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Everything posted by JohnnyPimp

  1. I think the players who got the bloke sacked had a lot to prove tonight. Plus 4-4-2. Plus Placide.
  2. Well, Tony P spent a good 20 minutes chatting to Queensy after training had wound down yesterday, so maybe an indication that he'll be more involved tonight?
  3. Rotherham 2 - 3 Oldham (H/T 2 - 1) Davies Att. 7,820
  4. Pop quiz guys and gals. How many of these reserves will make a name for themselves over the next couple of years? Surely the law of averages guarantees that at least one or two are diamonds in the rough.
  5. I'm sure that the same scouts will have also recommended a bunch of better (more expensive) 'keepers too.
  6. Cynical logic. Just pictured him on a yacht in Monaco drinking champagne with a supermodel on his lap, rather than at the Memorial Ground on a wet and windy Tuesday night. 'Hey Gisele, just give me a minute while I tweet this footage to the Oldham fans.'
  7. I suspect someone else sent him the footage but whichever way you look at it, winning 3 points in that manner can only help to get him hooked.
  8. The first and third goals are great to watch but that second is well-worked by Byrne and finished cleverly by Davies. We're actually going to score a few goals between now and Christmas, aren't we?
  9. They're the new Croft, Hughes and Kilkenny. I look forward to us re-signing a fat Byrne for the third time in 2031.
  10. Sheridan's Future sounds like one of the racing tips from Radio 4. I'll echo Harry's comment that the new guy(s) should take a note of the fan / manager relationship here because with support, I genuinely believe the guy can bring us success. Hell, he's far and away the man I want to bring us success.
  11. What a turnaround in circumstances from our form under Shez last season? Worst defence in the division and scored as many as top of the table!
  12. When we sold the sell-on more like. Good luck to the lad. He's come an awful long way from the kid who looked completely out of his depth on the telly against Sheffield Wednesday.
  13. Does anybody else wish we could just stay in this takeover limbo where Abdallah funds players like Bryan, Byrne and Doyle and Shez can get on with pushing us up the table? Somehow, a mega bucks completed deal which sees Shez replaced by a 'name' just seems counter to the recent positivity on the playing front.
  14. He'll be there a while longer if he keeps trying to put square pegs in round holes.
  15. Actually, my PayPal payment was made, although I couldn't initially tell from the link. Could someone please check to see that it's been received at the OWTB end? I can PM details to one of you if required.
  16. Can someone change the thread title to Shez - "I need five or six less players"?
  17. It's unusual that this has been reported by his parent club but not through any official channels here. I'd like to think that our prospective buyer is holding back the announcement (of what looks like a shit-hot player) to coincide with his takeover. More likely the deal's gone tits-up though.
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