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Everything posted by al_bro

  1. Yes and this money is going to the ex chairmans pension fund and a property company. Instead of looking to move to another stadium, they should be looking at raising money to buy back the ground.
  2. Newham council have arranged a £40m loan for West Ham to move to the Olympic Stadium
  3. I don't think there will be many 2 year contracts handed out either. It costs us too much to get rid of them if it doesn't work out (Feeney), but I'm glad we got Furman on a 3 year contract.
  4. Exactly. The club has not disclosed his name for a reason. ie. keeping it quiet from other clubs. So why are people on this site letting the cat out of the bag?
  5. If he's as good as Taggart and Dickov think then he may be Brills replacement next season.
  6. I think the English clubs who qualify for the later stages of the Champions League should pay £3m into a pot. The clubs qualifying for the Europa League should subscribe £2m, and the rest of the Premiership £1m each. The pot should then be shared amongst the clubs in the two lower Leagues. It wouldn't amount to a fortune, but would ease the problems for clubs like ourselves. Unfortunately no-one has the guts to make them pay, and none of them would vote for it.
  7. We need a ground like Meadow Lane which is very good acoustically. Why we haven't been able to rebuild BP like Notts have I don't know. Last time I went, there was a big open terrace and the other stands were pretty old like our main stand. They've done a fantastic job on similar income to ourselves. It's pretty basic without boxes or any other money making buildings like cinemas, hotels etc., but it's a great stadium.
  8. Taylor and Morais work well together and seem to be on the same wave length. Possible strike partnership?
  9. Probably too near the town centre for the councils liking. Possible crowd trouble after the game, which could spill into the centre of town and shopping centres. Wonderful place to attract more fans though.
  10. Does anyone know how many goals he has scored for NI in his 40 appearances?
  11. Lets keep our fingers crossed that Richards gets really annoyed at City because they won't give him a pay rise and he moves for £20m
  12. Orientd ground has tower blocks of flats in the corners between the stands. Many other clubs are surrounded by houses especially in London. Look at Charlton and the old Highbury stadiums.
  13. In case you hadn't noticed no-one ta BP got paid last week. Closing the RRE to home fans means that the club don't have to fork out for policing and other costs involved in opening the stand. It's unfortunate for the season ticket holders, but it's for the good of the club.
  14. Simon Corney is not to blame. The people of Oldham are to blame. Quite honestly the town does not deserve a football club if only 3 or 4000 can be bothered to support the club in a population well over 200,000.
  15. There's no point now. The extra fans who may turn up if only charged £2, would not come back because the season is over.
  16. We are NOT going to go down. If the teams below us win their games in hand (which they won't) we would be 5th bottom with 7 points in hand. All we need is 2 or 3 wins to be safe which we will get. Stephens has been let go because we have received a decent payment from Southampton for gis services, and his agent has talked him into going. Lets stop all this negative talk about relegation battles. It's not going to happen.
  17. Not sure if he's gone back or not, but we don't need him now. PD new Stephens was ill and that Furman was on the brink of a suspension so it was great timing to bring him in as cover.
  18. Don't think so!!! If this were to happen and we were still in admin at the end of the season, we would most probably incur a points deduction next season as well.
  19. The present owners of City were not their when they made the offer. Richards now seems to be a regular in the 1st team and therefore there is no chance he will be sold unless he demands a move. If he's playing he will be happy, as long as his earnings are brought up to the level of the newcomers. Lets face it City don't need the money any more, but they will still hold out for the best deal they can negotiate, which would probably be £500,000. Should we accept that?
  20. Maybe at the beginning they did aim to make some money, but I firmly believe that SC is now an Oldham fan. He would have to be to stick around forking out between £500,000 and £800,000 per season just to keep a handful of supporters happy. If he walks away no-one else will buy the club even for 1p unless they have at least £100m to throw away.
  21. There is also the number of seasons we would be ground sharing for. My guess would be at least 3 and that's if everything ran smoothly. In my view it is not feasible to ground share for this long. Rochdale and Stockport both play on mud heaps, which would be even worse when 3 teams are sharing the same pitch. This would definitely not suit our style of play.
  22. Walsall are offering early bird season tickets to under 18's free if they attend all games. An initial payment of £46 is charged, and a £2 refund is given for every game they attend when they go through the turnstile. Walsall think that the future of the club is with the under 18's and if they can get them interested they are more likely to stay once hooked. Maybe worth looking at by the board when setting next seasons prices.
  23. It wouldn't do much for the pitch though. Most teams who share with rugby teams have bad pitches.
  24. It would surely be cheaper to build the 16000 seat stadium now. If we do go up in the next few years we may have to pay out for planning permission and the cost of alterations to allow for expansion.
  25. I hope this new site will allow us to build a 16,000 seat stadium with room for expansion, rather than the previous 12,000 with mo expansion likely to be allowed.
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