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Revised Outline Planning Application  

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I was one of the few people who wrote to support the original applications and also have a copy of the "Jim Bennett letter dated 26/11".


The relevant bit for EVERYONE here is that it states that "views are sought on the amended proposal". My original comments are still good and will be made part of the body of evidence for..but Jim asks for comments on the ammended proposals.


So boys and girls, here is your chance to support the amended proposals. You can be sure that Bashforth will be orchestrating opposition.


Why for?


Job Creation

More sports facilities for the town

Brown Field site development

Much needed accomodation for Hospital staff.

Rennovation of Oldham Athletic facilities


etc. etc. etc.


You can send in your letters of support via e-mail direc to the planning people via their website. PA/053017/07


Here is your chance! Do it before 11/12.



Alec reported this on the revised plan thread. Like Alec I submitted my comments in support of the original outline application within the official consultation period, but there were very few who did and the residents made great play of how their numbers outweighed ours.


Now the plan has been amended the golden opportunity has arisen for EVERYONE to submit their comments in favour of the revised plan. Using all the positive benefits to the town you can think of, we can swamp the Council with representations in favour.


I doubt that the residents will go to the trouble of repeating their original objections again as their comments will stand, so we should outnumber them heavily this time.


It would be on our consciences if we did not take up this new opportunity which has dropped in our collective lap!


Unless Alec says to the contrary, emails should be sent in support of the revised outline planning application for the redevelopment of Boundary Park to:


also send to:


before 11th December.


Complete the poll at the top of this thread to indicate the volume of support.


Get writing and get all your relatives and friends to write - it may be our best chance to show overwhelming support.

Edited by Inspiral_Carpet
Planning email address added
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I’ve set out below some points, which you may wish to include in your email to Jim Bennett in support of the revised outline application. They are conclusions I’ve come to from scouring the Planning Officer’s Report, which the Planning Committee members have had, but appeared at the last meeting not to have read.


It may be best to omit some points and juggle the order a bit to avoid it looking as though it’s the same list of points coming from everyone. Obviously add any other points you think would be useful.


I also intend to send the list of points to the Planning Committee members shortly before 11th December, asking them to take them into consideration when dealing with the revised outline application.




The benefits of this type of development have been demonstrated with similar projects throughout the country.


The development will provide residential, commercial office, retail and leisure uses to regenerate the locality.


The proposed health club will replace the facilities lost at the former Clayton Arms.


The applicant’s commitment to provide a pavilion to replace the recently demolished changing rooms on Clayton Playing Fields, together with a sports pitch facility, with changing accommodation and parking to compensate for the loss of ‘Little Wembley’ are to be applauded.


The proposals meet the need for a hotel of a higher standard than those existing in the Borough.


The proposed limited number of shops and offices will serve local needs generated by the remainder of the development.


Local jobs will be created and the local community will be provided with improved sports facilities.


It is not purely an Oldham Athletic thing, although the scheme is necessary for the football Club’s future, as the stadium would continue to be a home for the Oldham Roughyeds Rugby League Club.


The success of professional sport has been proved to be important in developing the confidence and image of the town, and the proposed development would contribute to ensuring that the facilities are able to generate the revenue required.


The proposals will meet the Borough’s need for good quality conference and banqueting facilities.


The proposed apartments will meet an identified need for a wider housing market, including high quality dwellings and an element of affordable housing.


The Applicant’s willingness to contribute £694,000 towards the cost of additional school accommodation is to be applauded. If the children generated by the proposed development had arrived in the Borough through smaller developments, the Council taxpayers would have been required to meet this cost.


The proposed apartments, with landscaped areas, will smarten up an eyesore area to the benefit of local residents.


The scale of the residential blocks will be in keeping with the established football stadium and Hospital.


A three-storey residential block within 33m of the back wall of dwellings in Carlton Way will be screened from those dwellings by the mature vegetation within Plumpton Clough. The siting of the other residential bocks and offices 90m away from the nearest dwellings will ensure that all existing residents will not suffer loss of light or privacy.


