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Everything posted by rudemedic

  1. For ages people on this board have been saying we need a new midfielder who is much more of a passer than what we currently have, plus a winger/wide player (preferably Left sided). That's two new players in a midfield where Gary Mac isn't necessarily a starter if everyone is fit. I'd guess since we signed him when other clubs were supposed to be after him he will be on a decent wage (not huge but not small) and him leaving has made that money availible. I think this could be a very good move for both parties as he will probably end up playing in Europe in his time there (something we could never offer him) and we take the wages of a squad player off the bill to allow us to bring in other people to give us what we need. Plus having seen a little bit of Chalmers now I think he is a very similar player to Gary Mac (someone that runs a lot and is quite good in the air) and he looks more than capable of playing more games in this divison to cover for some of the games we might have needed Gary Mac to have played in (if we DO sign the extra players mentioned) and a fraction of the cost. Good Luck to him and he will always be a legend at BP for that goal at Scunthorpe and that goal at Everton, plus he has left in a decent way and hasn't messed us around.
  2. No it was a home one (but i couldn't tell you which season but i'd guess fairly recent)
  3. Having waded through all the responses to this post I thought I'd add my two penneth worth. A very good mate of mine went on to the pitch on Saturday when Lewis scored and after the final whistle and when i asked him why he said 'Cos it had to be done.' He also went on the pitch at Scunthorpe, which would have been interesting if he had got knicked as I don't think I'd have waited for him (I was giving him a lift home). BTW he's 21 not 11 (although the second is probably closer to his mental age as he isn't the sharpest knife in the draw). As to it having to be done or saying its tradition that's utter Bu**s*** when did this tradition start exactly as I can remember end of season games when almost no-one invaded the pitch because we had finished in the relegation zone or mid-table (without a late escape) and nothing illegal ever 'has to be done' otherwise it wouldn't be illeagal. Going on to the pitch at anytime without due cause (and when i say due cause i mean a proper reason such as escaping a fire and not because its the end of the season) is illegal and you could be punished for it. However, it is very hard to charge someone under the age of 10 with a crime as they aren't deemed old enough to understand such a thing is against the law. However, I do feel that some of the kids that went on the pitch were well aware that what they are doing was wrong but still did it and got away with it. When these children are older they could start committing more serious crimes because they think they can get away with it so now is the time to educate them about crime and that you don't get away with it. On that note I entirely agree with Chaddy if Oldham get fined I think its a great idea that he fines his child and then gives the money to charity as that teaches them that crime doesn't pay. Plus if someone gives him a few 'digs' because they think it is funny he is well within his rights to give them a few 'digs' back with reasonable force and I applaud him for doing so. As to the reaction of the Cheltenham fans I remember when the Chaddy seemed to empty after that penalty but I had a great view of what the Wendies were doing and they were definately trying to get on to the pitch presumably to get at the Oldham fans and it was only because of some good policing (note policing not stewarding) that they didn't. Plus remember at Wigan under Dowie when they were promoted after playing us and some of their fans spent a long time taunting us I actually found it quite funny as Oldham and Wigan don't get along and the ones taunting us seemed to be at most 16 and wouldn't have been taunting for too long if Oldham had got on to the pitch. Why didn't any Oldham fans not get on to the pitch because there were police in riot gear stopping us. Can you see something in common here? It was only because Oldham and Cheltenham don't have a problem with us and that Cheltenham fans probably thought we were a bit sad to go on to the pitch like that for a game that didn't matter to us that those 'children' didn't find themselves in a bit more bother. There are many ways to stop fans getting on to the pitch unless necessary but a lot of these revolve around stadium design which isn't a viable option for Latics at the moment (see Sporting Lisbon's stadium if you want a good idea what i mean). The best way for us is to have police instead of stewards as being a qualified steward I was taught if someone wants to get on the pitch you should mainly let them as you can detain them when they come off, send for the police, if you do stop them you could end up getting sued for whatever reason and it isn't worth your wages to look silly chasing some scally round a pitch. Police don't really have to worry about these things as much and if Latics were seriously worried about fines and or points deduction then they should probably employ police officers as opposed to extra jobsworth stewards for the last game of the season no matter how attractive they are. If 'fans' still want to go on to the pitch then they risk being arrested or if they had any sense would wait until after the players have completed their 'lap of honour' by which time the away fans will have probably left and they are less likely to get us into trouble plus i think the cops might be a bit more lenient about it then too. If they do insist on employing stewards to do what is much more of a copper's job than normal games and are seroius about stopping pitch invasions then they should employ them properly and have them in the stand as opposed to on the pitch stopping any would be pitch invaders from getting to the barriers or have enough that there is a wall of stewards round the pitch. If the club do get fined I say the club has quite a bit of blame for not implementing the necessary measures.
