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Everything posted by doggy_oafc

  1. A man approaches an angel at the gates of Heaven. "Is this Heaven?" he asks. "Yes," the angel replies. "Can I come in then?" "Well," the angel explains, "we can only let people in if they've committed an act of bravery in their life. Have you done anything brave?" "I have, actually," the man said, smugly, "I went to the Rochdale v Oldham game wearing a Rochdale shirt. I sat right in the middle of the Oldham end, and when Dale scored, I stood on my seat, held my Rochdale scarf above my head, and shouted COME ON DALE! DA-LE! DA-LE! DA-LE!" "My gosh," the angel exclaims, "that's one of the bravest thing I've ever heard. When did that happen?" "About thirty seconds ago."
  2. Well done, you found an example of mass sectarian chanting by Celtic fans followed by rioting in a city centre. Oh no, actually you found an example of a lone oddball posting b0llocks on a forum. Jesus wept.
  3. Watch someone roll out that embarrassing, "Seen in TESCO," sh1te. Woof.
  4. At no point was that TESCO stuff even remotely funny.
  5. 1. Wigan Athletic - Please consult http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wigan+athletic for my real feelings 2. Rangers - How anyone can say in all seriousness, "They're both as bad as each other," when talking about the general behaviour of the Old Firm fans totally beggars belief 3. Man City - I hate absolutely everything about them 4. Blackpool - See above 5. MK Dons - See above 6. Liverpool - Stole You'll Never Walk Alone from Celtic, stole Fields of Athenry from Celtic, stole Just Can't get Enough from Celtic.. 7. Chelsea - Rentboys 8. Tranmere - How I have pissed in my nickers at their fans attempts at being hard 9. Doncaster - As someone else mentioned, they're Billy Big B0llocks who need bringing down a peg or two 10. Bolton - One of their fans (in his 20s) basically offered me out after we beat them 3:1 at BP (1995?), Super Sean McCarthy scored a sublime diving header. I was 11.
  6. I am an Oldham fan! I am Lan-cas-trian! I know what I want and I know how to get it, I wanna destroy Man-ches-ter! Cos I see through the fog and I'm a yard dog!
  7. We've all now heard the change-averse hordes threatening to set fire to their wife and kids as a result of the new badge but I, for one, like it. I like the explanation behind it, I like that the hills of Oldham have been incorporated, I like that 1895 is featured on it, I like that the owl looks like it wants to tw@ anything that looks at it funny and I like that its eyes are tangerine. And dare I say it...I like that it looks a bit MLS-sy That is all. Woof.
  8. Failsworth falls through and Corney reacts with a fire and brimstone outburst of, 'no football at Boundary Park next season blah, blah, blah...' and promptly disappears without a word. Corney returns from this impromptu sabbatical now stating, 'well, we'll probably muddle through blah, blah, blah...' The Evolution countdown begins and Corney now starts harping on about, 'we have no debt, might rebuild the Lookers blah, blah, blah...' I'm probably trying to see things that aren't there but the Evolution countdown sure began at a time Corney started humming very different tunes... Woof.
  9. If you have concerns for your safety going to Notts County then maybe football isn't for you. Woof.
  10. Let's just have more Celtic/Rangers banter. Far more entertaining. Woof.
  11. Deary me, if this maudlin rubbish starts to spread we really might as well pull the plug now. Be loud and proud and fight for your team, who knows what's going to happen. Always hated violin music anyway. Woof.
  12. Shocked and saddened by this. I'm glad everyone's talking about the stunning Colchester goal. He came right in front of me in the Lookers before getting mobbed by the other players. A really special memory for me in my years as a Latics fan. Thoughts and condolences to his family. Gutted. RIP Richard.
  13. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...=wigan+athletic Woof.
  14. ...something happened during the first half. There was a lot of shouting from what sounded like one individual and next thing half the stand are craning their necks to see what's going on. The whole thing gave rise to the, 'We are the Oldham, we do what we want!' chant. Just curious like. It seemed far more interesting than what was going on on the pitch. Woof.
  15. Do you know this to be fact? It's doing my head in all this. Woof.
  16. I think a navy blue number with Dickov's face in a Che Guevara style on the front and 'WEE JOCK'S BARMY ARMY' on the back. Woof.
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