The tallest of the residential blocks will be 6m below the height of the existing floodlights and the illumination from the floodlights incorporated into the new stands will not be as obtrusive for local residents as with the current floodlights..


It is encouraging that the Clayton Playing Fields and Town Green are unaffected by the proposals and that the existing wildlife corridor along the boundary of the site is to be required to be enhanced rather than simply a landscape buffer, and be subject to proposals for its future maintenance, with public access ensured.


The proposed car park will be of a high quality and remove the current problem of dust clouds from the existing surface causing nuisance to adjoining residents.


The key worker accommodation is much needed and, by living close to their work, it will eliminate the need for such workers to travel into the area on a daily basis.


The design of the proposed development to provide the football stadium with 1200 parking spaces (only 50 fewer than the excellent current provision - possibly the best provided and easily accessed in the country) is to be applauded.


The proposals form a high quality development which will contribute to providing a positive appearance to a major entry point to the Borough. This can only assist in attracting much-needed new business and employment opportunities for the benefit of the Borough as a whole.


The Travel Plan requirement will ensure that traffic and transport implications are dealt with fully.


The proposed improved pedestrian and cycle routes through the development are welcomed.


The widening of the Sheepfoot Lane/Oldham Road junction and the applicant’s financial contribution towards an overall scheme to improve pedestrian crossing facilities in the locality of the junction is to be applauded.


As the application is only in outline, the Planning Committee will be able to consider the proposals in detail in due course.


Is is noted from the Report on the application that the proposals have been considered by the Council’s Officers in the light of all material planning considerations, including national, regional and local planning guidance, the responses of statutory consultees and the representations of notified parties. No valid reasons have been identified to resist the proposal, which is recommended for approval, subject to the necessary conditions. I support that recommendation.


In summary, the regenerative benefits of the proposed development will spread wider than the Football and Rugby League Clubs themselves, as local jobs will be created, the community will be provided with improved sports facilities and housing, and Plumpton Clough will be enhanced and managed to a good standard. The football/rugby stadium and its environs are currently underutilised and the site’s location on a main access into the town from the motorway network makes it an ideal location to project a positive image of both the Club and the Borough, with a landmark development.



I’m happy to add any additional points anyone wishes to make when I write to the Planning Committee members.

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During the original consultation period 591 letters of objection were submitted to the Council and 26 letters in support.


Now we have a new consultation period because the outline application has been revised, and we need as many email letters as possible to show the overwhelming level of support.


Take a few minutes to do your bit for the cause, because a large number of letters will definitely impress the Councillors and give them more confidence to do what is best for the majority.

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During the original consultation period 591 letters of objection were submitted to the Council and 26 letters in support.


Now we have a new consultation period because the outline application has been revised, and we need as many email letters as possible to show the overwhelming level of support.


Take a few minutes to do your bit for the cause, because a large number of letters will definitely impress the Councillors and give them more confidence to do what is best for the majority.


Cheers DS

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Dear Sir,


I write to you in regards to proposed development of the Boundary Park site by Oldham Athletic.


I feel passionately about the club I love, but also about the betterment of my home town, which is lacking in many areas when placed in comparison to other towns of it's size in the area.


The benefits of this type of development have been demonstrated with similar projects throughout the country and that applies not only to the club but also the town as a whole.


Both during construction and once complete the development will create local jobs and the local community will be provided with improved sports facilities for many years to come.


The proposed health club will replace the facilities lost at the former Clayton Arms, which it was wrongly assumed was still open at the earlier Planing Meeting. In addition the applicant’s commitment to replace the recently demolished changing rooms on Clayton Playing Fields, together with a sports pitch facility, with changing accommodation and parking to compensate for the loss of ‘Little Wembley’ are to be applauded.


It is not purely for Oldham Athletic either, although the scheme is necessary for the football Club’s future, as the stadium would continue to be a home for the Oldham Roughyeds Rugby League Club and provide a potential home to other sports teams in the future.


