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Everything posted by JoeP

  1. Still in touch with any of the old-schoolers, Dave? Do any of them still get to games?
  2. All sorted: http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsU...2090983,00.html
  3. I don't think they would have been critisised for not telling people. How can the club be critisised for not wanting to tell anyone until it's set in stone? That said, you're right, this is our fans I'm sure some of them would have moaned about something. Yes, those factors you mentioned did point to him being signed. But surely they should have told Feeney to not speak to the press until the contract was signed, as their fingers had been burnt before. Instead we've got loads of "set to sign" articles floating around (including on the clubs own website!) which only alert other clubs to the fact that it hasn't actually happened. I'm sure it will go through, but the club don't really help themselves.
  4. Well, no not really. There is still potential for the Feeney move to fall through, like it did with Moore, and you'd think they would have learnt from last time. It's a fairly school-boy error to count your chickens, yet the club have done it.....again!!
  5. Apparently pictures were taken of Moore in a Latics shirt. What an absolute c0ck-up......again! Why can't this source from the club who gives all these details to the press keep it shut until the ink has dried on the contract?
  6. Over 2,100, I think the Chron said, but not more than 2,500 because I don't think there's been an announcement saying they've given another free one away. I assume that offer still stands, despite two of TTA departing?
  7. Yeah - thought Howard Webb handled it OK, though. The way the Beeb and ITV pundits were talking you'd have thought he'd have had a shocker. Suppose supporting him when he was under-fire wouldn't have been very English thing to do, though......
  8. Good post. Due to location, I can't get to enough home games to justify buying a season-ticket, but your post has moved me to buying a Velour Pitch Towel, Training Shorts and a pint glass online!
  9. Seconded. It's been a thankless task trying to attract fans to games, while keeping the remaining ones happy. That, combined with the fact it seems the Council could not really giving one about the club, means that the only surprise is that they haven't bolted sooner. Thanks for your efforts, TTA. I, for one, appreciate them. One query though, did they ever come out and say they were actively looking for investment from other parties? Obviously we don't know if they were doing this behind the scenes, but if they weren't, surely this was always going to happen as they were never going to have been able to bankroll us forever.
  10. Anyone know if there's been a 'surge' in season ticket sales since Dickov's appointment? Take it we've not sold 2,000 yet as there's been no free season ticket number 4 arcticle on the official site...unless they've just not had chance to put one on because of this new manager malarkey!
  11. Or Danny :censored:tu, maybe...... Think we've found our level.
  12. As if he hasn't got enough to worry about after having the manager's job dumped on him............
  13. Ah, my bad. Although I think it will be interesting to see how often he's out injured and how he performs under the new boss.
  14. I can't really see how any of these factors are really his fault, except maybe the personalty clash with the manager. But lets face it, I think most of us thought he was a t**t....
  15. If it was to bring in a couple of quality players, then reluctantly I'd have to agree. If it was to bring in a load of Penney-esque "squad" players, then no, I'd rather hold on to Taylor. We're all after entertaining football and I think Taylor would be a crucial piece in that puzzle.
  16. A big hope of mine is that the new manager gets Taylor playing the way he did pre-Penney. Undoubtedly our most creative player, whose talents have been hampered by a season of bad tactics and bad man-management. Definitely wouldn't put him in the "get rid" category yet. A new centre-back has to be the priority. Think it's a bit much to ask Roobs and in particular Gregan to play every game for another season.
  17. Swindon is one trip closer for the South West massiive....and does cracking bacon butties!
  18. Odds are back up on the website now. Looks like it's as you were..........
  19. http://www.coventrycity-mad.co.uk/news/tmn...447/index.shtml Plus this come up on Newsnow. Co-incidence??
  20. The assumption that he's a vile human being wasn't just based on his answer to that question..... As a fan, I think it's fair enough. As a professional, surely you want to gain the highest achievement possible. There was just no diplomacy in his answer; no "it's too close to call" or "I'd like to win both". The answer he gave and the way he gave it just seemed to indicate he'd be happy to win the double because it would mean more dosh in his pocket and he would maintain his unpopular image with the majority of fans in the country.
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