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Ireland v England... Ernieflag report

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As disappointing it must have been to be there I'm not surprised the authorities were nervous about this one. Awfully sorry if it offends anyone but the site on here after Kelly's appointment sort of hinted at the scope for football and Irish politics/anti Irish racism to share common ground

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As disappointing it must have been to be there I'm not surprised the authorities were nervous about this one. Awfully sorry if it offends anyone but the site on here after Kelly's appointment sort of hinted at the scope for football and Irish politics/anti Irish racism to share common ground

There was caution but also welcoming as mentioned in the article very little bother other than them idiots in the ground and odd idiot after the game.

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As disappointing it must have been to be there I'm not surprised the authorities were nervous about this one. Awfully sorry if it offends anyone but the site on here after Kelly's appointment sort of hinted at the scope for football and Irish politics/anti Irish racism to share common ground

I get it Andy and I understand why they felt they needed to act but I just think it's sad that what should be one of the more passionate games in international football was a total damp squib. I also think it's sad that the FA came out afterwards high-fiving themselves stating how happy they were with the atmosphere.

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I went over to the 1995 friendly. Couldn't even begin to tell you what happened as we got pally with some Cheltenham-based Bristol Rovers lads who had a wodge of counterfeit Irish punds and kept buying us drinks all afternoon. I couldn't :censored:ing see by the kick off.

Did that stand up in court?

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I get it Andy and I understand why they felt they needed to act but I just think it's sad that what should be one of the more passionate games in international football was a total damp squib. I also think it's sad that the FA came out afterwards high-fiving themselves stating how happy they were with the atmosphere.


As England inevitably whimper out of the Euros next summer having turgidded (isn't the constantly evloving English language a fine thing) us all to death for a couple of weeks there will no doubt be clains that they are all exhausted. Yet they are expected to throw themselves into pointless friendlies in June with passion. Not going to happen.

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As England inevitably whimper out of the Euros next summer having turgidded (isn't the constantly evloving English language a fine thing) us all to death for a couple of weeks there will no doubt be clains that they are all exhausted. Yet they are expected to throw themselves into pointless friendlies in June with passion. Not going to happen.


Well that particular June friendly was probably a good idea, as we have a qualifier on Sunday that the players would otherwise have been going into having played no games in about a month.

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I get it Andy and I understand why they felt they needed to act but I just think it's sad that what should be one of the more passionate games in international football was a total damp squib. I also think it's sad that the FA came out afterwards high-fiving themselves stating how happy they were with the atmosphere.

They're stock responses that we get so often in football. Everybody is so obsessed with official club statements, FA statements, PFA statements etc. that the same nothings get trotted out at every occasion and it becomes meaningless.


When the players tweet 'great atmosphere' after every game it's the same thing. They're all media trained and will say whatever is needed.


The game is so family and prawn sandwich-orientated that a good atmosphere is one that is entirely peaceful, loud or utterly silent. Their definitions are so different to the ordinary fan because they're one big PR machine.

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I get it Andy and I understand why they felt they needed to act but I just think it's sad that what should be one of the more passionate games in international football was a total damp squib. I also think it's sad that the FA came out afterwards high-fiving themselves stating how happy they were with the atmosphere.

I do get it and I've never been one for the idea that the fans should be wanting to hug each other during the game. "He paid for your ground," was good cunty skills. How do you plan it so people are just a bit lairy though? Banning drink is crazy but short of looking to arrest hundreds inside the ground it's a bit all or nothing.
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