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Was that Jonathan Grounds?

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Came into Boundary Park today and was informed that Grounds was playing Left Wing. I'd imagine most people's reaction was the same as mine, to ask for a second confirmation to validate what I'd heard.


However, he was fantastic from the start, I thought. Coupled with Connor Brown, who I also thought had a good solid game, he was probably the most threatening player for us on a par with Derbyshire.


For the goal he wanted it way more than their players and his general wide man play was good. Got forward, put crosses, took the defender on and tracked back to aid his unexperienced full back. I even thought he was playing in CM at the end!


Yes, it was a scrappy game but he was a positive that came out of it, so was Connor Brown and Reece Wabara who were both accomplished and reduced their wingers to almost completely ineffective.


Will Montano get back into the side? Most probably, but the worry I had about cover on the Left side of the field has been quelled for now.


3 points is what matters and we got it. I'd question Dickov about his lack of substitutions especially when Smith looked dead on his feet at the end, but to be honest. My fingers can't take much more typing they're that cold.

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Came into Boundary Park today and was informed that Grounds was playing Left Wing. I'd imagine most people's reaction was the same as mine, to ask for a second confirmation to validate what I'd heard.


However, he was fantastic from the start, I thought. Coupled with Connor Brown, who I also thought had a good solid game, he was probably the most threatening player for us on a par with Derbyshire.


For the goal he wanted it way more than their players and his general wide man play was good. Got forward, put crosses, took the defender on and tracked back to aid his unexperienced full back. I even thought he was playing in CM at the end!


Yes, it was a scrappy game but he was a positive that came out of it, so was Connor Brown and Reece Wabara who were both accomplished and reduced their wingers to almost completely ineffective.


Will Montano get back into the side? Most probably, but the worry I had about cover on the Left side of the field has been quelled for now.


3 points is what matters and we got it. I'd question Dickov about his lack of substitutions especially when Smith looked dead on his feet at the end, but to be honest. My fingers can't take much more typing they're that cold.

Spot on for me with all of that.


We said the same after the match, Grounds did very well playing out of position and so did Connor Brown.


I also agree, Dickov needed to change it with some fresh legs coming on with 15/20 mins to go.


Much needed 3 points!

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Nothing against Montano but I would like it if Dickov kept the left side the same for the 1st Donny match. Like Bouzanis I don't think Connor Brown has done enough wrong to be dropped. Also extra defensive protection might be useful against the likes of Cotterill.

Edited by the_mighty_bosh
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Would agree with everything the OP said but would add Smith wasn't the only one who was knackered at the end Grounds was equally fecked if not more so than Smith. With today's game being the third of five in a fortnight I'm more than a little bit surprised Dickov didn't bring any subs on.

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Wow. I must of been watching a different game. Massive fan of grounds but he had a bad time of it Barr 5 mins in the second half and the goal.


Thought Grounds was one of the better players for both teams. Got the goal after great work by Derbyshire. Did OK defensivly with Brown and had one of two moments of joy in the second half in the attacking 3rd which i didnt think he was capable off. He didnt loose the ball much either.


My one big moan was that when they got a throw late on his telling the ball boy to slow down - he was clearly knackerd if hadnt been that difficult a game...raises questions over fitness levels for me

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Wow. I must of been watching a different game. Massive fan of grounds but he had a bad time of it Barr 5 mins in the second half and the goal.


I agree. Square peg in round hole, I thought. Didn't ever try and beat his man and get the ball in and seemed to get rid of it as soon as he got it.


Fair play to him for following in for the goal, though..

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My delusional fellow supporters are possibly alienating me even more than our piss poor excuse for a football team and their manager.


Not sure what you expected pre-match, but high quality confident football produced by a manager under pressure with an under-strength team in bad conditions against a team who were likely to make things awkward for us was always going to be very unlikely.


Being happy with a win from a potential banana-skin game doesn't strike me as being delusional.

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Not sure what you expected pre-match, but high quality confident football produced by a manager under pressure with an under-strength team in bad conditions against a team who were likely to make things awkward for us was always going to be very unlikely.






maybe I shouldn't have gone.

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Joe Jacobsen.


He was really :censored: today!

Aw, bless him. I actually thought he looked a decent player when he was with us and I was surprised Dickov never gave him a chance, but when all of his forward passes kept going out for goal kicks and throw-ins I just felt bad for him.

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Aw, bless him. I actually thought he looked a decent player when he was with us and I was surprised Dickov never gave him a chance, but when all of his forward passes kept going out for goal kicks and throw-ins I just felt bad for him.


There will be posts buried in the archives where I've stated he should be our left ack solution!

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My delusional fellow supporters are possibly alienating me even more than our piss poor excuse for a football team and their manager.


As frankly are people who seem to be going to the game with the sole intention of moaning. It's league 1 with league 1 football and footballers. In a 3 sided ground that has a poor atmosphere(not helped by the fact that there are only 3 sides and the ground is not in the best of states).


I know what to expect when I go into BP to watch standard league 1 football, and I can see when its not good or great or is poor, however then to hear "Poor me" people whingeing about it relentlessly just kills any semblance of enjoyment. I go to watch a game of live football where the game is truer to its roots than at other levels and it can be enjoyable. Refereeing is poor, the players/managers arent the best,thats why its league 1.


However If people went with a smile on their face and accepted the realities of league 1 football then BP itself may have a lighter atmosphere and few more smiling faces and who knows maybe the footballers would play better feeling less constrained if they are less likely to be pillored/made a boo boy etc if they make a mistake

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As frankly are people who seem to be going to the game with the sole intention of moaning. It's league 1 with league 1 football and footballers. In a 3 sided ground that has a poor atmosphere(not helped by the fact that there are only 3 sides and the ground is not in the best of states).


I know what to expect when I go into BP to watch standard league 1 football, and I can see when its not good or great or is poor, however then to hear "Poor me" people whingeing about it relentlessly just kills any semblance of enjoyment. I go to watch a game of live football where the game is truer to its roots than at other levels and it can be enjoyable. Refereeing is poor, the players/managers arent the best,thats why its league 1.


However If people went with a smile on their face and accepted the realities of league 1 football then BP itself may have a lighter atmosphere and few more smiling faces and who knows maybe the footballers would play better feeling less constrained if they are less likely to be pillored/made a boo boy etc if they make a mistake


I can't believe what some people will settle for..........I've seen Stalybridge and Mossley provide better entertainment than this lot, and seen a few goals too!!! The standard of football seen at BP over the last couple of seasons has been generally abysmal!


Our lads are not part-timers that just play at the weekend they are all professional footballers on bloody good salaries....stop making excuses for their lack of quality. We aren't Barcelona but the ability to hold posession of the football for a short time, pass it to a blue shirt occasionally and score the odd goal surely is not too much to ask.


This might well be the old 3rd division, but at the same time, only one division seperates us from the Premiership!!

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