The success of professional sport has been proved to be important in developing the confidence and image of the town, and the proposed development would contribute to ensuring that the facilities are able to generate the revenue required to keep the club afloat. It will also provide local youngsters with something to aspire to in their sporting ambitions, vital to the constant battle against childhood obesity.


The proposed apartments will meet an identified need for a wider housing market, including high quality dwellings and an element of affordable housing and whilst this will increase the demand on the local infrastructure the Applicant’s willingness to contribute £694,000 towards the cost of additional school accommodation is to be applauded. If the children generated by the proposed development had arrived in the Borough through smaller developments, the Council taxpayers would have been required to meet this cost.


Additionally, the widening of the Sheepfoot Lane/Oldham Road junction and the applicant’s financial contribution towards an overall scheme to improve pedestrian crossing facilities in the locality of the junction is to be commended as forward thinking and generous.


The proposed apartments, with landscaped areas, will smarten up an eyesore area to the benefit of local residents. Whilst the tallest of the residential blocks will be 6m below the height of the existing floodlights. Also, the illumination from the floodlights incorporated into the new stands will not be as obtrusive for local residents as with the current floodlights and thus reduce the light-pollution to the area on match nights.


It is encouraging that the Clayton Playing Fields and Town Green are unaffected by the proposals and that the existing wildlife corridor along the boundary of the site, it is required for this to be enhanced rather than a landscaped buffer being created, it will also be subject to proposals for its future maintenance, with public access ensured.




The proposals form a high quality development which will contribute to providing a positive appearance to a major entry point to the Borough. This can only assist in attracting much-needed new business and employment opportunities for the benefit of the Borough as a whole.


Is is noted from the Report on the application that the proposals have been considered by the Council’s Officers in the light of all material planning considerations, including national, regional and local planning guidance, the responses of statutory consultees and the representations of notified parties. No valid reasons have been identified to resist the proposal, which is recommended for approval, subject to the necessary conditions.


I support that recommendation.




In summary, the regenerative benefits of the proposed development will spread wider than the Football and Rugby League Clubs themselves, as local jobs will be created, the community will be provided with improved sports facilities and housing, and Plumpton Clough will be enhanced and managed to a good standard. The football/rugby stadium and its environs are currently underutilised and the site’s location on a main access into the town from the motorway network makes it an ideal location to project a positive image of both the Club and the Borough, with a landmark development.


Support the town, support the development.




Kindest Regards,



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I have sent this:


Dear Sir,




I am writing to you today to give my 100% backing to Oldham Athletics plans to redevelop Boundary Park and the surrounding areas.




I have been an Oldham Athletic fan since I can remember. I attended my first game at the age of 3 with my family and I have been all over England watching them over the years. Since the last application for planning was rejected, I have had a real fear that the club which has been such a huge part of my life may no longer exist.




I was brought up in an area where crime is rife and feel that without Oldham Athletic, I may have gone down a similar route myself. There are too many youngsters these days that don’t have a pastime and don’t follow a football/sporting club, youngsters without leisure facilities or something to look forward to at the weekend apart from going on the street getting drunk and causing trouble.




Without the backing of Oldham MBC, I feel there will be many more youngsters on the streets for years to come who have even less to look forward to at the weekend than I did. Oldham is a great town with a great history but lets not kid ourselves, it is in desperate need of new leisure facilities, regeneration and redevelopment.




Oldham Athletics owners have been brave enough to put a proposal together which has took 4 years of hard work and desire and have outlined from day 1 that this proposal is not just to make a quick buck and move on, but to bring well needed regeneration to a town and a club which is fast becoming derelict. Yet their bravery and hard work was thrown back in their faces last week by 7 councillors who don’t think that this proposal is good for the town as a whole. I beg to differ.




Oldham MBC has helped Oldham Athletic out on many occasions and every Oldham fan is grateful for it however, if this planning decision is rejected again I feel that Oldham will decline even further and continue on this downward spiral which very few towns come back from.




