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Free tickets for Mansfield game?

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My mum is a season ticket holder in RRE, and she bizarrely received 2 free tickets for the George Hill upper for Mansfield game through the post at the weekend without any explanation attached. It's a nice gesture I suppose, but it's just strange that the club would do this. Has anyone else received them and any idea as to why these tickets have been sent out?

Especially given the fact that the George Hill upper now needs to deal with the North Stand ST holders, which could now become overcrowded?


My current negative mindset to the stupid tactics employed by the clubs owners of recent time just makes me question is it a "improve attendance figures to make things seem rosy" idea or is it actually the start of some good will to try and encourage fans back to games that would otherwise be poor attendances?

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12 minutes ago, oafcmetty said:

It's happened for previous games too - clear attempt to boost attendance numbers. Not a bad strategy per se, just badly executed, as is always the way with OAFC.


Some apologists will claim you're lying, no doubt.

That's nice of them, would love to hear from them. 


I agree about the strategy. Even a note saying something along the lines of "as a loyal fan, we would love for you to share your experience with 2 friends" would have made sense. But nothing, just 2 tickets in an envelope. Just seems very weird.


She will call the club today to make sure they weren't incorrectly sent to her though.

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23 minutes ago, oafcmetty said:

Some apologists will claim you're lying, no doubt.


12 minutes ago, youngen said:

That's nice of them, would love to hear from them. 

Classic forum interaction.

* Waits to see how long it is before the original post becomes FACT.


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44 minutes ago, youngen said:

That's nice of them, would love to hear from them. 


I agree about the strategy. Even a note saying something along the lines of "as a loyal fan, we would love for you to share your experience with 2 friends" would have made sense. But nothing, just 2 tickets in an envelope. Just seems very weird.


She will call the club today to make sure they weren't incorrectly sent to her though.

Maybe a secret admirer. 

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1 hour ago, TheBigDog said:


Classic forum interaction.

* Waits to see how long it is before the original post becomes FACT.



Whittle will be here soon...


On 1/19/2020 at 1:24 PM, whittles left foot said:

Moral minority/Agenda boys still maintaining its all free tickets.

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14 hours ago, oafcmetty said:

It's happened for previous games too - clear attempt to boost attendance numbers. Not a bad strategy per se, just badly executed, as is always the way with OAFC.


Some apologists will claim you're lying, no doubt.

So you have had 14hrs and still only one poster having been given 2 free tickets explains crowd increased by several hundred-just like the last time.

Then admits it is a good strategy.

Doubt it will make much difference tomorrow though.

I see that 'apologist' is seen as the new supposed insult adopted by the moral minority first started by yarddog73 and then adopted by wiseowl and now yourself. Always the safe bet following the herd.


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9 minutes ago, whittles left foot said:

So you have had 14hrs and still only one poster having been given 2 free tickets explains crowd increased by several hundred-just like the last time.

Give over whittles, you're being very silly now - we've had this debate on the "miracle" Salford home attendance.


We will see the impact of the current state of affairs when season tickets go on sale for next season.


If nothing changes, then, if the anecdotal evidence I`m hearing is correct (from some very long-standing supporters) sycophants like yourself (see, not apologist this time) will be shocked at how this regime has stripped our support to the absolute bone.

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1 minute ago, wiseowl said:

Give over whittles, you're being very silly now - we've had this debate on the "miracle" Salford home attendance.


We will see the impact of the current state of affairs when season tickets go on sale for next season.


If nothing changes, then, if the anecdotal evidence I`m hearing is correct (from some very long-standing supporters) sycophants like yourself (see, not apologist this time) will be shocked at how this regime has stripped our support to the absolute bone.

My first season ticket in 1974. I won't be renewing if this regime is in place. 

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