kick up the arse.

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I got this reply from Tony Bugby a little (likkle) while ago. I am now beginning to believe that the fault is not with the club. Maybe the equipment has a glitch in it that the club were unaware of, but they have taken it on board and are trying to solve the problem. I've replied to Tony, thanking him, so let's see how we go tomorrow night.


Dear Pete,


Thank you for your email.


On behalf of the club, I would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused.


We have launched an investigation as to why subscribers keep losing match commentary.


This has involved Perform, who provide the service, and also the manufacturers of the equipment.


Hopefully everything will be resolved by tomorrow night.


Kind regards.


Tony Bugby

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I got this reply from Tony Bugby a little (likkle) while ago. I am now beginning to believe that the fault is not with the club. Maybe the equipment has a glitch in it that the club were unaware of, but they have taken it on board and are trying to solve the problem. I've replied to Tony, thanking him, so let's see how we go tomorrow night.


Dear Pete,


Thank you for your email.


On behalf of the club, I would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused.


We have launched an investigation as to why subscribers keep losing match commentary.


This has involved Perform, who provide the service, and also the manufacturers of the equipment.


Hopefully everything will be resolved by tomorrow night.


Kind regards.


Tony Bugby


Doesn't answer the question why the commentators come on air only a minute before the kick off leaving fans wondering if it's going to work at all.

Some may think the club pays by the minute and it's penny pinching.

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Doesn't answer the question why the commentators come on air only a minute before the kick off leaving fans wondering if it's going to work at all.

Some may think the club pays by the minute and it's penny pinching.


This is one of the points I made to Mike earlier, when I wrote:


If it's possible, we'd like the commentary to start earlier than a couple of minutes before kick-off and, as said elsewhere, it's a very abrupt end to half time and the final whistle. Keep up the good work and we go again on Tuesday.


We'll see if he's able to do anything.

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I went on twitter to confirm that the broadcast had worked at rthe start if the match

I missed the first 10 mins of thew second half and it seemed on chat as everyone was aware


The other issue is having to keep manually connecting so hopefully what they have alluded to fixes it.


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Hello everyone, it is Gordon here at the club.

Firstly thanks for all your comments, good or bad!

Reading your comments...Yes we do seem to have a problem...let's see if I can explain what we are doing about it.


Today (Monday) I called a meeting with Roy re-last Saturday and the loss of commentary in the second period of the game.

We have checked the ISDN lines at Boundary Park with BT, who sent an engineer out and they checked out OK.


Next we have checked the equipment, the consol looks to be working OK but obviously something is going wrong...

Next came power to the unit...it looked OK but the connection could have been better..so we bought a new power adaptor (£28) should be OK now.


As you know I only do away commentary, but Mike (a volunteer) does a sterling job at home games (Thanks Mike). I have however asked Roy to set up differently this coming Tuesday and we have added a back-up system re - the power.


If you lose commentary TEXT Roy on 07513 977361...he can then log out and re-connect which will only take 45 seconds and then eveything should be OK.


For away games, TEXT me on 07834 115483...Text me if it is good or bad...just let us know one way or the other...believe me, we do not want to be travelling to Brentford or Orient and no bugger can here us!!


I said I would never publish my mobile number...but needs must!


Only use my number on away games...when we are at home I have other jobs to do and I need my mobile lines free for messages from Police, ambulance etc etc


The suppliers of the commentary system are pretty sure the fault it is not at our end...but hey... I understand your frustration...it is someone's fault let's just get to the bottom of it and get it sorted!!!


I have asked Roy to go live earlier from now on....7.35 for midweek...2.50 on Saturday's, I will be doing the same on away days.


We are fan's just like yourselves..we want the best...I want to give you the best commentary possible...I understand your concerns.


We are looking at sorting out a pre-match show (say from 2.30pm onwards) with interviews, bare with us while I sort it. (it could take 3-4 weeks)


Thanks for your support...remember Text Roy for home games, Gordon on away games...IE Loud and clear would suffice...or No Commentary would be great if it is not working.


Together we will sort this... I promise....either that or I will sit on Roy and end a 49 year career!!!!


Cheers eveyone and remember...


Keep the Faith



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We are fan's just like yourselves..we want the best...I want to give you the best commentary possible...I understand your concerns.



Gordon, it really shows that you're all fans like us. I really enjoy the commentary, the bias and blue tinted specs and everything. I go to every home game so I only ever listen to the away games, and probably only every other one due to working shifts (all my leave goes on ensuring I can get to the home games). I have absolutely no complaints with the quality of the commentary, in fact I think it's very good. My only gripe is that it keeps constantly cutting out. If you can stop that and I can actually hear you all for 90 minutes I am more than happy to continue paying for my subscription. I think it's pretty good value for money, when it works.

Edited by Break The Silence
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