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whittles left foot

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Everything posted by whittles left foot

  1. Where would you say we are showing improvements at the moment please?
  2. Aston Villa results out this morning-some eye watering numbers in there! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/47468115
  3. So Maouche is better-a player spent first 2 seasons in the reserves-not picked by 3 different managers in league 1 and 2-compares well with Gardner then doesn't he? Now catching side only because Gardner has been injured. Be honest what does he actually DO? Not a defensive midfielder-not an attacking midfielder-hopeless in the air(can you ever remember him heading a ball)-plays central midfield-can you think of a pass that he would be proud of? Fades badly in last 20 mins of game -this has improved latelyTBH He has scored the occasional goal but remember we are playing in Lge 2 now. At best a bang average midfield player- Either he isn’t that good or he’s jinxed. Easily replaced-he is one of Als signings isn't he? Hence why he is still here.
  4. Is this based upon the fact we have Paul Scholes (what a player) as manager?
  5. Fickle team selection on here sometimes. 3 weeks ago it was all Nepo up front he is never a fullback. Now everyone wants him at fullback.
  6. Nothing he didn't know and understand before he took the job on then?
  7. Really odd as we didn't have a game on it from 12 Jan and it has been one of the driest winters for years. When we played the other night against Yeovil it cut up badly as though it had been over watered.
  8. If you need to ask your point there is no point in continuing the discussion. Having seen your contribution to the other thread I would not want to continue anyway.
  9. Wonder how much your house is worth compared to the original purchase price? It is not rocket science to appreciate that land values generally rise over time. So who was funding the club at this time? Hardly any club, in fact I would say no club makes money out of gate revenue alone so gate monies just get swallowed up in the general running of the club.
  10. Good item about Matt Smith, Latics and the FA Cup defeat of Liverpool on the BBC Sport website.
  11. Does it not intrigue you who 'a fan led group' may be and what their motive(s) may be? Do you really want to continue as we are with an owner who only part owns some of the club and a landlord who has no real interest in the clubs well being? Can you not see the club has been dying slowly for several years? There can't be many other clubs with a more complex ownership than this club. Do you know how many different parties are currently involved in the potential sale of BP?
  12. Think someone posted a few days ago about a similar post to the one above. There are an awful lot of presumptions in it.
  13. You sent your email in to Scholes telling him 'Lang up Front' you have been banging that drum for months.
  14. Don't think I have looked forward to a team selection as much as this one for ages. Fascinated as to who will be in/out.
  15. Why would you want to do that? Just because some didn't agree with your take on the matter.
  16. Well he obviously cares enough not to just say -if there is a problem I will sell my share. This has led to several weeks of indecision during which we have gone out of the cup and lost a few league games-transformed the season really now.
  17. So lets see now if AL wants to give him the job OR does Scholes want the job? Both have run out of excuses now.
  18. So you go for an interview and you would be expected to give some good reasons why you should get the job and have some good points on your CV-basically credentials.Not had the chance yet doesn't really get you the gig.
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