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whittles left foot

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Everything posted by whittles left foot

  1. Can somebody do a quick summary please of where I can get a beer at the ground now before going in the Frizzell stand?
  2. Seem to be getting just under 2000 av this season.
  3. Didn't the BBC have Congleton V Fylde yesterday?
  4. Article in The i about Pete Wild. https://inews.co.uk/sport/football/barrow-afc-mechanic-manager-pete-wild-masterminded-1875161
  5. See Robinson (St Mirren) dicked Celtic this afternoon-first defeat in 38 games and 364 days.
  6. So how you gonna do that if he is hopeless at signing players on your own admission? And those circumstances you mention are exactly what happened last year-and look where we are now.
  7. Er, read again, think you have misread my reply. See highlighted bit.
  8. Be honest. Since appointing Sheridan and the the laughable named coach Wright in January do you (or anybody) see ANY signs that they are capable of identifying players, motivating said players and BUILD a team that can progress?
  9. This is what I cannot fathom, for me if he signs up again it is a rejection of all the work PTBTrust /BPAS are trying to achieve, in effect an expression of support for this regime. He has done what's best for John and not the club once before when he upped sticks and went to Notts County.
  10. Do you think Sheridan signing up again with this ownership is underwriting this regime? I think it would be a really strong message to the owners if he walked.
  11. If Sheridan signs a new contract with this lot (mentioned the other day and alluded to in the above article) then it is as big a kick in the bollocks for supporters as being relegated. He should be distancing himself from this regime like PTB and The Athleticos.
  12. I am not after a ruckus over this but can someone explain or give good reasons why it is a priority to buy the ground or acquire a new ground?
  13. You might need a bunker to hide in shortly with comments like that.
  14. Do you still hold the same convictions/opinions/beliefs that you had when you were 18?
  15. Take it your joking. Have you actually seen the supposed tackle?
  16. How very topical as Man City announce a loss of £126 million for 2019/20 season.
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