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Everything posted by BP1960

  1. Latics and Chesterfield and Wycombe weren't far away though...if only.
  2. An easy mistake being 2 town names : Perhaps Latics could sign a full team of current players with town names, anyone going to try a list ? I'll start you off with Clarke Carlisle.
  3. He's like an Opera snob, turning his nose up at anything he considers inferior.
  4. Its the right decision, Huddersfield could well fill the RRE as this is a one off cup tie special day out with not far to travel. If Latics can't raise over 8,000 fans on the crest of a wave it's a poor do.
  5. Sunday People gave Allott and Kalala 5 out of 10 !!
  6. It was always on the cards. Lets see how Lomax shapes with a run in the team, and dont forget young Paul Black is waiting in the wings, also Chris Taylor showed he could do a good job there. other positions are priorities for me.
  7. I don't think he could turn down this move, but Latics will find a replacement and who knows he might do even better.
  8. Have no fears, he will be adequatly replaced, plenty more big fish in the sea.
  9. can't help but feel it will bite you on the arse as if Leeds do get promoted, I think you'll be cast aside as Leeds go all out for a return to the big-time and where will that leave you..............................????Donny perhaps??? Leeds may not get promoted, but Latics might, now that would be ironic.
  10. Having played them twice at least he won't come back to haunt us.
  11. I suggest you join the Latics scouting staff. Give them the name of young striker Paul Taylor of Vauxhall Motors ?..now he's going places.
  12. So why didnt Latics scouts pick him up then ?
  13. Chaplow is a local lad, he might fancy a move back to the north, he is not getting a game at WBA so could be intersted in regular football. Loans can be re- arranged. I remember Chesterfield doing it with a foreign player, Novaks I think.
  14. Richard Chaplow of WBA is the midfielder Latics need, doubt if they can afford his wages though. I would bring in the speedy WBA left winger McDonad too, he wouldn't be too costly.
  15. Baker is going for a big fee, I'm afraid Latics can't afford him.
  16. I feel the old cliché coming up " You're only as good as your last game".
  17. What amazes me that Tommy Wright, one of the best Iv'e seen at taking corner kicks is now the Latics coach. They were hard, swerving and vicious. So why can't he coach his technique to the players ?
  18. If so it's up to the manager to sort it out, it can't go on like that.
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