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I hope to be wondering where I left my spare tire by the end of a beerless Lent.


Not one but two people in work today came to within a hair's breadth of smacking the Crystal Palace fan I have the pleasure to work opposite, as mentioned in the other one. Another guy is leaving in a couple of weeks - he's a really nice guy but he was determined that he had put up with enough appallingly offensive manners to himself and other people, and was planning to lamp said git on his final day. I have persuaded him that the turd would be straight down the copshop and his new dream job in animal rescue would be ruined. He has now resolved to wait outside the office and slap the Nigel round the face with a huge haddock fillet instead. LL the peacemaker once again.


Oh, and my head is overdue a date with the clippers, and I last saw my razor in my folks' house on the weekend of the Bindippers game. If you think you see me on Saturday but I appear to have an upside down face, it probably is me.

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When we had the space saver on, Dan came home and said 'Where the F**K did you nick that BMX wheel from?'


What's a space saver? Sorry if that's a girl question.


Never had a flat or blow out, touch wood. Think I said on the Real Big Thread once, I wouldn't have the first clue about what to do if I did. That's why I have breakdown cover. I wouldn't even attempt to do anything myself. Also, when a coily thing on my suspension went, a proper garage had problems getting my wheel off, cos there's special nut thing. So I would have no chance.

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What's a space saver? Sorry if that's a girl question.


Never had a flat or blow out, touch wood. Think I said on the Real Big Thread once, I wouldn't have the first clue about what to do if I did. That's why I have breakdown cover. I wouldn't even attempt to do anything myself. Also, when a coily thing on my suspension went, a proper garage had problems getting my wheel off, cos there's special nut thing. So I would have no chance.


Thanks for that Dr. You have put a smile on my face.

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Why? :unsure:


Cos it was funny, is coily thing the full technical description??? ;) :D ;) :D ;)



Anyhow got me Sis and nephew to go tomorrow for their second game this season, another step in keeping him away from the evil red curse I hope. The fact we are top is helping too(well he is only 6).

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I hope to be wondering where I left my spare tire by the end of a beerless Lent.


Would appear i'm joining you,took a lent bet today beer v fags first to crack with the lodger.


I'm not confident,but i'm having a pre lent binge in preparation just to get it out of my system an all,as you do.


Believe i have til Wednesday,why the feck do you catholics start your purges midweek.It's just not right.

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Would appear i'm joining you,took a lent bet today beer v fags first to crack with the lodger.


I'm not confident,but i'm having a pre lent binge in preparation just to get it out of my system an all,as you do.


Believe i have til Wednesday,why the feck do you catholics start your purges midweek.It's just not right.


Catholicism is all about learning how to get the maximum enjoyment out of your sinning. Trust us, we've got it down to a fine art.


God did I smoke a lot in the days running up to the date I set for quitting. I think I will join you in adopting a similar strategy with the booze.

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Guest gillianfn
Catholicism is all about learning how to get the maximum enjoyment out of your sinning.


I was having a conversation with my girl about this very thing, only last night. One of her friends in France is an Irish girl who is very religous. To cut a long story short, she doesn't drink, smoke, believe in sex before marriage etc, and won't go anywhere with Betsy where she knows there will be beer etc, because it is sinful according to her. She is very God fearing but we were discussing where in the Bible we would find something forbidding you to actually go into a place where beer was being served, especially if you weren't going to partake.

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I was having a conversation with my girl about this very thing, only last night. One of her friends in France is an Irish girl who is very religous. To cut a long story short, she doesn't drink, smoke, believe in sex before marriage etc, and won't go anywhere with Betsy where she knows there will be beer etc, because it is sinful according to her. She is very God fearing but we were discussing where in the Bible we would find something forbidding you to actually go into a place where beer was being served, especially if you weren't going to partake.




Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself.

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So thats why we got rid of him :lol:


I would have put up with his fun-hating ways if only he had put a bit more grunt into his tackling.


Seriously though, not that it's my handbook as anyone who knows me can tell you, it's pretty clear in the Bible that you should only hang about with murderers, drunkards, adulterers, tax collectors, thieves, camel rustlers and Romans if you are attempting to show them a better way. Otherwise you should stick to pure company. Rules out most of us at BP sadly :jailed:

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Is it appropriate that as we discuss such weighty theological matters you get post number 666 LL ?


