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Another reduced budget next season according to the Chron

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You would be exactly right.


It seems many would like to see a Chris Moore situation again where we spend money we haven't got on players and contracts, and end up on the verge of liquidation.


Not sure anyone has been advocating that, merely raising concerns about potentially starting next season with a squad consisting mainly of untried kids, freebies and short term loanees.

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Must be some contact book Johnson has got if he's excited about having the square root of chuff all to spend.

He said soon after his appointment that he new what the budget for next season would be. When asked if it would be reduced if we got relegated he said "no, it will be the same". So we have a L2 budget in L1.

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LJ is a rookie manager, he will soon realise like Dickov did that once agents become involved and the lack of what you can offer is becoming apparent - you find yourself sweating over the last few names on your list and on deadline day at that - after you've started another season playing catch up….

I think he has already realised this by his seemingly less confident interviews with the press recently.

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This just about sums it up.......LJ is happy with the budget and whilst he is maybe a little naive about what agents will ask for lets bear with him


what is more worrying is that LJ has intimated in the chron that he is willing to wait until July to get the right players in which if he misses out on his targets will leave us severely depleted

This is what SC said at the end of last season, so PD waited and what happened? We started the season badly and were forced into the loan market. Something which won't be so easy next season as all youth and emergency loans will not be available.

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I too get what you're saying but I would argue the analogy is moot as anybody can go into another pub and get the same product. For me, the thing that differentiates football from other businesses is that the brand loyalty is so high, apart from a certain person who has his own thread on here it is rare for a supporter of a club to switch allegiances to another supplier, they simply stop buying after a while. We are unlikely to get "passing trade", we'll get them for a game like Liverpool but most normal people aren't bothered about a game with Colchester, we didn't even sell out the Latics sections of the £2 games. If I was TTA, I would have just turned the lights out, walked away and put Closed until further notice at that point, they can't even give this :censored: away. £2/free, difference is marginal before the Grimsby 6-0 pedants appear.


Unless TTA or some other fool is willing to write off several million pounds next season on a :censored: or bust mission then we have to have a reduced budget, I'm not sure if there aren't even financial regulations that would outlaw the :censored: or bust approach either? Gazing into my crystal ball, the number of people who are willing to go and see whatever team Is in place by August will be less than even this season, pains me to say it but I think I'm right. Even if Corney said that he was going to up the budget significantly it wouldn't translate into bums on seats until at least October if we were flying high.


I don't see his incentive to speculate, what is there to even speculate about? We need to get about 3000 people more each game into the ground for the club to really move forward, the only way we'd get near that is to be near the top of the Championship and that is a really, really, really long way away from where we are.

Point I'm making is that after the season we have just had, if he came out and said we earned £800k more than we expected to last year (although that aint much in football terms). So next year we have decided the manager has an extra £250k to play with to get us moving "AND THAT IS EXPECTED TO GET US INTO THE TOP 6", you may well shift a few hundred more season tickets and create some hope.


However when the pub landlord keeps greeting you in the car park when you park up to tell you "What are you doing here again? Its :censored: and I am giving the barman and chef :censored: all to boost business so :censored: off".................... at some point you are going to realise that the landlord is a giant bell-end with no hope.


Eventually people will go elsewhere (unfortunately that has been happening throughout the last 10-11 years).

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Care to explain how thats bollocks then? Or is that your lot?


Good effort!

er, Its not the main rule Lancy. Quite the opposite.

And certainly not in the last years.


Urban Dictionary definition:

speculate to accumulate


A phrase used by potential profiteers to remind prospective investors that returns can only come from good investment. Really a buzzword (or buzzphrase) to get money from others to squander on fruitless and flowery ideas





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Corney: "we earned £800k more than we expected to last year. So next year we have decided the manager has an extra £250k to play with to get us moving "


Agents / Players: "oooh shiny money. I was gonna ask for £1k a week, now I demand £1.1k"


Incidentally history is littered with examples of where people speculated to accumulate and lost money in the process.