  4. Aah I wondered if someone on here took a picture of her, I hope she comes back next year. Speaking of wearing a Chelsea shirt, is it wrong to wear a Barca shirt at a Latics game as I saw at least one on Saturday?
  5. My abiding memories of the Lookers are the first time I ever sat in there (against Spurs in late 92) and Ian Olney popped up and scored a late winner. As we were leaving some bloke came and said you are a lucky mascot aren't you (I had been the match mascot) and for some reason that made a very special day even more complete. The junior Latics lounge, where all you could ever get is some chocolate and those weird drinks in plastic cartons and never ever get on any of the arcade games. Even when I went in for a friendly and was the only person in there the games were off. Absolutely battering Bury and just leaning back and thinking some people are getting a lot of stick tomorrow. The new year's day massacre still getting wet despite being in the upper and thinking those poor so and so's in the paddock must be soaking, but loving it. The Blackpool play-off game last season where after the ref finally gave us a decision we all screamed 'Hallejula' (sp?) and watching the game on telly afterwards i could quite clearly hear my dolcet tones. The Tranmere game last season where a glorious last minute winner resulted in us going top of the league and as i looked round the stand everyone was going mental and 'starting' the chant 'we are top of the league' whilst everone was still half celebrating the goal. The bloke throwing the ball back into the crowd this season. Having to wait ages for chips despite being the first in the queue in the days when some jobsworth didn't segregate the two bits of the lounge for paddock and upper. The fact that its the only stand in the ground where you can get a drink without being over-crowded and still is the family stand with the junior supporters lounge. All those times my Dad has had to pull me back from the barrier as i've got out of my seat to give someone (usually the ref) abuse (being on the front row has its advantages).
  6. You see that sums up a big thing about what is wrong with football these days as Earl Barrett was a great footballer whose career was cut short by injury and was a much better player at his peak than every England centre half at the mo but his transfer fee won't amount to half our cut of Richards's sale.
  7. I suppose i'm an ABU since i really don't want United to win it but i couldn't care less otherwise. Since I quite like Barcelona (they are probably my favourite non-British team) for the fact that I like the Catalan politics, I like how the fans own the club (as opposed to some rich bloke from outside the country) and I really really like how they could have almost any sponsor in the world but have UNICEF on their shirts instead of some big MNC, plus I'm not sure their kit manufacturer gets a lot of a look in. Liverpool and Chelsea I used to like when i was little but ever since the turn of the Millenium I've started gradually liking them less and less. They are both owned by rich blokes from oversees (who i don't think are the most moral of people), both have huge support from outside their respective areas (something I despise in football) and frankly most of their fans are whining 'throwers' who couldn't tell you the first insightful thing about life outside the 'big four' if it came up and hit them on the head. As to United I'm an Oldham fan ffs they are responsible for some of the worst moments of our existence (nearly all Man U fans forget that Fergie had to win the FA cup to guarantee to stay in a job). All the stuff i said about Liverpool and Chelsea applies double to them. Plus after they were knocked out by the better team (Bayern Munchen) some years ago I turned up for a school PE session with a Bayern Munchen shirt on to celebrate this only to be frankly abused by the Man U supporting teacher (who fair play to him is related to someone who played in the 68 european cup final) for not supporting a British club in Europe. However I'm British and I want the 'British' teams to do well but since we are guaranteed an English club in the final, 4 English clubs reached the quarters, 3 are in the semis and the 2 Scottish clubs had a good showing too I'm happy enough that the British teams have done well. If one of the clubs left was from outside the top four I'd be much more inclined to give them my support but as it is I'm not sure i care all that much.
  8. I don't think Richards will leave City, however the only clubs he would leave City for (the big four) all have an interest. Chelsea have been linked with him regularly, United could do with and new centre half/right back and Liverpool and Arsenal both drastically need a new centre half IMO. Richards is the best British centre half not already playing for one of these teams but I'm not sure he will be the best centre half availible in the summer. His sale could provide us with the necessary financial clout to buy in the players we need or to pay the wages of players we want to keep to get us out of this division. Once we are out of this division I feel that the average attendance will shoot up as we should have more local games, (especially if Wigan or Bolton are in the Championship), bigger away support and are playing against better opposition.
  9. Actually the test being moved to Sofia gardens (or whatever it is called these days) doesn't bother me too much. If i want to go i could probably get tickets (my uncle knows some big glamorgan honcho) and it has forced Old Trafford to update itself. Old trafford has quite bad facilities for a test match with only 1 or 2 bars outside the members pavillion not the greatest parking and it uses temporary stands which don't look great and never feel all that safe. Although it has good public transport facilities the metrolink is appalling unless you get on before victoria as they never really put on extra trains and getting away is bad too and it doesn't really have any parking during the week. Having been to the Riverside (for a 20-20) I wasn't all that impressed. It uses a huge temporary stand, facilities looked very limited for food/beer, additional car parking is in a grass field which looked fairly full with the ground only having about 5,000 people in it (capacity is 15,00) and was a right pain to get out off. Chester-le-street does have a main line train station but over half the trains which stop in Durham (and that's not all of them) don't stop in CLS, the station is a good way from the ground and bus routes aren't all that great. Sofia Gardens however does have some parking (fairly certain its home to a park and ride) and Cardiff's station is quite big and provided you go the right way is only about 10 minutes from Sofia Gardens. Personally this is something which shows progress as it will allow different fans to watch England and should force some grounds to update their facilities.
