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Everything posted by GlossopLatic

  1. Not guite as strong as "scandalous" to describe the inclusion of Mcgahey or "absolute shite" to describe half the current squad who have got us into the top 7. I'm sat in my own front room having cracked open a beer on sat night watching Latics feel some of the rest of you should do too it's going to be OK don't worry.
  2. Anyone still enjoying the novelty of watching us fairly regularly on TV it one of the plus points of being National League and being a big draw in it. Nors should have done better there.
  3. Probably not but he might have to start there it wouldn't be an unreasonable move. We'll see.
  4. I'd go with Hudson Sachdev Hobson Raglan Kitch Conlon Sheron Lundstrum Dallas Norwood Walker Think it would be a good chance to change formation Dallas and Walker playing wither side of Norwood.
  5. We are coming off a bad defeat and we owe this lot one for what they did to us in November. Mellon shouldn't have to say much to them for this they should be going out with a point to prove start fast and we can get into them.
  6. I've defended Nuttall on here in the past and really wanted him to do well. I've seen some of the arguments on here about his languid style and possibly not playing to his strengths and they are legitimate. I do believe he falls into the category of "their is a player in there somewhere" But whichever way you look at it we've not got bang for our buck. For what we paid we should be expecting more from him and we have given him a chance he was a regular starter when he came here and was first choice for most of last season I was hoping pre-season would really get him into shspe but its not really happened for him this season either despite being a starter at the start of the season. Mellon gave him a chance in his first home game and he didn't take it. I don't dislike any of our players even those that don't do well (we'll maybe I have in the past but not now) I don't Boo ex players when they return its just wasted energy. I certainly hold no ill feelings towards him who knows he might come back better, or he might thrive at Cheltenham it wouldn't be beyond him to do that EFL clubs were looking at him when he signed for us. But I get the feeling he will fall into the category of could of done better with his time at Oldham he's not the first he won't be the last.
  7. Home advantage counts. The vast majority of teams win more at home than they do away. Think we all agree our achiles heel is playing against lesser sides at home when the emphasis is on us to attack and break teams down. I think we need to start faster in these games get into the opposition quickly press hard from the front and take the ball at every given opportunity, if you don't you give teams a foothold in the game and they build from there.
  8. If you are looking for a financial return they are terrible investments you are right. But most don't do it for thst it's often for a love of the sport and abit of fame too it can stroke people egos. I think with the Rothwells it is more a case of civic duty that they are doing this. They probably see it as an investment in the town itself. I think we all realise that their pockets are only so deep and with the parachute payments ending this summer and with the majority of the squad contracted beyond the summer then you do wonder how much wiggle room or resource will be available this summer. I think they are in this for the long haul though. I do hope though that they aren't gambling on getting promoted and then thinking the club will be profitable because while our revenue will clearly jump so too will the asking price of players that we will need to compete at that level. That said its not something I will be losing sleep over just yet.
  9. True but I feel if anything maybe we need a more creative type of player but we will see.
  10. Add in Raglan who's the 31 and Fondop who is 30. Not quite sure what to think of this signing not too sure it's exactly what we need but at the same time I feel abit churlish complaining about bringing in a player with such experience which could be very useful at the business end of the season when we need calm heads and ofcourse I trust the manager. Let's see how it works out.
  11. I guess Mellon didn't rate the forwards currently on our books due to the fact he signed 2 stikers. Surely Willoughby and Reid will be moving on. Moving Nuttall on might be more tricky one feels. If you have ever played football manager you will know that loaning a player will come with the caveat of paying a certain percentage of the players wages so let's say Willoughby goes to Fylde on loan for the rest of the season they might only be able to pay 20% of his wages and we pay the rest which we might agree too aslong as he doesn't play against us. We make a small saving and make sure he can't do any damage to us either.
  12. Queensy Menig 4 games 1 goal and over £500k outlay in wages that is the worst signing in the clubs history in terms of value for money.
  13. Speaking of things you don't see or hear at football matches anymore Rattles Remember them? They were still a thing from my first memories of going to football matches in the early 90s I remember but died off as the decade wore on.
  14. By all means do I'm not stopping you. I actually wasn't having a go we've lost 1 - 0 at home in a very winnable game the criticism is very justifiable.
  15. I think a few will need this message board tonight to have a vent and get it out of there system it probably best to let them do it.
  16. I'll put that down to the understandable frustration of getting beat 0-1 at home to Woking. On a more serious note I think this highlights where we are at the moment a team that will win more than it loses and should get 75-80 points but is unfortunately capable of throwing in the odd typical Latics moment like today. We will get in the play offs it could go either way we could very well still get promotion the teams around us are equally fallable as today's results show. But if we don't go up this season then it won't be much of a jump to improve it for the season after and make the extra steps to promotion. Today was frustrating but the roof hasn't fallen in on our promotion hopes yet.
  17. I did warn everybody And as predicted someone stepped up to the plate In other news Bromley and Barnet both losing.....
  18. Splitting hairs abit here from me but 3-5-2 isn't necessarily a defensive formation as such it's just that we've often played a midfield that is more defensive minded with 3 defenders 2 wing backs in Sutton and Kitching and Mcgahey in the centre it has at times asked abit too much of Lundstrum to do the creating who I think is more a box to box midfielder than a creative one. Now we have Conlon in there I'm a little more confident on our ability to make chances If Hogan is suspended we could well go to 4 at the back and potentially bring on either Dallas or Walker or maybe bring both in and move Fondop to the bench and go 4-3-3. The important thing is we have options
  19. On a more serious note I'm expecting them to come here dig in get men behind the ball and make it ugly we've struggled a couple of times with that this season it will be a test. We've beaten Barnet twice by Barnet playing a high line and Norwood and Fondop getting in behind them and terrorising them we might not probably won't get that space in behind them tomorrow it might require abit more guile and quite abit more patience to break them down.
  20. 1-0 defeat and some hystetical douche coming on here saying they hope they never see any of the current squad play for us ever again
  21. Yeah you expected to see him pull one out of his socks half way through the game and during a drinks breaks he'd light a fag while leaning agsinst the goal post.
  22. Such a shame we didn't have Gary Harkins for longer than we did he was a proper cult hero looked like the type of bloke you literally dragged out the pub at 5 to 3 but he could properly play.
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