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Disabled & Carer Tickets

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About time the club looked into the misuse of these tickets the amount of times last season me and my mates heard people say oh ive got a free carer ticket off someone. i know theres genuine disabled people who need a free carer but the ones that just get them cause theyre free and either sell them on or give them away is not acceptable!

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12 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

Plenty buying kids tickets for as little as a quid for some aways and getting away with it as well. Some form of ID card wouldn't go amiss and more stringent checks at the turnstiles home and away.


You're just jealous you cant pass for under 18 anymore

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1 hour ago, opinions4u said:

Should it be a charge for the carer and the wheelchair user gets in free?

That's normally the way it works at concerts, theatres, festivals etc. Never made use of it at football matches

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I need someone to get me in and out of the ground but not during the match. If I can't find a carer I use a friend who has a season ticket with a better view so I don't use the ticket in this case. Would never dream of selling it. Entry to both ends of the ground are steep gradients which I cannot propel myself up with my hands.

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I've been to Latics with my daughter, who has  Cerebral Palsy for a while now. At latics the car parking is good and the entries are mainly flat. Pushing the new turnstiles is not easy for her ( new stand ) but there is a designated disabled entrance however the staff can be   a bit disconcerted by someone who is ambulant and they think they are swinging the  lead.

In general we've found latics good and the fans are terrific and in the main really patient with her and accepting of her disability. Not the woman who sits right behind us and pushes past us on the stairs however?

we've been away several times and always been treated really well except once. Accrington were the best where they have the smallest car park known to man and reserved  a place for us next to the Latics bus. I was embarrassed and also worried they were going to delay the kick off until she got to her seat! They were so attentive.

Bradford, Leicester, Everton , Huddersfield and even Leeds were fine. The exception? Rochdale. 'We only have reserved spaces for our own fans so you'll have to park on the street and she'll have to walk like everyone else ' they lost money for four people that night and when I wrote to them about it ( not a complaint ) I didn't get a response.

In general I think football reacts better to disabled people than the general public and certainly better than the media would have you believe. There are are a lot of people I believe who think treating people equally means treating them the same (or some people even worse) but as we are going to have a greater percentage of the populace who are going to be disabled maybe there will be more change in public opinion. just my thoughts.?

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This has been reported to the club my mate has sent an email suggesting disabled gives carers name when getting tickets and id for both is shown on turnstile both home and away and making sure both turn up together to matches. Also those who get cheaper season tickets for being a carer to a disabled person need to be checked to make sure they are a carer and not someone just saying they are to get in on the cheap

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Have any disabled people been inconvenienced because of this happening? Any disabled people been unable to get a ticket?


If not it's like ringing the police on your neighbour because they're streaming movies on a Kodi box and you're bitter because your missus makes you pay full price for Sky 

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2 hours ago, TimmyTaylor said:

This has been reported to the club my mate has sent an email suggesting disabled gives carers name when getting tickets and id for both is shown on turnstile both home and away and making sure both turn up together to matches. Also those who get cheaper season tickets for being a carer to a disabled person need to be checked to make sure they are a carer and not someone just saying they are to get in on the cheap


So, a member of my family has a disabled season ticket. If his carer can't make it to the game because of work, you oppose someone else using the season ticket, in effect acting as the carer?


Your idea is esentially flawed by this.


I don't think the problem you're on about is a massive one either.

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Do you really expect a disabled season ticket holder to turn up with the same carer every match? If the person who gives his ID on the Friday breaks his arm on Friday night are you seriously suggesting the disabled person cannot go and just loses his money. What have you got against those less able than yourself. If you seriously know of one person abusing this then report them to the club rather than branding all disabled as cheats and making there life just that bit worse for your own ego.  

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Just now, stewrat said:

Do you really expect a disabled season ticket holder to turn up with the same carer every match? If the person who gives his ID on the Friday breaks his arm on Friday night are you seriously suggesting the disabled person cannot go and just loses his money. What have you got against those less able than yourself. If you seriously know of one person abusing this then report them to the club rather than branding all disabled as cheats and making there life just that bit worse for your own ego.  

Definitely not what is being said so stop picking out points to suit your ego more like! They are asking for a fair way to do it not to penalise. Always the few who abuse the system. Which should be looked at. 

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The post says. "suggesting disabled gives carers name when getting tickets and id for both is shown on turnstile both home and away and making sure both turn up together to matches. Also those who get cheaper season tickets for being a carer to a disabled person need to be checked to make sure they are a carer and not someone just saying they are to get in on the cheap"

So YES that is exactly what was suggested.

Maybe every season ticket holder should have  to show ID when they enter so no-one else is using their ticket. How do you tell if someone is a carer and not just pretending to be? 



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i havent got anything against people less able than myself all im pointing out is the disabled people who can get free carer tickets but dont even need them they either give free tickets to mates or sell them on or disabled season tickets holders can get a carer season ticket so whats to say a lad i know whose disabled who doesnt need a carer at all i say to him can i get a carer season ticket bang i get my season ticket for about £200 or whatever i never go to the match with him and never sit with him there the ones im on about taking the piss! 

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So Timmy Taylor rather than deal with this person you have a go against all disabled people. Or maybe you are saying that this is rife as a problem. For many reasons including illness I am only able to attend a few matches a season but I can assure you there is no noticeable lack of people in the carers seats so maybe you are just trying to make a problem where there is none. The only person I have seen on his own is myself. On 2 occasions I was unable to fin d someone to act as carer. A friend who has a season ticket on both occasions took me in and then took his own seat in a different stand and came back for me at the end of the match. On these occasions carers were present for all the disabled,


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So Stewrat how do u no carers were present for everyone im not talking about wheelchair users there is people who are classed as disabled and dont need crutches/wheelchairs etc and its not a certain person i need to deal with theres fuckin loads of em doing it! only tryin to help the club stopping people taking the piss!

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Could I just add that there are fans registered disabled who may not have any obvious or physical signs of a disability who need some form of assistance, it's a difficult one to police and like anything in life there will be some abusing the system, I'm sure the club are aware and will do their best to monitor it, we do seem to have a large number of fans who begrudge paying to watch their team and are always on the look out for a freebie which is damaging the club financially in the long run and we need every penny we can get. Whilst we're on the subject of freebies it's always bugged me how turnstile operators aren't paid an hourly rate rather than given free match tickets.

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