  10. Aah that explains why Liddell and Jarrett warmed down after being substituted (something i like and something all players at whatever level should do). This is something I hadn't seen Latics do for a while and it sounds like the new physio might be quite good. I have a feeling that our injury worries were linked to some bad warm-up/warm-down techniques and hopefully he might sort this out.
  11. From his appearance for Thaskin Town I liked Sam Williamson and feel he could be a good buy (can see him being availible for loan and i think we have some sort of agreement with City about this) he looked like the sort of player that although he is best at LB could play LM
  12. Man United or Man City: City as they were my first club and the Red scum sum up everything which is bad about football Liverpool or Everton: Tough one this as i had a soft spot for both when i was little but Everton just as Liverpool are almost as bad as Man U for demonstrating what is wrong with Football Arsenal or Tottenham: Arsenal just because they play some nice football (but if they go back to how they played under George Graham then Spurs) Southampton or Portsmouth: Meh this is Pompey just because they play teams i hate more often (Not got a real opinion) Newcastle or Sunderland: Depends on the day of the week, where I'm working (quite often work in both places), and who I'm talking too but if really pushed the geordies. Rangers or Celtic: Rangers because they identify themselves as being British a lot more than Celtic Real Madrid or Barcelona: Barcelona as its a much nicer city and I identify with a lot of the Catalan politics Ajax or Feyenoord: Feyenoord (got some friends who are fans) AC Milan or Juventus: Juve probably (but don't have too much of a preference) Bristol Rovers or Bristol City: Er whichever is closer to my brother's place in Bristol- City I think Boca or River Plate: Boca (but don't have too much of a preference) Dortmund or Schalke: Dortmund (because they knocked the scum out of Europe a couple of times)
  13. OAFC performance of the season: Leeds away (we absolutely battered them and they turned up a lot more than Everton) OAFC goal of the season: Reuben Hazell v Leeds OAFC player of the season: Mark Allot (or Fagin as i like to call him- anything Rat related reminds me of the abuse he got towards the end of his previous spell and whilst at Chesterfield). Although I voted for Trotman that was because I felt he deserved some recognition and would have been up there if he hadn't had been sold. OAFC young player of the season: Craig Davies (he's still young enough to qualify) OAFC best opponent: Southend (I wasn't at either Swansea game) OAFC best opposing player: Lescott for Everton when he came on otherwise Marcus Stewart who bossed the Yeovil away game Best away ground: Port Vale (I've been twice and seen us win twice). Hartlepool gets a mention for being so close Worst away ground: Everton (crappy wooden stand with bad views and the worst catering facilities known to man- £3.50 for two cans of horrible lager poured into a pint container with a 30 minute wait just because they are sponsered by lager company is dire). As they are in the Premiership and should be better. Brighton gets an honourable mention for being so expensive for what you get. OAFC comedy moment : Andy Holt's miss on against Northampton away and the reaction from player and fans alike Worst performance of the season: Hartlepool away (fortunately I only had a 25 minute journey home) Worst moment of the season: Huddersfield beating us in the cup OAFC my moment of the season: The abuse my mate Dave got for his wardrobe error against Port Vale away. Although discovering this place and the subsequent banter deserves a very good mention
  14. I have serious doubts about this as it has just been announced that Brown has signed a new contract
  15. rudemedic


    Good shout that man and I've been thinking that the new Black kids single 'I'm not going to teach your boyfriend how to dance' (I think its title is) has a very catchy chorus that just lends itself to a football chant except I can't work out the appropiate words. As to the main point of this thread unless i can get a student discount i shall pick and choose where i sit on the day but I quite like the idea of going into the Rocky more often than not
  16. I don't know if your too late but you could apply for a postal vote i know its an option for people who aren't in the area they vote in at the time of the election.
  17. Not to be too downbeat about this I'm glad Lewis got a new deal and I'm glad its more than 1 year (especially as he's a mate of an aquaintance) but I'm not sure I'd have given him 3 years. In 3 years time I'd want (and half expect) Oldham to be playing Championship football (or to have played it in that time)and Lewis hasn't quite shown me enough to say he could play Championship football with ease, as he has had some good chances but not scored that many goals. I think he might be good enough for the Championship but I'm not certain (where as I'm almost positive Davies is and Hughes has a proven track record at that level). Plus, I don't know how old he is either off the top of my head and in three years time will we still be eligible for compensation if he leaves on a free? Personally I'd have given him 2 years and then extended it at the end of next season
  18. After yesterday's results I shall be attending with my Dad but I don't know who's driving yet so any drinking may go out of the window.
