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whittles left foot

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Everything posted by whittles left foot

  1. I was pleased with his suspension-anything to keep him away from the first team.
  2. Interesting how football clubs treat their staff-wonder what was said to Martin O'Neill when 18 mins after he left a new manager was being appointed. This isn't just any old player for that club-he won the European Cup twice with them. It would seem to count for very little.
  3. And this is the stage were the accusers seem to run out of steam. Happy to point the finger but unable to tell us why. There is more chance of Boris Johnson telling all than evidence being produced about alleged interference. Cut and paste from what?
  4. Yes. You and others keep banging on about it when in reality Scholes made only a passing remark about it after bailing out. Other than this even Wild denied it was happening.
  5. Could have gone for a fee allegedly. So wise in hindsight. Since end of Jan played in 11 matches, 2 of which were less than 10 mins-was sub in 6 matches. Hardly strong evidence that he will be missed-plus when he played he wasn't very good was he?
  6. If this is the best you can do to suit your own interpretation of 'interference' then you are wasting your and our time.
  7. Impressive contacts. Only just confirmed on the BBC Sport site-Sturridge and Moreno to leave Liverpool.
  8. Well there is a contradiction in there because from your many and frequent posts you obviously do give a toss. As for the second part, sort of moving the goalposts to get the answer you want aren't you? None of us know, we just have to see were he takes us, and at the end of the day what can you do otherwise?
  9. Just because many on here express dislike for the owner it does not mean the majority are against him, in fact I would guess the majority of fans couldn't give a toss who the owner is. They just want to see some success.
  10. Based on this shouldn't we have a decent away record as we do have the second highest ground in the country? Ahh but we train at Chapel Road.
  11. How many have we missed out on so far? Askey signed for Port Vale. Evans to Gillingham. Wow we need to get a move on!! Mr Moyes is still available I believe?
  12. You mean like Wigan, Blackburn, Kilmarnock and us who all shipped him off-the lad has had umpteen opportunities and blown it every time thus far.
  13. Well the Tory Party is still blaming Labour for its problems and they have been in power for 9 years!!!! God it seems like an eternity.
  14. Not sulking over getting your last announcement about Nepo wrong are you?
  15. Singe replied to me with this the other day to a thread on Pete Wild.
  16. It was also stated that he did not directly cause the crush that resulted in the 96 deaths. Bit of fair reporting reqd.
  17. Double negative-if you have not bought nothing then you have bought something.
  18. Can you not understand-the trust has a legal right to be represented on the board-they do not require an invitation. Getting the owner to recognise this is what they have to keep bashing away at and they finally seem to be getting some success. You constantly seem to mix up volunteers doing this for no other reward than the well being of the club and hence working in their own time with some sort of secrecy. They are not there to produce minutes instantly at your request. I will ask again-what is the urgency? What are you going to do when you get said minutes-nothing but bitch on here.
  19. Exactly-it would be more of a surprise if he wanted to stay.
  20. Happy to buy you a tram ticket-the sooner you go the better.
  21. Oh the irony-from somebody who keeps calling out the trust for not sharing info.
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