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Everything posted by bluehobbit

  1. The key thing for me was that Doncaster had a massive gap between midfield and defence that no one was playing in. For the freekick that led to the goal wed burst into this space and got fouled 2nd half every time we went forward Furman who hadn't done much in the first half was sat in this space and drove us forward.
  2. There were a few dickov out chants in the first twenty minutes mainly individuals but after the goal they gained a bit of strength but slowly more or less after croft hit the bar we got more and more into the game and in the 2nd half the atmosphere and performance were a lot more posative
  3. Hes done well since coming in. hes a herky jerky kind of player probably nerves so hopefully he will settle down in time not the calmest in possession and he used Cisak as an out ball far to often yesterday - something other teams might use against us in the future hes done well tho and plenty of time to develop
  4. how many did they order 3 and more importantly who bought them??? The Baxter tshirts could date quickly if he leaves in Jan
  5. its one thing on message board but in a (semi?) proffesional enviroment its almost inexcusable in this day and age.
  6. the whole site is a mess, from spelling to the look of it ive stopped going it that much
  7. if that had been me id have smacked Hulme he was bang out of order. It probably wasnt a massive foul but there was contact and it might have tweaked something in browns leg - Browns fully enttitled to stay down for a minute. Stupid all round Boozy should have walloped him if he was going to do that. It clearly wasnt done with massive intent to do Hulme harm it was just to create some distance between the two
  8. This Morrais was also good at slowing things down like this... Other teams do it but we seem to be too nice: Other teams stand on the ball or pick it up and take 2 yards then give it back...not rocket science
  9. I watched it from the main stand and thought Grounds was very good as well..... Rarly gave the ball away and did well defending...looked shatterd after an hour tho....
  10. Smith did OK things his weaknesses were shown up really. He did win a fair bit in the air but no one picks up the 2nd ball so its pointless playing it too him. Croft worked hard put in a couple of good crosses that no one got on the end off... Furman must be under orders to not go to far forward at one stage in the 2nd half thier defender was facing his own goal ,with a bouncing ball hard to control Furman went to close down then stopped. If he had put him under pressure chances are we would have had an attacking throw or maybe better. I just dont get it.
  11. Thought Grounds was one of the better players for both teams. Got the goal after great work by Derbyshire. Did OK defensivly with Brown and had one of two moments of joy in the second half in the attacking 3rd which i didnt think he was capable off. He didnt loose the ball much either. My one big moan was that when they got a throw late on his telling the ball boy to slow down - he was clearly knackerd if hadnt been that difficult a game...raises questions over fitness levels for me
  12. to be honest he did have a poor game today. Almost invisable at times. The midfield dint get a hold of the ball enough and didnt win many tackles the ones we did mainly cames from Wes. I dont remeber Furman making many posative contributions today.... The defence did OK thought Brown did well at the back and Mvoto made a great last second tackle on Rodgers....The mian problem is the midfield sit too deep and invite pressure and we have to fix this. They realised late on they cud put us under pressure and better teams would have punished us
  13. Problem with Simspon is that he always wants to take 3 touches to shield the ball, move, then get his head up. It takes too long in the middle of the park and then he gets closed down. Hes has some good attributes but none that really fit a position I actually think hes best place is on the right hand side of midfield. Even tho he lacks pace, he gives the keeper someone to kick to has decent control and work rate and isnt scared to put a tackle in but you wouldnt have hin in front of Croft 9 weeks out of 10... I dont know where he fits in at mo he can do a job in about 6 different positions.
  14. for me hes another of the nearly but not good enough branch of young player latics bring through - Couple of bright performances then falls down to a level they never improve on. Needs to add some strength and bite to his game has some ability on the ball and has time on his side i wouldnt mind seeing him going out on load to a league 2 side that should toughen him up
  15. It wasnt even a foul. Won the ball completly clean didn't dive in from too far away - your lad pulled out of it and got caught the ref didnt even give a foul at first
  16. singing football genius at a manager whos team is top of the league doesnt really work tho does it? id rather a few pro oldham chants that insulting ones about more the one about his son is too much really..... fingers crossed we can pick from out strongest 11 and tonk em
  17. im dreading tomorrow. We will get the usual moore is a dionsaur chants for 5 minutes and then no doubt concede a sloppy goal and Ronnie can give it large over us and make some snide dig post match (given all the stick hes taken i dont blame him) but i hate loosing to tranmere always have done and im gutted they are top of the league. Id almost be happy with a draw tomorow but if we can outplay sheff united we can damm well beat this lot...... fingers crossed but im nervous. Think Baxter might miss out
  18. yes please! i think we need a bit of a hot head in charge so city flog him not sure mancini is the bloke tho
  19. Does this mean we get an earnest straight to camera reference from Manish on the football league show that hes been cleared - after thier disgusting attempt at s*** stirring the other week
  20. nah hes paul black v 2 solid and simple which is fine at this level Hes a had a good couple of games but he isnt the best going forward and his passing can be poor That said since the last minute blip against preston he hasnt put a fooot wrong so well done and lets hope he continues to progress
  21. Pretty much how i saw it. Dont think it was that bad a performance but it was frustrating how everytime we got the ball on the deck we cut them to ribbons and created some good moments but at times we just hoofed onto the head of Chorley and Clarke who were more than happy to deal with it - i think Furmans ability to keep the ball find a blue shirt even if its sideways might have helped today. SImspon did OK but im struggling to find a place for him in the team at the moment. Not an out and out forward not really a winger and not really a midfielder. I thought Baxters contributions was less and less as the game went on (from open play) he started the game running the show but then seemed to fade as we hoofed it more and more - understandable- with aroud 15 mins to go we started getting the ball down again and we deserved to go in front and Baxters second was class. Smith won a few flick ons and had once header claimed by the keeper we were having a lot of success from set pieces today so it was useful to be able to bring on someone like him who might nod one in . Good result - Orient came for a point and got what they deserved - nothing.
  22. Clarke Think Byrne has been awful for most of the season. However he was excellent against both Preston and Sheff United so maybe hes needs a bit of time to settle in. I wish he wouldnt play with his hands so much tho.
  23. Thought simpson was very good in midfield at sheff united. Gave the ball away a little bit but i dont think he was that bad. Id keep him in but as others have said if Furball is 100% and raring to go maybe put him back in I was more impressed with simpson in the middle than i have been with him as an out and out stiker hes strangths just dont add up to being a main forward
  24. Get Smith in between the posts as Dickov said post match and he is a threat if he can time his runs hes great in the air and will nod a few in Its his lack of pace and upper body strength that lets him down the rest of the time - there is something there with him tho and i for one would love to see him get a couple more in the next few games - one or two at home would be nice
  25. Not been really impressed by Mellor but he has time on his side and he might come good. Millar on the other hand is awful and looks well out of his depth - wouldnt be surprised if he finds he level at Chorley
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