I urge you to back Oldham Athletics planning application and continue to support us has you have done so throughout the years. If you need any motivation to see how having a successful football club can change a towns image overnight, take a look at Oldham’s Division 2 winning team in 1991 which took Oldham to the dizzy height of the premiership and cup success. I remember thinking how lucky I was to come from this town back then.




Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope that you are as passionate about this town and club as I am.




Kind Regards





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Comments Please before being sent.


Dear Mr. Bennett


As an Oldham resident all my life I write in full support of the proposesed amended development submitted in respect of the Boundary park site. I am not usually minded to write such letters but this situation is exceptional.


This is an opportunity for the whole town to make a giant leap forward in respect of the quality of facilities in the borough, but funded by private investment. This is vital to the positive development of the town as a whole. This is particularly true when you consider the rapid progress made by both Rochdale and Tameside recently in attracting large scale regeneration to the area, namely the Ashton Moss and Kingsway sites. I strongly believe that failure to back this development will have long term implications for investment in the town and send out the wrong signals to potential investors for years to come.


I believe the plans have been thoughtfully considered and amended to generate the necessary income to fund the stadium re-development and eventually make the area a much nicer place to live for all. Of course there will be change for those living in close proximity to the development however the land will be mainly residential which if the club folded might not be the case. The buffer zone provided by Plumpton Clough is far bigger than many other developments in the town and access to quality landscaped open space can only be enhanced as the car park and environs are hardly attractive as they stand.


A failure to back these plans is a failure to have a vision for the future of Oldham as a home of professional sport with facilities fit for purpose and a place where external investors will be attracted. The revenue to OMBC via Council Tax must help with the substantial financial deficit. The development meets the needs of key workers and if this is provided I hardly see these workers travelling to the hospital by car.


The traffic debate is surely wide of the mark. Kingsway and the Dual Carriageway at Ashton Moss are no quieter than Broadway and no further from Motorway junctions and yet substantial developments are happening on a scale far in excess of the Boundary Park Plans. I question why our town has to take a different and negative view.


The design of the proposed development to provide the football stadium with 1200 parking spaces (only 50 fewer than the excellent current provision - possibly the best provided and easily accessed in the country) is to be applauded.


I urge the elected members to have the courage, vision and common sense to pass the ‘Outline Submission’ as supported by the officers of the borough to stimulate further growth within the town and take the offer of re-generation at zero cost to the people of ALL Oldham.


Your faithfully


It sounds very good to me - I've just added one word in tangerine type to make better sense of that sentence.

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Can I add my plea that people send an email off. I have just sent a detailed mail to Mr Bennet and the committee but even if you are not comfortable in writing something dtailed, a two liner stating that you are in favour and that you think the whole development will benefit the town will do so much good. The more messages in support they receive the better.

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Orders followed Inspiral - planning emailed.


Good man. :)


There will be more "Orders" later once I've got my words right! I'm a little angry regarding some of the stuff I've been told today and am currently writing another list of Orders (well suggestions for our Members really!) to make sure that substance prevails over spin. :shock:

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Mail sent to both as requested... now than IC, come tell whats angered you today.


Still trying to piece it all together Lags (and I don't want to go off all half-cocked in case I shoot the wrong people!) but it would appear that despite the hundreds of emails sent by fans to Councillors (including those who voted for; against; those on the Executive Committee and just people's own local Councillors), only a handful have found their mark. Apparently. :shock:


Now we all know that this is wrong so I am working with Diego to come up with a list of recipients so that we can forward our emails (and replies) to people in Power so that they can see just what has been done. That way, there can be no argument later about the depth of feeling from the fans.


My view is that certain people in Oldham Council are perhaps living in denial and I know that we have the evidence to show just what has been done so far in our email "in" and "out" boxes.


The simple solution is to get those emails into the hands of specific recipients and that shouldn't be too difficult. It may be tomorrow before I get the list agreed as I want to make sure it is right.