Oh dear sturday was't quite what I had in mind for turning the little fella away from the dark side, we'd only just gotten into the second half and he wanted to go home! Worse was to follow, we met up with his Dad, brother and me Ma after match for eats, he went white as a sheet and looked really bad, though he was gonna do some Exorcist style projectile vomiting, but no. So Latics can damage your health, and I've let it damage a six year olds, oh the shame :lol:

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Guest gillianfn
So thats why we got rid of him :lol:



Stupid boy. Betsy is my extra name for my daughter Elizabeth, but you knew that. Pillock.


Stipe's tale of child vomit reminds me of my lad when he was a little one. Not sure if I ever put this on the BT, but when he was small, he wasn't a good traveller. Big Ste took him to Cardiff on the coach one very cold day - he must have only been about 5 or 6. He sicked on the coach, down his trousers etc. When the stopped at the services he washed his trousers and stood drying them. Little Ste's legs were shaking with the cold, bless him. Later on, the sick was rolling about on the coach, (fortunately for fellow travellers, it was only liquid vomit) and apparently one passenger said, "Oh dear, has someone spilled their orange juice?"...... kind of.

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Went on a rather memorable race trip years back that ended up with the lad sat in front of us on the coach being sick on himself after too much beer whilst his girlfriend screamed at him to stop doing it,erm hello he's being sick you can't just turn it off like a tap he'll be done when he's done love :D


Actually,while i think about it my guardian angel probably saved my life that day,decided in my drunken wisdom it would be a hoot to walk across a narrow parapet on a bridge with a 40 foot drop into a trickle of a river.Sick boy thought it would be a hoot to rugby tackle me off it but luckily one of the lads grabbed him by the collar of the shirt as he made a lunge for me and i jumped over his outstretched arms.Then later his girlfriend threatened to bottle me for having a go at him,like i say memorable trip <_<


Having the day off today cos i can,which is nice.

Edited by inspectormorose
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Alright for some innit :)


That nerve centre post by Rummy reminded me of work back then, how everybody stood around and marvled for the demonstation of the new fax machine, That took about 10 minutes to send a single sheet :blink: Then we got a new telex machine. It had a little 10" green screen, and you could "talk" if somebody was actually at the other end, typing messages back and forth, the white heat of technology eh.

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Is it appropriate that as we discuss such weighty theological matters you get post number 666 LL ?


Fear me. I have evil powers beyond your puny mortal imaginations.


:devil: :devil: :devil: :skull: :skull: :skull: :sign0068: :sign0068: :sign0068:


My first ever landmark post - not bad going to say I never try for them.

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Fear me. I have evil powers beyond your puny mortal imaginations.


:devil: :devil: :devil: :skull: :skull: :skull: :sign0068: :sign0068: :sign0068:


My first ever landmark post - not bad going to say I never try for them.


We might fear you more if you got the hang of the quote thingy :lol: oh evil one :unsure:

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it's pretty clear in the Bible that you should only hang about with murderers, drunkards, adulterers, tax collectors, thieves, camel rustlers and Romans


You nearly got the full set last saturday.....no tax collectors.. :D

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You nearly got the full set last saturday.....no tax collectors.. :D



So it was you who made off with my camel then?


Well, it's Lent. I got absolutely battered last night before the beer embargo started and had to get up early to go a wanky off site training course (I am now fully aware on disability and Deafness (it has to be a capital D) issues). Some of the guys suggested that we might go for a couple of crafty ones before going back to the office. It took me a few seconds before I realised the problem. Oh well. Anyone recommend a tasty brand of bathroom cleaner?

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Well, there's been some slacking going on on this 'ere thread. Anyone would think you all had better things to do or something. ;)


Had some rubbish goings on at work today. Just found out that, not only is the position of my boss empty indefinitely, so I'm sort of working 'blind' and clueless (and literally on my own), but the boss above that (who is the only source of professional guidance I have) has been made redundant, effective of the end of March. Lovely lady too. Gutted for her, and worried about the knock-on effect to my work.


Off to Newcastle for another long weekend away on Friday, catch up with some friends, drink too much beer. That's BEER, LL.


;) ;) ;)


So that should be a laugh.


Still managing to do 3 'sessions' a week at the gym. BLT tomorrow (Bums, Legs and Tums unfortunately, not the tasty sarnie).

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