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Everything posted by maximus1267

  1. Yep I agree with that. Have I missed something tho, is there a possibility of him returning ?
  2. Sometimes a player just fits a club. Maybe we are the club he fits best and gets the best out of him. I would have him back if it was an option.
  3. Yep Alan Hardy looked really well, and as I said he was over the moon with Frankie Bunn & Rhodes involvement. Hopefully they can all install a different attitude and get the players enjoying the game and enjoying playing for us. The center back I feel will be a big favorite if last nights glimpse is anything to go by. I know it was just a training match but he looks ready to go, even at 17 yrs old. Gardner shows a good touch and a technical ability, how that is used remains to be seen but I like him and hope that Gardner, Byrne and Baxter are the 3 main men behind a goalscorer if we can find one, or maybe Baxter behind Holloway although for all his endeavor he doesn't score enough goals.
  4. Bunn will play Baxter in an advanced position. Branger looked Ok to me, very raw but a strong runner, quite powerful but quite greedy at times, I think he will be a decent signing on this first showing and his first game time.
  5. Alan Hardy couldn't speak highly enough of FB & AR and seemed very up beat about things. ALs brother was also there enjoying the World Cup semi final supporting Belgium, think AL is still in Russia. And one for the older ones, Bernard Halford ex latics secretary and life President of MCFC was also there enjoying a drink with Alan Hardy. The game was just a run out really, I think the young lad from Sheff UTD could be a big hit, he may only be 17 but you wouldn't think it. Pitch wasn't great due to the weather, very hard and bobbly. FB actually considered calling the game off yesterday but after meetings with officials decided to go ahead as long as both teams were cautious. Decent turnout of 378, mostly Tics.
  6. Exactly my first thought when I saw it. Like it, retro.
  7. England winning the world cup would produce a feeling of lust that will be over quickly but always remembered. Latics winning promotion would be true love, it would last all season and into the next and would always be on your mind but would have its ups and downs no doubt.
  8. Reading this has just reminded me to top my glass of beer up !!!
  9. I know of a person who won 1 million on the lottery raffle not too long ago. After the dust had settled this person was pissed that they didn't win the bigger draw prize of a few million the same night. Go figure, some people are just glass half empty types.
  10. Thanks for your response, BTW I'm a specialist at bad timings. I will have a look on this site and then look forward to seeing the upgraded website for more info. I am in a better position now to make a contribution than I have been in the past so I would definitely be interested in some form.
  11. Sorry if I'm being a la'al dumb here but is there a trust website, I can't seem to find one. I would be interested in becoming a member and understanding more, regarding fund raising etc Sadly I can't attend the agm
  12. Conceptual thinker or negative git, I can't decide but I am leaning towards the latter !!
  13. Looks fantastic ( for now ), lets hope it holds up and doesn't tear up with all the pitch invasions next season !!!
  14. Andy Ritchie did speak to the club suggesting Bunn should be given a chance too.
  15. I tell you what pal...... wots the point. I now know why I didn't post for 10 yrs.... Ya buggered if ya positive and ya buggered if your not..... Crack on with it..... I'll leave it to superior beings like yourself....i give up
  16. Welcome Frankie Bunn Hope things work out despite all the negatives on here
  17. I dont post for attention. I post to get a point across, disagree, agree and debate matters. Too much bickering and childish rants by some members but they are entitled to do that also. We can say pretty much what we want within reason. No need to insult or put people down tho. Cmon you blues!!!
  18. The bookies know summat. Cant find any odds for Oldham manager anymore. All gone !!
  19. A bigger indication of intent will be seen from the players brought in but bringing in players that are known is not always the answer. Bunn may know players who are not well known but could do a job in making a team that will stick together and fight to get out of this division. I will never slag fans off for not attending but jumping ship now and turning on bunn is not the answer. Stick with the club and let's see what bunn brings to the table. An exciting appointment, no. A bad appointment, no because not one of us know yet, he could turn out to be a great appointment. We all, myself included, would have loved that big name. That would not guarantee anything realistically. Mabe By appointing bunn we have a bigger budget left for player recruitment. I dont know we are all guessing, putting 2&2 together and getting 10. I'm still looking forward to next season and will support bunn and the club........ it may still be a good season !!!
  20. All those players from that era including Bunn contributed to the most successful time in my lifetime. And I will always be thankful for the memories. So he has my full support.
  21. Would he need to rant ? Surely if, for instance Byrne who is currently a Div 4 midfielder ignored or did not do as instructed by Scholes he would just look a total tit in front of team mates, coaches, fans and the media. I feel the sort of influence that Scholes would bring could be a major factor in changing the attitude of some of our players who think they are bigger & better than what they are. If the likes of Byrne & Davies dont want to play for a manager such as Scholes then who else would want them.
  22. I think he will make a good manager but he is a different type of gamble than Scholes. Of the two I feel Scholes brings much more to the party. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ferguson get it, like him or loathe him I don't think it would be a bad choice, I would take the gamble on Scholes tho if hes interested.
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