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As said above, the 2nd goal was a freaky fluke, he didn't have much chance with the first either as that was a cracking finish. Overall Cisak hasn't had much to do this season and what little he has had to do he has mostly done well. To be fair I thought it was harsh dropping Bouzanis yesterday as he was the man in possession of the shirt.


Considering our defence is supposedly "gash" neither of our keepers have broken sweat this season.

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Considering our defence is supposedly "gash" neither of our keepers have broken sweat this season.


Its just a case of stupid mistakes costing us the second we can put down as a fluke but the first goal was criminal the guy ran straight past Grounds who was marking space and had all the time in the world to pick his spot.


A stupid mistake was what cost us against walsall the goals against sheffield wednesday were preventable cut these out and we win games, we pick up points, we get on a roll, confidence builds, and people start coming back to BP, sometimes the little things can make a big difference.

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Its just a case of stupid mistakes costing us the second we can put down as a fluke but the first goal was criminal the guy ran straight past Grounds who was marking space and had all the time in the world to pick his spot.


A stupid mistake was what cost us against walsall the goals against sheffield wednesday were preventable cut these out and we win games, we pick up points, we get on a roll, confidence builds, and people start coming back to BP, sometimes the little things can make a big difference.


looked like their winger had too much room to get a cross in really and then the scorer ghosted inside grounds and byrne (IIRC). if we look hard enough i guess we can blame near enough anyone


2nd goal was a fluke, waiting to see the highlights i was expecting to see the ball loop in at snails pace having read some of the stuff on here but it really didnt seem like Cisak could do much about it, anticipating the cross. alternatively if he'd waited back on his line and the cross found a player in the box and they scored we could be blaming him for being back on his line for the cross

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Its just a case of stupid mistakes costing us the second we can put down as a fluke but the first goal was criminal the guy ran straight past Grounds who was marking space and had all the time in the world to pick his spot.


A stupid mistake was what cost us against walsall the goals against sheffield wednesday were preventable cut these out and we win games, we pick up points, we get on a roll, confidence builds, and people start coming back to BP, sometimes the little things can make a big difference.


Grounds was poor and more awareness could have prevented the goal but just how far had the scorer run without being picked up ? At a guess I'd say about 50 yards. More often than not goals happen due to a combination of factors and rarely due to one mistake

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The back 4 has changed nearly every game, Grounds and Big Jean are the only constants so we can't expect them to be playing as an established unit yet. The individual mistakes are being punished at our end and we need to cut these out quickly and capitalise on the mistakes at the other end.

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Whilst I'm not sure the player could ever score the goal again if he tried, I'm not convinced that it being a fluke occurrence excuses Cisak. I don't think a keeper should ever be beaten when the ball's in that position. I also think there have been times when he's been a bit indecisive off his line this season so yes, I'd rotate the keepers otherwise there's no point in giving yourself the option. He's a fine keeper who, I'm sure, will go a lot further but I don't think he's at his best st the moment.

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Whilst I'm not sure the player could ever score the goal again if he tried, I'm not convinced that it being a fluke occurrence excuses Cisak. I don't think a keeper should ever be beaten when the ball's in that position.


Inspector Gadget would have struggled with that one. The pace and trajectory of that ball were unsaveable. I thought Cisak was at fault at the time but unless he'd stood at his back post he was ever going to save it.


I'd rotate the keepers


I can't think of anything worse than that for a back five.


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Inspector Gadget would have struggled with that one. The pace and trajectory of that ball were unsaveable. I thought Cisak was at fault at the time but unless he'd stood at his back post he was ever going to save it.




I think if he'd have been more alert & moved his feet, he'd have got there. I don't want to beat the lad to death with it but I just think his head's not right at the moment for whatever reason and he's making poor decisions.



I can't think of anything worse than that for a back five.


I meant rotate them once, so Cisak sits out for a few games ;) I think worse for the back five is having an indesicive keeper which (and it's only my opinion) Cisak is at the moment. Even when fielding backpasses, he stutters his run and doesn't look sure whether to go to the ball or wait for it to come to him.



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Too many shots are bouncing off his body and its been lucky many have not finished up in the net (there was one occasion on Saturday), IMO at times he's not on his toes or setting his feet correctly (flat footed) and his awareness and anticipation needs sharpening up.

Nothing he can't put right really. Maybe a bit a ballet training with Billy might help :wink:

Having said that, personally I prefer Bouzanis, who did little wrong last season.

Edited by BP1960
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I've only managed one game so far this season, at Portsmouth, so can only go off that. Cisak had one bounce off his chest in the first few minutes, but I thought he looked very safe after that and pulled off some stunning saves. He's still very young for a GK (as is Boozy) and probably won't reach his peak for a good few years.


If he was having a stinker every week then, yes, get him out of the firing line. If not, I'd leave him in for at least two more games and, if he's still looking a bit dodgy, take him to one side and explain why Boozy gets a chance. He's got a cracking GK coach in PG, so I reckon his current blip, if that's what it is, should only be temporary.


If Boozy does get his chance, then Cisak will have to earn his place a again. Best competition we've had for GKs in years. I honestly can't remember us having two class keepers since Ogden & Platt, although I may have forgotten someone.

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I've only managed one game so far this season, at Portsmouth, so can only go off that. Cisak had one bounce off his chest in the first few minutes, but I thought he looked very safe after that and pulled off some stunning saves. He's still very young for a GK (as is Boozy) and probably won't reach his peak for a good few years.


If he was having a stinker every week then, yes, get him out of the firing line. If not, I'd leave him in for at least two more games and, if he's still looking a bit dodgy, take him to one side and explain why Boozy gets a chance. He's got a cracking GK coach in PG, so I reckon his current blip, if that's what it is, should only be temporary.


If Boozy does get his chance, then Cisak will have to earn his place a again. Best competition we've had for GKs in years. I honestly can't remember us having two class keepers since Ogden & Platt, although I may have forgotten someone.


Hallworth and Rhodes ?

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I really rated him, strange how it hasn't happened for him. Brilliant reactions and shop-stopping ability; if a little prone to rushes of blood.

Is he still at Chesterfierld?


Fleming is at Grimsby, those rushes of blood you refer to were his achilles heel no doubt.

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Considering our defence is supposedly "gash" neither of our keepers have broken sweat this season.

Our defence is essentially Titus Bramble. For the most part solid and reliable, but prone to massive brain-farts that lead to mistakes that change games. Although Big Jean has started the season in fantastic form tbf.

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I honestly can't remember us having two class keepers since Ogden & Platt, although I may have forgotten someone.

Crossley and Fleming

Own up, Bristol, you edited out the words 'mind numbingly average' and replaced them with 'class' after Prozac posted, didn't you?

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