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Blog on Ched Evans

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I don't expect the views to be universally popular but here are my thoughts on the potential signing of Ched Evans


Please note that these are my personal views and do not necessarily represent the views of anyone else involved with the Ernieflag website



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"I don't want to spend my life trying to justify the signing of Evans"


Appreciate your blog but, the above quote from it, for me, illustrates how "way over the top" everyone has become over this subject. I honestly do not think you will spend very much of your life justifying it because a) it will be yesterday's news very quickly B) erm, it wasn't your decision to sign him - so just say so to anyone who asks you!


We have become a nation of 'drama queens' - probably as a result of all the hyperbole banded about on television and in the press and social media regarding all manner of pretty insignificant subjects in the greater scheme of things - like this one.


It's not a particularly big deal and will simply go away the next time some prima donna bites a chunk out of somebodies shoulder or some Chairman makes some slightly perceived racist comment. Sign of the times - suggest we all calm down, have some mature reflection and realise it does not affect the starving millions.

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As I expected, a balanced and well constructed blog.

And it mirrors so much of what I feel.


Dropping my username; like you say Mark; i'm Rob the Oldham fan, to many people.

Tomorrow, that gets tarnished with my club signing CE.


This is such a :censored:e situation for us fans.

We've not been consulted in any way, shape or form; and it seems its a simple choice: like it or lump it.


My support has been brought into question, and I hate those club officials for putting me that position.

I've been mulling over my decision all day, And I've come to it.

I'll be waiting for tomorrow's confirmation but i've come to my decision and the choice officials from my club have made me come to...

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Excellently written article. It sums up too where I am on this.


Very much agree to on the "Oldham fan" part. My dad used to tell me about his old forces buddies and how they were all referred to by the team they supported. I'm used to people talking to me about the prem days and cup runs when they find out I'm an oldham fan. Now we'll be the team that signed the rapist.


I've no interest in being associated with that irrespective of him possibly scoring goals and winning us promotion. There are some things more important than winning football games.

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This is a really excellent blog.


The whole premise of it is prevalent when you consider that the 'fans representative' will be in the national newspapers tomorrow justifying the signing. His voice supposedly is a representation of the fans. That makes me feel very uncomfortable in the first place considering I totally disagree with Evans' signing, and many others do. Barry Blatter is also the 'elected' voice of the fans, which further gives the fans a bad name when many don't warrant it.


If you consider Latics to be part of your identity then this reflects badly on everybody. The whole fan base, when it shouldn't whatsoever considering the people who decided to pursue the player are unaccountable, will be tarred with the same brush.


No fan should be put in a position where they have to decide whether they want to continue supporting their club on a moral basis, but the powers that be at the top of the club have made that the case. It's a disgrace.

Edited by NewBlue
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Well i support Oldham......and i have to carry on supporting them.

To be honest i wish it had been another club but looks like it is happening.

He will be so unfit he won't play for ages and if he gets the conviction quashed a lot of other clubs will be wishing they had taken the gamble.

The issue will be if the conviction stands as he and the club will take stick as long as he is at the club.

What will piss me off is if it is overturned and he goes to another club soon after...there should be a decent minimum payoff for taking this gamble.

But this was going to happen somewhere, and those people saying we are a family club like there are only a handful of family clubs is bollocks, most clubs will class themselves as family clubs.

But if he scores the winner in the play off final and gets us out of this god awful division after so long then i will cheer as loudly as ever because im an Oldham fan not a Ched Evens fan.

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"I don't want to spend my life trying to justify the signing of Evans"


Appreciate your blog but, the above quote from it, for me, illustrates how "way over the top" everyone has become over this subject. I honestly do not think you will spend very much of your life justifying it because a) it will be yesterday's news very quickly B) erm, it wasn't your decision to sign him - so just say so to anyone who asks you!


We have become a nation of 'drama queens' - probably as a result of all the hyperbole banded about on television and in the press and social media regarding all manner of pretty insignificant subjects in the greater scheme of things - like this one.


It's not a particularly big deal and will simply go away the next time some prima donna bites a chunk out of somebodies shoulder or some Chairman makes some slightly perceived racist comment. Sign of the times - suggest we all calm down, have some mature reflection and realise it does not affect the starving millions.


spot on!

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A very well considered piece. It's been a while since I've been associated with race riots instead of Andy Ritchie when people hear my team. I'd rather not be the rapist team now.


I defended the Lee Hughes signing and I stick by that. He was given the second chance but he didn't take it. Doesn't mean it was wrong to give him that chance. You don't give a second chance to someone who doesn't think they've made a first mistake

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Very good.

Re the if i had kids point.

I live in Kent, am called Mark also and known as the Oldham fan.

My son has taken on this curse, he is 8.

He asked about it seeing it on the news. I avoided it. As he is known I hope he avoids stick. I will tell him to tell everyone he support our local team.

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