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Everything posted by Zorrro

  1. I know, right? That one person who said Barry's name... Mob rule wins again. A sad day.
  2. That's the last word on the matter. If either of you wish to carry on, do it privately.
  3. Why would he do that when he doesn't attend? I'm sticking up for him btw.
  4. Where is he stood? Goal line? Six-yard box? Edge of the penalty area? Half-way line?
  5. For others while they go to the toilet.
  6. Imagine only caring about things that impacted you directly.
  7. Ryan Lindley, eh? Crikey. I, of course, was royally cheesed off last week. A lot has been said about how the Cowboys still had to go out and win it, and that one missed penalty doesn't change the outcome of a game, Detroit should've stepped up, Caldwell shouldn't be so conservative etc etc. However, momentum plays such a large role in games I can't bring myself to agree. Yes, there was no guarantee Detroit march down the field and ice the game with a TD. But they were moving the ball well at that point, so it's not a massive leap of faith to think they might have got at least 3 points leaving Dallas having to go 80 yards to take the lead. I thought this was quite amusing (I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I don't believe the refs made the call because Jerry had paid them off): https://twitter.com/SportsNation/status/553587787979837441/photo/1
  8. I must remember all this the next time my local PM does something I don't like.
  9. No real need to single out one person is there? Come on folks, let's have a proper think about what we're saying before hitting 'add reply'.
  10. You don't need to back track, we understand - you got your wires crossed. It happens.
  11. What point is that? It's a little unclear.
  12. If someone posted "Barry Owen is a :censored:ing :censored:" then yes, we would remove it - providing we saw it or someone reported it. If someone calls him Barry Blatter or questions his role or anything like that - no. That's taking it a wee bit far.
  13. There's an offer if ever I heard one.
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