  19. If results go our way on saturday a crowd of 6000 is not against the realms of possibility (as I can see Cheltenham bringing more than their usual if they need the points too). If results don't go our way on saturday 3500 may be more likely. In that case see if the Dale are at home as the atmosphere there may be better. (Or take him to see someone else, Notlob for example)
  20. With tonight's results it is still possible that we could be playing Championship football next season. I presume that the prices won't go up from these if we do go up (which is highly unlikely though).
  21. Meh! Since I was going to be busy a bit more on Saturdays (and during the week) next season the only way I was going to get a season ticket is if I could get a student discount but been foiled as I'm over 21 (yet still a student)
  22. I was initially very pleased about signing Liddell as he is/was a quality player who has taken us apart on more than one occassion. He gets a lot of stick for not tracking back or running a lot (especially from the 'lookers') but i'd rather have quality over effort from a forward player any day of the week. However I feel the odds of him contributing to the team on a playing front are reducing by the day as he gets older and his legs go even more (his running ability wasn't great when we signed him). I'd be tempted to keep him on, however, as I believe he could be useful in quite a few positions: winger (either side), playing just behind a lone front man (a position Jarrett has been playing in lately i believe) and he can still pick a pass so if we need a distributer in midfield he would be better than what we have at the club permanently at the moment. As has been mentioned he could have some good impact coming off the bench against defenders that are tired. Yet, I get the impression he is our second highest paid player at the club (behind Gregan) and I can't see it being feasible to keep him on at this level of pay if he isn't going to play for 90 minutes week in week out (which seems impossible). Someone (i think it was IC) suggested a couple of weeks ago that he might be used in a coaching capacity as well next year which i think could be beneficial as he could help players like Taylor, Smalley and Davies improve their game. So in summary Andy Liddel is a good player but he isn't as good as he used to be but can contribute something and be a valued member of our squad. However, I think for us to keep him he would have to either take a pay cut or take up a coaching role or both
  23. Who's to say that our play-off chances are over we have 4 winnable games left which would give us 70 points and having done that BBC predictor thingy i think we may still be in with a shout on the last day. Its not over until its mathematically impossible for it to be so. A lot of the teams around us have some tricky games or are playing each other. Even if the highly likely scenario that we are still in this god-awful division next season then its not too bad as personally I don't think we have the players to perform week in week out in the Championship and we wouldn't be able to afford to bring the players we need in all at once. Plus not being in the play-offs will give us that little bit longer to get the players in we need for this division. Also if you look at who has been promoted from this division recently they have usually finished outside the play-offs but in the top 10 the season before so there are always plus sides. However, a season isn't made or loss by the transfer activity during the last few weeks its about how well the team performs throughout, the managerial (and chairmen) decisions and a whole heap of luck. Like i said when i did the BBC predictor thingy the team closest to keeping us out of the play-offs was Walsall whose fortunes turned around dramatically when Ricketts went to them (they were dire when we played them away) and our decision to let Ricketts play against us could well prove very very costly. Then there is Leeds who had a very fortunate winner against us (plus some other teams) or Brighton who we murdered for 79 minutes but only scored one goal allowing them to get a fortunate last minute equaliser. None of those occurred recently but could well have a bigger impact on our season than the inability to sign someone in the last few weeks of the season when the quality isn't there. I'd much rather the club saved their money and got some quality in during the close season than gambling on a player we only need due to injury.
  24. Alas that wasn't the female in question, if it had been I wouldn't have changed channel so quickly. The one i saw was a little bit older and less attractive. Fair play to the lady who did the original report though as it sounds like she did it as no-one else could and although it wasn't great at least she had a go especially as she sounds like a busy person.
  25. But are these male doctors? If so is football a big game where they come from? I asked a girl at uni (when i found out she had played for England at youth level) if she could explain to me the offside rule and she was wrong despite being a 'sweeper' (but it was the best effort i heard from a woman). I've recently watched some football on Italian TV (i was in Malta and they can get Italian Tv there) and they've got a female summariser (who didn't strike me as being an ex footballer- I think she was a journo). My Italian isn't good enough to understand what the conversation was about but it appeared she was making some sense. In this country I think Helen Chamberlain would be the best lower league pundit if she was ever used in that capacity as she actually follows it as opposed to pretending to follow it and Gabby Logan is better than Linekar IMHO at presenting. I get the impression from the article that the person writing it doesn't really follow football or did badly on their English GCSE (if they've sat it) or both.
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