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Heres my email :


Dear Mr Bennett,


I will first state I ‘am a Oldham athletic supporter and secondly a resident (19 years old) of this once great industrial town. From an Oldham supporters point of view, as I ‘am sure it is evident that many have already contacted you with evidence and views of why the club needs the proposals to be passed and I will not bore you with details of my own, just that this planning proposal needs to be passed for the survival of the club and not for as some that have made up and would have you believe that this is solely for the profit and greed of the owners.


Now for as I ‘am a resident of this town I would like to present a subjective a view as possible and bore you with my views on this. I feel for this town to move forward change needs to happen, and fast. Firstly the football club would not survive if this application was not to be passed leaving no professional sports club in this town. Secondly revival of the Oldham west end area and old town hall. Its good to see that there is proposals to change these areas and redevelop but as of yet there appears to be nothing. No sort of social leisure facilities i.e. bowling, cinema providing the people of Oldham something different to do in there spare time and with their money rather than doing so in other towns.


As for myself, and I don’t use this as a threat more a result of inaction on the council’s part, I fear I will move away from this town if no change occurs, and especially if the football club does not survive, as I don’t feel this town has anything to offer me or any young family I may wish to have. I feel others my age may feel the same but I will not speak as if on there behalf. This could leave a hole in skilled young professionals for the town if no change occurs. For a major company, brand or franchise to wish to set up shop in Oldham ,so to speak, these are things which they require. So far I can see why no major company has wished provide business here as it sees the council in not providing any way to keep its potential young and skilled work pool here providing problems for major companies, thus having to employ people from out of town which could be and probably would be costly in turn showing no real benefit to the town of Oldham. I have no crystal ball and don't wish to scaremonger yourself and others into a decision, I just wish to highlight what may happen.


That is why I fear that if this proposal is not passed not only will I lose my football club but also I feel that it may in turn, if the above scenario takes place, force me to leave and seek a life elsewhere. I hope you don’t and you probably don't either as I hope you and all the councillors have the town at heart and though some peoples motives appear that this is not true I ‘am sure this is the case but if you view this application as none too significant and do not pass it then Oldham could eventually just become another suburb of Manchester ,and once viewed as such by higher authorities, the council could lose its power. A once great town forgotten in the annals of history. One match to burn a thousand trees.....


Yours Sincerely,


**** *****

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Can I ask that whoever is in charge of the Petition to No. 10 explains to the Council what it is about and sends a link to it to:








so that the number of signatures can be taken into account as part of this new consultation process on the revised outline planning application.

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Email sent as follows:


I would like to take this opportunity to express my support for the Oldham Athletic Football Club revised Outline Planning Application. Oldham Athletic is a long-established, world-renowned organisation, which has brought exceptional publicity to the Borough of Oldham over a number of years, as well as pleasure to generations of Oldhamers. In recent years the Club has had its share of financial problems and it is a fact of modern life that lower division clubs need to generate additional revenue other than that raised on match days. This Outline Planning Application is a chance, possibly the last chance, to secure the long-term financial future of Oldham Athletic in order that it may continue to bring pleasure to generations to come. I have little doubt that failure to approve this Outline Application will result in the death of Oldham Athletic. It is, of course, anyone’s guess what will happen to the land then.


As well as the benefits to the Club of this Outline Application being approved, there are additional benefits to the Borough that would be lost by the demise of the Football Club. Many thousands of football supporters, both from opposing clubs and exiled Oldhamers, spend their hard earned cash in the Borough when attending matches. This is of great benefit to a number of businesses in the area such as pubs, restaurants, convenience stores, petrol stations, taxis, regional rail and bus providers etc. As the owners of Oldham Athletic have pledged to plough any profits from the development back into the Club, there is the very real possibility of greater success on the field, which could lead to promotion and even greater numbers visiting the Borough and spending their money. The Oldham Evening Chronicle is another example of a local business that would suffer massively reduced income if The Latics went out of existence. Oldham Roughyeds Rugby League Club, as the current tenant at Boundary Park, would also benefit from the development. Add to this the excellent work the Club do in the local community, as well as publishing the name of the town worldwide (Bangladesh and China are the two most recent countries with which the club have developed links) and it is not difficult to see that Oldham would be much the poorer for the loss of the Club.


