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Fans In The Main Stand Upper Rre Side

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Same group who often shout abuse at Johnson + the players (or at least same seats/area)


Massive over reaction by the fans who walked out because of it though.

Heard the chants from the paddock, along with a few boos, didnt realise people left because of it though, seems a bit ott.

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Same group who often shout abuse at Johnson + the players (or at least same seats/area)

Massive over reaction by the fans who walked out because of it though.

I'd say it wasn't a Massive overreaction, I think the general reaction of a chorus of boos from others (which included myself and one other regular poster on here) was appropriate though.
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I'd say it wasn't a Massive overreaction, I think the general reaction of a chorus of boos from others (which included myself and one other regular poster on here) was appropriate though.

Absolutely, that area show themselves up every week, as they did today...


But to walk out over 4 or 5 blokes singing a song you don't agree with is an overreaction IMO.

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Not saying i agree with what they were singing, but why at all did a steward walk up to them and tell them to stop singing it? Surely that's only going to make matters worse, which it did... they sang the song louder!


Top right hand side of main stand upper has got a bit noisy recently though, even started the LJBWA off a few times.

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Not saying i agree with what they were singing, but why at all did a steward walk up to them and tell them to stop singing it? Surely that's only going to make matters worse, which it did... they sang the song louder!


Stewards got involved because people complained it was something of nothing really.

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There was a knob in the rocky rd end who every so often kept shouting sack the board soon shut up when some beefy men told him to f...k off lol


And the beefy guy isn't much better than the chanting knuckle dragger's....


While its distasteful for people chant about Evans... Given the total disastrous actions of the board this week its not really surprising if people have lost it with the board...


How does it work... The guy with the biggest muscles and the smallest brain gets to dictate what we all think ?

Edited by oafc0000
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The right hand side of the MSL should be renamed the Carl Winchester Paddock and fans should pay more to sit there.


Seeing him play football up close is worth it.


Stunning close control. Wish he'd put the chance away in the 2nd as he deserves a goal for his performances this year. Loved him owning Wellens a few times today and in the cup match. Contract offer?


How much better were we with the narrow diamond / pre-DJ formation - keep with it LJ!

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Agree they are a complete bunch of pillocks and should be ashamed. Interesting that it went quiet ten minutes before half time when the bar opened. They have been pillocks since I started sitting near them when the lookers closed and no doubt will be for many years in the future.

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That area is the best part of the ground. True fans who support the team but like to have a laugh as well. I sit there and they were few complaints from those around me.


Whatever your opinion I thought the atmosphere was excellent everywhere and despite the ending it was just the sort of game we all needed. I'm confident if we can get/keep everyone fit we won't be far away come May.

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And the beefy guy isn't much better than the chanting knuckle dragger's....

How does it work... The guy with the biggest muscles and the smallest brain gets to dictate what we all think ?

The beefy guy has a big gob so thinks he can tell everybody what to think. Shock

Glad that you went today 0000

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Glad that you went today 0000


I didn't... Sorry if I mislead you...


I am now thinking of coming back though... Depending on what happens over the next couple of weeks some of my original reasoning for not coming will go away... maybe...


Saying this I still have the usual family issues to over come...

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I didn't... Sorry if I mislead you...


I am now thinking of coming back though... Depending on what happens over the next couple of weeks some of my original reasoning for not coming will go away... maybe...


Saying this I still have the usual family issues to over come...

You can't beat a Tuesday night at BP.


Rochdale. 20th Jan. Pencil it in.

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