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Everything posted by jimsleftfoot

  1. I think if Luton have flouted the rules then it's fair enough. I still thing that the FA are doing nothing to protect the smaller clubs financially and are forcing them to take big risks. Smaller clubs needs someone to shout for them. Clubs maybe making losses but they still employ thousands of people and a worth a lot to the local economies of towns.
  2. The problem is that this method of punishment was put in place because of what one team did. Most other clubs who go into administration cannot really afford to do anything spectacular so the points deduction only adds to their terminal misery. Yes it's fair for Leeds to get points deducted but is it fair for everyone else? The reason for the punishments is to ensure the football clubs are run in a sustainable manner, but I would say that the FA are doing absolutley nothing to encourage sustainability in a positive manner. It's similar to the government, fighting climate change by taxing everything, which only means that the poorest are hit. DOWN WITH THE FA
  3. Oldham are nailbitingly awaiting the final of the ladies international between Legs waxing FC and Brushing furiously Athletic on sky, which pundits shockingly predict famine today although Mary
  4. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH Not Norton - Its like showing a red rag to a bull
  5. This is awful news. I really hope Ernie gets to see the birth of his child. Keep in there pal. Ernie for England!!
  6. Agreed - next time they moan they should answer our concerns first.
  7. I hope the club are reading this. I have a 7 year old Juve shirt I bought for about £15 quid and its superb. £39.99 for the materials that are used in our kits is rubbish. I'm sure the club wants to maximise its revenue but come on, £40 should mean a decent quality material. You never know, more people might buy it.
  8. Basically ran out of working capital. Nothing strange in that apart from showing a lack of business acuman. Though I don't think they were businessmen anyway, they were involved in the construction industry and wanted piece of the action i'm sure. I also doubt they would have had the money to be involved in the BP development if they were running out of dosh. I would expect that only decent sized developers would be involved though they also would be the ones who could squeeze more out of us.
  9. Ricketts had a big reputation, so did Hughes, so did Allott, so did Kilkenny - did anyone really know how we would have done last year prior to when the season started. What we do know is we have signed a group of young hungry players who really have everything to prove and don't seem to have ego's the size of Ricketts arse. This new direction for me is a lot better than necessarily signing the huge reps as really its hit and miss. Of course we don't know about these players but then again we're not paid to scout or sign them. So lets just see shall we.
  10. I take that your lack of reasons mean that you haven't actually got a basis to substantiate this
  11. We're not going to get another striker, end of. Shez has played his cards and we will what happens. If Davies, Hughes stay fit then they will both likely be around the 20 mark going on their form from last season.
  12. The main issue is that GMP is pretty oversubscribed with applications. If you do want to get in then I would recommend going down the special constable route or even getting a job as a community support officer first. Even on a basic level doing general voluntary work. It's about setting yourself apart from the other applicants. If your present job has involvement with the community then that's always a good one. One particular job that goes down well for example is a pub landlord (obviously one who can run it in a good manner). Personally, I never see the attraction in the police but good luck anyway.
  13. Sinclairs Oyster bar next to Selfridges and Harvey Knicks, cheap beerage and a decent beer garden.
  14. Interestingly, what would people prefer. A Milton Keynes resident who supported Milton Dongles, or a MK resident who supported Manure, Liverpool, Arse or Chelski?
  15. I used to go to College with Mr Halliwell and he was good mates with one of my mates. He has also sat in the Chaddy end for years. He is a surveryor I think by trade so probably doesn’t have much of a business background. Like many in the construction industry they did well out of the growth in the housing market but I assume didn’t think too much about sustaining that growth which has probably now caused them cash flow problems. Plenty of similar businesses go out of business all the time in that sector, one day they are cash rich, the next they are insolvent.
  16. I would get one, my dad would and I know a few others who could be interested. I think that it is getting written off too easily as well. I think everything about football at our level needs to be relooked at and changed. To much laissez faire attitude and hardly any innovation.
  17. Is 8000 x £100 enough, that would bring in £800,000 (depending on concessions). Hmmm interesting really. I wonder how much receipts we get annually at the moment. I would think that there would be a lot of people who would buy one for £100 as it wouldn't be the end of the world if they missed a few.
  18. I wouldn't be able to make a judgement at this point as the season hasn't happened but I wouldn't even think about it unless we're are fighting relegation.
  19. I think you must have only gone to home games prior to Everton and away games after. Our home form was pretty excellent for the latter half of the season and of course how many away games did we win in a row. As for your ratings, Taylor player of the season??? Allott a 6???? At the end of the day we finished 8th, 3rd best finish in 11 years or so. Without the injuries it would have likely have been the playoffs. A season of frustration yes but a bad season no.
  20. ARGHHHHH never thought of that - the sun melting the chocolate hob nob. Yes admittedly you do get wet i'm sure (though I had always sat towards the middle anyway so am yet to experience this). I'm also pointing out the solution and that at least 51.22% (and most probably higher) will have 98.89% of not getting wet and therefore as a reason for not going in the Rocky: getting wet is 101% rubbish. The other 0.11% accounts for the impending flashfloods that will end humankind on the last day of the season. I bet this was going to be our year as well Please note that the statistics in this post, even though correct, are not scientifically proven.
  21. Hmmm now come on now. Sit in the middle to top half of the rocky and you will not get wet 99.89% of the time like at any similar stand. I really think this getting wet argument is lame unless you are short sighted. The acoustics on the other hand are rubbish everywhere in the chaddy. Why have a rich tea biscuit when you can have a chocolate hob nob.... with the sun in your eyes.
  22. I have spent numerous matches in the RRE back in the 90's and got rained upon zero times/ Yes I'm sure you do get wet IF you sit in the first 5 rows. I spy a solution to this, in the words of Rolf, can you see what it is yet???
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