The Outline Application itself brings additional benefits to the town. As part of the development there are conferencing and banqueting facilities, office space and a hotel. These facilities will be used both by the existing business community of Oldham as well as encouraging new money into the town. The excellent location of the ground in relation to transport links and the high visibility of its position can only help in this regard. These facilities, as well as the Health Club and shops that will be part of the development, will provide much needed additional employment for the people of the town. These benefits cannot, and will not, be achieved without the housing development, which will enable the remainder of the work to be funded. This will provide much needed housing, including a proportion intended for key workers at the hospital, on a Brownfield site.


The Outline Application Report shows no major objections from statutory bodies, and traffic reports produced to recognised national standards, show no expected additional traffic congestion as a result of the development.


I urge all those on the Planning Committee to vote to pass this revised Outline Application. The Latin motto on the town’s coat of arms reads ‘Sapere Aude’, which translates as ‘Dare to be Wise’. I have little doubt that future generations will be grateful to the Councillors if they turn these words into action.

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I have just written the following missive:

Dear Mr Bennett,

Although I have lived away from Oldham longer than I actually lived there, I was Oldham born and bred, and most of my family still in Oldham. I am proud to say I come from Oldham, and proud to be well remembered by those I meet that I am probably the only Oldham Athletic supporter they know.

I hope I can suitably convey a perspective of the wider world.

In recent times, when I say I am from Oldham, most people do not react at all, when pushed many clam up, although some will talk vaguely of "trouble". It wasn't always this way; the instant reaction I used to get was about Latics, Andy Ritche and Joe Royle. Oldham Athletic is central to the impression of Oldham by the country at large. "Another comment is what division are they in now?"


I urge you and the Planning Department to approve the development of Boundary Park, to give the club support in helping reach past heights and glories, to help regenerate the town, part fulfil obligations to building houses but using a Brownfield site, and of course convenient key worker accommodation.


I have an 11 month old son, who will be bought up in Kent. He will be able to ultimately support whichever team he wishes ( I have no intention of allowing him to be bullied or had Mickey-taking because of the team he supports) so I urge you to accept the Outline Planning to help make it easy for him to support and be proud to support the same team as his Dad.

Make me Proud, make Latics proud, make Oldham Proud, make Yourselves proud.


Yours sincerely,



Edited by singe
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I've sent my letter to both of the recommended emails. Is there anywhere else i should be sending it?


Give it an hour or so and I should have a bigger list of emails available.


Sorry for the delay but I want to make sure that we get the message across to all the right people and I'm just getting a few things verified.

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I've sent my letter to both of the recommended emails. Is there anywhere else i should be sending it?


If anyone wants help regarding asking relatives/friends to write in support, this is what I sent to my contacts:


Hi everyone,


Latics' owners have submitted a revised outline planning application to the Council for the same number of residential units, but with the heights of the blocks changed, to appease the local residents.


Comments for and against the proposls are being sought by the Council and I am seeking your help. Any support you can give, in the form of an email to the following addresses will help the cause by showing how widespread the support is, for the good of the town as a whole.





Set out below is my submission. Feel free to use bits of it if it makes it easier for you, or simply refer to the points in my conclusion in expessing your support.


The Planning Committee has already approved unanimously the redevelopment of one stand at Boundary Park, but this outline application needs to be approved before the owners can be certain that they will have authority for a development needed to finance the whole scheme. If the Councillors approve the outline application they will still be able to look at the details of the proposed development in due course.


Without the outline approval the Club's owners cannot obtain the necessary finance from the residential development to fund the stadium redevelopment, and the non-viable football club will die.


Hope you are able to swell the number in support, as the number of individual representations received does make a difference. The deadline for submission is 10th December 2007.


Thanks in anticipation.

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