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Hmm, will she pass the de-icer test though?

Maybe there's a case for starting up the 'Maddog struggles to.....' series again? (although the defrosting was much easier than fitting 'easy-fit' windscreen wipers or a toilet block - or defrosting my old freezer for that matter):blush:


Anyway, I have done something incredibly stupid :idea3: .


I have joined a gym. People who know me, stop laughing! :angry:. Properly. Like a proper one, that costs loads of money (well it seems that way to me, having never joined one before) every month, whether you go or not. I have been putting this off for 2 years (whilst putting on 2 stone as well, probably).


I think I've actually managed to do it this time because I've given up smoking in the week (so I'm smoking 40 fags a week instead of 140), and just want to sit and eat all night, whether I'm hungry or not :pizza: .


I've worked out that to get my money's worth, I probably have to go 3 times a week. :bounce::jailed:


Like I say.....monumentally stupid. :blink:

Edited by maddog
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Wham!!!!!!!!! And you as me about mincing. In my defence I was only 10.


I was younger than that at the time. And that was before George realised he was gay*. Young Guns was a butch manly song about how girls get in the way of you supping your 15th pint of bitter if you let them join you for the Friday night lads drinking session. They'll want you to get a quick donner in the kebab shop so they can get home and take their makeup off rather than wait for you shish to cook. No harm in the lads pointing it out.


And his outfit in Club Tropicana was...oh.. erm.... Well, what did you expect from me as the son of a big Queen fan who announced the news of Freddie's death with the phrase, "Well how was I to know he was gay?"


* Outside is IMO the funniest video I have ever seen. He was expected to hide away and grovel to try and repair his image. Well, he took another choice...

Edited by leeslover
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Anyway, I have done something incredibly stupid :idea3: I have joined a gym.


I've worked out that to get my money's worth, I probably have to go 3 times a week. :bounce::jailed:


Like I say.....monumentally stupid. :blink:



3 times a week?


Monday = :bounce::bblue2::bounce::bblue2::bounce:


Tuesday = :smoking::pizza::drinking66::smoking:


Wednesday = :bounce: :bounce: :boxer::bounce::bblue2:


Thursday = :drinking66::smoking::pizza::drinking66::pizza::smoking:


Friday = :bblue2: :bblue2: :bblue2: :bblue2: :swordfight::bblue2::bounce: :bounce:



Sorted, oh and Saturday/Sunday a copious mixture of Tuesday and Thursday.





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Guest gillianfn

Well done for joining the gym Mads. Depending on what you do there, you will grow to love it, trust me. I've been going to the gym for a few years, but I have to say I never really enjoyed it, found it a real big chore, got bored with it very easily, got wound up by some of the cocks who frequent these places. After I was ill last year I couldn't go following the surgery and was delighted for an excuse not to have to go. However, about 12 weeks after the op my pal introduced me to spinning and body pump at the gym on Featherstall Road. Those classes are brilliant. I go at least 4 times a week - it's all done to music so I don't get bored because the music is ok. Suppose it's not for everyone, but I love it.

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Guest gillianfn
I just though I'd chip it up and then leave it for the bustling centre forward to nod it in :)



Mmm, I bet you did.


I heard this morning that Baby Kets' has arrived. Bless - I feel another pink bag coming on.

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I just though I'd chip it up and then leave it for the bustling centre forward to nod it in :)

Which 'bustling' centre forward would that be? I could be the 'busty' one up front :D if that's any good.


BTW, I do like my new timetable, Stipe. However, I have given up smoking in the week remember. ;)


To be honest, I think I'll be using it more for classes, swimming (and perving at Latics players - have taken a very big liking to a certain Mr Wellens in the eye candy stakes at the moment), than using the machines - dyspraxia and exercise machines don't mix. :blink:

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Guest gillianfn
To be honest, I think I'll be using it more for classes, swimming (and perving at Latics players - have taken a very big liking to a certain Mr Wellens in the eye candy stakes at the moment), than using the machines - dyspraxia and exercise machines don't mix. :blink:



Surely you can't think Wellens is better looking than Andrew Liddell? Given my penchant for ugly blokes, I suprise myself in finding him attractive, but I do!!!! Maybe it is an age thing? :P

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Surely you can't think Wellens is better looking than Andrew Liddell? Given my penchant for ugly blokes, I suprise myself in finding him attractive, but I do!!!! Maybe it is an age thing? :P

Yeah, maybe your eyesight is going in your old age.

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Guest gillianfn
Yeah, maybe your eyesight is going in your old age.



That went years ago, been wearing corrective stuff since I was 14, my big girl had them from being 2 - the surgeon who saw her said she had the worst eye sight he had ever seen in a small child and wondered how she had managed not to bump into walls and doors. Such a legacy I will bestow on my offspring.

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That went years ago, been wearing corrective stuff since I was 14, my big girl had them from being 2 - the surgeon who saw her said she had the worst eye sight he had ever seen in a small child and wondered how she had managed not to bump into walls and doors. Such a legacy I will bestow on my offspring.

Maybe it is just an age thing then. After all, you are almost old enough to be my mother. :)

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Guest gillianfn
Maybe it is just an age thing then. After all, you are almost old enough to be my mother. :)



Na, your older glamourous sister maybe, but not your mother. :gorgeous:

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Mads, you are not the only Big Fredder to have joined the fitness brigade. Clare and I have also joined a big expensive gym, been a few times so far, can see how it can get dull and know what you mean G about the cocks that frequent gyms. Yes pal, I am fat, that is why I am here trying to do something about it rather than sitting in the pub necking more calories by the glass.


Only got 6 months to get in some sort of better shape for the wedding.

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Guest gillianfn
Mads, you are not the only Big Fredder to have joined the fitness brigade. Clare and I have also joined a big expensive gym, been a few times so far, can see how it can get dull and know what you mean G about the cocks that frequent gyms. Yes pal, I am fat, that is why I am here trying to do something about it rather than sitting in the pub necking more calories by the glass.


Only got 6 months to get in some sort of better shape for the wedding.



But you can lose some fat, whereas those people will always be cocks. Wedding huh? Have you thought about a singer.... :blink:

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