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Everything posted by al_bro

  1. Fortunately it was an all ticket game therefore everyone who went has a ticket stub to either exchange for a new ticket, or use as entry to the rearranged game. The only extra expense involved is the travelling to and from the ground. (good job it wasn't Plymouth). There would have been real problems had it not been all ticket. How could you prove you were at the game without being handed a voucher at the turnstile on the way out?
  2. I was under the impression that Failsworth had already been purchased by TTA! I guess you mean that when BP is sold the money will go to TTA to repay the loan. I still say that the Lookers should have been rebuilt, plus other amenities to make the club profitable. Then the loan could be gradually paid back. TTA simply wanted a total new ground, whether at BP or elsewhere. Rebuilding BP stand by stand would have taken too long, and was not an option for them.
  3. We weren't that far off drawing Fleetwood!!!! I see Rochdale have a good chance of playing FC United.
  4. The reason for most of this is they are top of the league, and scoring lots of goals. Brightons gates are also up, and the club is revitalised, even though they are playing in one of the worst grounds in the League. They have ambitions of playing at a higher level, and will move to a new 22.500 seat stadiom next season. http://www.seagulls.co.uk/page/StadiumGall...2175556,00.html The money spent at Failsworth should have been spent redeveloping the Lookers stand, and adding the necessary non football elements to make the club profitable.
  5. Barry you misinterpreted my meaning. I was not inferring that Gregan should not have gone out on loan. I was stating that we may see him again (if we play Fleetwood in the 1st round of the FA Cup)!!!
  6. FA Cup 1st round if we haven't put a clause in stopping him playing against us.
  7. It's the other was around. The s**t town is dying and killing the club.
  8. Surely it would be better CGT wise if the £550,000 was on Brassbanks accounts. Any profit made selling the land would be reduced by that amount.
  9. There is a Latics Lotto already. We were sharing it with Stockport and Macclesfield when it started if I remember correctly, but it didn't work out and Latics went their own way. I pay every month by Direct Debit. I have just checked our website and found this:- http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/Lotte...,,10337,00.html I shall be cancelling my Direct Debit
  10. It would be interesting to know how many local people (who can afford it), no longer attend home games but listen to the commentary. It could be the reason why attendancies have dropped over the past few years. It's far less hastle to just logon at 3 and listen, than make the effort to go to the game (especially if you don't drive).
  11. Bad luck dosen't help either. TTA have employed managers who had decent records. When they arrived they even sought advice from Wenger amongst others regarding employing a manager. Unfortunately none of them worked out. If Talbot had turned out to be a good manager, we would probably have been in the Championship years ago and now playing in a redeveloped BP.
  12. I don't think it's an own goal. It's a good idea. They may come back and watch more games. It's a pity the stadium is no longer a welcoming place.
  13. I thought Black and Alessandra were playing well on the left. Perhaps Dickov thinks Black is the problem at the back (not doing as he's told), but he has made a few goals this season.
  14. PD says that if they play well in the team they will stay their no matter who they are or how old they are. Dikaba is a very good player at our level, and if he does get in at the expense of Lee or Jones he will probably stay in. I've already said that I hope he plays right back on Saturday, and Lee takes Stephens place in midfield. PD reckons that other managers have sussed out that Furman and Stephens were the creators of the team and set out to stifle them. Therefore it's time for a change.
  15. Good job, but the corners of our new stadium will not be filled in holding a paltry 12,000, but when the gap between home and away fans will be more like 11,600. Even Wycome are building a new stadium holding 17,500 (admittedly they are sharing with Wasps).
  16. So you would rather give your £20 to Southampton (a club that doesn't need your cash) than give it to Latics. That's great support! I guess you will be happy if the club goes out of business, and you can then go to every Southampton game!!!!!!!!!
  17. If Stephens was to be rested I'd like to see Lee moved into midfield and Dikaba at right back.
  18. That is also as I ungerstand it. Off the subject a bit. A few years ago I remember watching a TV program where they were discussing unemployment with audience interaction. On the stage was a pompous company director. A lady in the audience stated that the only work available was short term contracts which obviously didn't pay redundancy. The pompous t*** on the stage spouted out "Whats wrong with that, I've worked on contract most of my life" Of course he didn't let on that he was on a three year rolling contract, that guaranteed him 3 years pay whether he was good at his job or not. If he lost his job he would have got another one almost immediately, via the old boys network, getting paid for two jobs.
  19. Its easy to say with hindsight, but I wonder if we should have taken Tounkara off and brought oin Gregan to play in front of the centre backs after going 2 up.
  20. True. The ONLY way OAFC can survive is people coming through the gate. We are in a downward spiral which will almost certainly lead to us going out of business. I can't honestly see any way out of it. Crowds drop = Lower budget = Lower qualiity players = Poorer results = Lower crowds etc If we coiuld break the spiral and get much better gates, then the spiral can be turned around. The key question is How can we increase gates? Good results and cup runs help, but somehow we need to get 8/9000 people in the ground, and for a town the size of Oldham that should not be a problem.
  21. It is a loss leaser and is a competition we can do without. It would mean playing more games when players need rest, and increase the risk of losing a plsyer or players througn injury. There simply isn't enough money in it to take these risks when we may well be in with a decent chance of a top six finish. If we are not aiming for the top six, then by all means we should go for it.
  22. Trannies manager was not happy when Moore told him that another club had offered him a 2 year deal. This would be regarded as an illegal approach and whichever club is involved could be in trouble. That is if another club exists, and not one dreamt up by his agent.
  23. The club should be trying to extend his contract by a couple of years so that he can't walk away for free at the end of the season.
  24. As much as possible, I would hope that they are sticking out for 500k. We should also be extending Stephens contract ASAP.
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