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Aided by the shambles of the Manchester Senior Cup, which wasn't even completed this time.


Said for years that Manchester FA should follow other County FA and merge the Senior cup with the more competitive Manchester Premier Cup. Football League sides forfit home advantage untill semi finals. Pretty sure if we drew Hyde, Mossley etc it would appeal to more fans.

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If you are on the main version you can see who down boated you by clicking on the downboat number.

The 'I think' was tongue in cheek. I'd already checked. I'm a bit miffed that he hasn't downboated me again, though. However, this has nowt to do with the thread, so I'll have a gander at summat else.

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I suspect that Murray will be first team coach officially and will probably also run the reserves.


Would be a wise move in order to transition players from the reserve team into the first team. TP said a couple of months back that he was getting players up from the youth team but then their development seemed to stop.

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I think it's Mr pseudonym (small 'p') having a bit of a poke at those who have criticised his views and grammatical errors. Apparently, he's a grown up adult, too.


*Sits back and awaits further downboat


Flattered that you thought of me.. But not guilty on this occasion

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