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Everything posted by thetramfixer

  1. If you watch the 1st series of that Salford City, quite early on during a meeting he has a little moan and says " what the f**k have we bought a football club for? " or something along those lines! We don't need some ex premier league footballer who's bored, we need someone that wants to put his all into it! He doesn't strike me as being 100% committed to us ..
  2. Yup .. bought both online for £28 each and a £5 postage! I don't mind waiting a few days (I'm on shift anyways) than spending £80
  3. Sorry I'm on shift that evening so can't attend, but I would like to in the future!
  4. Yeah fair point, he may be abroad but he's done plenty through the season whilst he's been over here! Who knows, may have always been a passenger, but even looking at the still (I've watched the clip) shows he's got is seat belt behind his head and not across his chest! Ah well each to their own
  5. As much as I've enjoyed this lad playing for us - and I sincerely believe he's given his all in games ... Is he a complete idiot going around driving and sending Instagram clips to whoever's interested? There's enough dickheads driving along without some bloke rattling away to his phone whilst driving!
  6. Including yours truly at 3:14 - getting to my usual seat!
  7. I just hope whoever makes them plans to make a few 'bigger' sizes than the tangerine ones!
  8. Probably nothing more than a final sign off before he returns to them - ie it probably doesn't bode well to simply return players to their clubs with a note saying "sorry we broke him!" .. That said, and this is literally a pie in the sky comment .. does anyone really believe he'll pull on a sky blue shirt anytime soon? They're not that kind of club anymore imho! .. maybe he's sat down with someone (Agent/RW/PG/whoever) and realises he needs to put himself in the shop window a bit! I know our 'window' needs more than just cleaning .. but he may believe that he's better getting a decent - this is the tricky bit - season under his belt having been told he's a guarantee on the team sheet? Who knows? Is it too early to dream yet?
  9. Probably nothing more than a final sign off before he returns to them - ie it probably doesn't bode well to simply return players to their clubs with a note saying "sorry we broke him!" .. That said, and this is literally a pie in the sky comment .. does anyone really believe he'll pull on a sky blue shirt anytime soon? They're not that kind of club anymore imho! .. maybe he's sat down with someone (Agent/RW/PG/whoever) and realises he needs to put himself in the shop window a bit! I know our 'window' needs more than just cleaning .. but he may believe that he's better getting a decent - this is the tricky bit - season under his belt having been told he's a guarantee on the team sheet? Who knows? Is it too early to dream yet?
  10. Maybe they've/they'll take up what's left of the grass and lay down the sand for a bedding/drainage layer then put soil/turf on top? I've literally no idea about grass as mine's artificial .. so who knows what the sand is for lol
  11. Isn't there a meeting of clubs very soon (June iirc) with regards to allowing artificial pitches? I think they've already had one last year but a few Championship clubs binned the idea as they'd then have to rip it up if they made the big leap into the PL! Would stop this winter drudge year in year out - and probably make a bit of money in the long run?
  12. I see like this... OAFC - we don't deserve to be here and it's an easy season for us! OTHERS - great! another 'has been' to get 3 points from
  13. So this is where i stand at this time.. Firstly, I'm gutted - who wouldn't be? I've trusted Latics for more years than I can remember to come good (irrespective of who wore the shirt) and this year they truly let me down. Secondly, I worry about what goes on behind the scenes! .. if the rumours are true about interference (I stand in that corner personally) then that is a worrying thing. I've worked in an environment like that where people were telling my manager what to do and when to do and it truly f**ked things up and most of us left for other roles. What should have happened is he should have saddled over to them and told them to back off (and that's a polite way to put it) .. but alas he didn't and the department went to shit! The so called 'Abadallah's lads' have been a mixed bag, he's put his money where his mouth is ..and yes he blocked others too (for that see 'weak manager person!) .. so at the moment the jury is still deliberating! As far as RW goes, well what can I say? .. I liked him when he first came in and fought his corner as I believed he *could* have been a hidden gem - I'm not so sure now because of what's finally happened. I'd love to know how the team gels personally. I believe senior pro's like Gerrard and Doyle would make sure that the foreign lads got involved asap, but maybe (?) that didn't quite happen and there were splinters due to language and the like - let's face it, it seems like Fane has seen the red mist about something or another to get him pushed out like he has (his ability levels don't come into it imho) But to finish, I'm pretty much like most who've now calmed down and know that Oldham Athletic is their team, always was and always will be! I moved to within yards of the club for that sole reason .. I renew my seat season after season having it been the first priority when i left the RAF 21 years ago! So little is going to change really! My only 'wobble' is I've recently got the tattoo bug and I'm booked in the week after next for my 3rd in a matter of weeks .. it is of course a Latics themed one which includes the club badge (the new one! Yeah I know, I know lol) ... but that's still making me think .. that said, I'm pretty sure of what I'll be doing that day tho! ha ha ha Oh and I have forgotten one important thing - what I DO know about watching Latics is I have made some great friends since I started going in the late 80's .. and I continue to make them, even more so this season! ... and that is the crux of it if you ask me.. Oldham Athletic is our religion .. Our terrace mates are our family .. Without that, nothing makes sense .. and nothing else is worth worrying about! See you all in August
  14. If it's liquid oxygen then that's got the potential to put one huge hole in the motorway itself! Lethal stuff
  15. I walked past Little Wembley a couple of times with the dog yesterday morning and as much as I didn't 'notice' that Fane was either there or not. . I did notice Dummigan having some sort of fitness test away from the rest of them .. shuttle runs and ball striking amongst it!
  16. When was the last time we had a manager who: Built his own team, had a full preseason, added to it in the window and finished the season? ... I think that's the problem! Until that happens I don't think we'll see the true side of any manager! For all it's worth, I'd let RW do exactly that before we looked to get rid! BUT imho I truly believe that the man who signs the cheques each month wants to do all of the above!
  17. Really? ... maybe the guy who owns the club for one! .. I'm beginning to think that his influence is more than just writing cheques - only a thought, but very little has changed since our purple patch before Xmas.
  18. Equal or better each Rochdale result and we should be ok
  19. Interesting on how the bookies have it played out ... Relegation odds
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