The BP flotation was a classsic example of this - the share trading price on the final day of application was already known to be below the offer price, but people were still "speculating to accumulate" by paying £3.30 for a share that was known to be worth less than that. But hey, it's a nice phrase, 'cos it rhymes!

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Corney: "we earned £800k more than we expected to last year. So next year we have decided the manager has an extra £250k to play with to get us moving "


Agents / Players: "oooh shiny money. I was gonna ask for £1k a week, now I demand £1.1k"


And put unreasonable expectations on a new manager ie fail to hit the play-offs means he would be under massive pressure.


With regards to the L2 budget in L1 - maybe. Or maybe SC was willing to put a L1 budget into L2 to help a swift return if the worst happens. Glass half empty / half full I suppose.

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Damn! Just awoke from a superb dream.


Somehow I'd accrued £3.1 billion and the dream went on that I bumped into Corney in the car park following the Orient game (incidentally we lost 2-1). I bought the club with a £8m take it or leave it offer. Met with LJ and having read his target list of 100 players, ripped it up and the two of us went off on a recruitment drive home and abroad.


Little Lee was like a kid in the sweetshop and everyone who met him in my dream kept complimenting him on his suit but questioned his footwear.


The kids woke me up just as we arrived back at BP - mass construction going on at both Lookers and Chaddy End - and was about to do press conference announcing me as owner and the first three acquistions to the 2013/14 squad

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There is a problem with our new model ie relying on the kids. They're either crap or, if they're good enough, they leave.

There is a problem with the way the club has been run. Lack of investment in areas that could produce extra income streams has not been forthcoming. Any business needs investment to move it forward. We haven't had that over the last few years, hence the steady decline. SC either hasn't got the resources or isn't prepared to invest. He's tried to attract investment, but failed. On the plus side, he hasn't driven us over a financial cliff, landing us with debts we can't afford to pay back....well, not that i know of any apart from the liabilities.


This means we're stuck in the seven circles of hell for the foreseeable. Unless Joe is coming over the horizon with his PL consortium to rescue us.

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Corney: "we earned £800k more than we expected to last year. So next year we have decided the manager has an extra £250k to play with to get us moving "


Agents / Players: "oooh shiny money. I was gonna ask for £1k a week, now I demand £1.1k"


Incidentally history is littered with examples of where people speculated to accumulate and lost money in the process.

The BP flotation was a classsic example of this - the share trading price on the final day of application was already known to be below the offer price, but people were still "speculating to accumulate" by paying £3.30 for a share that was known to be worth less than that. But hey, it's a nice phrase, 'cos it rhymes!



So it's better business to tell all your punters the product is going to be very watered down in the future because they can't be arsed investing is it?


:censored:ing genius idea that.

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er, Its not the main rule Lancy. Quite the opposite.

And certainly not in the last years.


Urban Dictionary definition:

speculate to accumulate


A phrase used by potential profiteers to remind prospective investors that returns can only come from good investment. Really a buzzword (or buzzphrase) to get money from others to squander on fruitless and flowery ideas


http://www.urbandict...e to accumulate

Says it all right there Singe
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Think logically, he's hardly going to come out say we have x amount to spend (like Port Vale) as players will up their demands. SC/LJ will be keeping their cards close to their chest, help to determine who wants to join the club and who just wants the £££

Surely it's better to say nothing then?


The point I am getting at is he say's far too much.

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So, now we have a business expert in our midst, presumably he'll be willing to put his money where his mouth is and provide the investment the club desperately needs from his vast, accumulated fortune.

I do every season.


I buy my season ticket.

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Surely it's better to say nothing then?


The point I am getting at is he say's far too much.


This is true.


I haven't actually read the Chron article - are we running the risk of directly attributing all this to Simon by mistake? It wouldn't be the first time the Chron's dug up a couple of old quotes to create a thoroughly unhelpful article in the interests of lazy journalism.

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