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Everything posted by GlossopLatic

  1. Bring a big coat and grab a boveril you'll be fine.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's forecast to stop this evening?
  3. Not insurmountable but unlikely. But without wanting to use the cliche of taking each game at a time. Let's just try and win tonight then continue to focus on winning the next game and see how far it takes us, it might get us to the top 3 who knows. But right now I'm not counting on it and getting into 4th or 5th by the end of the night would be a good starting point.
  4. If we were to get into the top 3 its going to require either Barnet or Bromley to collapse stranger things have happened but it seems unlikely. But as things stand it's likely we will face one or the other in the play offs, therefore laying down a marker by taking 6 points of them will put doubt in the minds of both of them about facing us. So tonight is almost like laying down a marker and saying to them that they are not going to fancy playing us in the play offs.
  5. Their is always a risk that things won't work out with one or 2 signings and it might happen here. But we can believe. We've added that 3-4 players to a side that has been showing top 7 form now for over a year. We are in unchartered territory here when it comes to getting to this time of the year and be looking forward to the second half of the season. Usually we hit January and are just looking forward to a boost to our survival hopes at this or possibly enjoying the afterglow of getting to the 3rd round of the FA cup and causing an upset but this is different we have an Oldham Athletic side with a genuine chance of promotion. we also now have a manager with more experience than any other manager in the top 7 of getting teams promoted. We also have players such as Hogan Raglan Conlon and Norwood who know what winning promotion is about as they have done it in their careers, this experience could be crucial in the run in. It might not end in success we might stumble a couple of time, but strap in and enjoy the ride because I think we will have an exciting 2nd half of the season as promotion is very much on...... ....Has anyone else got the Dallas theme tune running round on their head at the moment?
  6. Looking around the league can anyone say they have done better business than we have this month certainly looking at our promotion rivals I think we've strengthened more than any of them have. It's putting us in a really good position and setting ourselves up nicely for the run in. This is where having a strong squad will matter and I think we are atleast as strong as everyoneelse now.
  7. Well if this was the inspiration behind the video on the clubs Facebook page you are welcome btw.
  8. Hes 41 and surprisingly still playing.... I've been googling tyson footballer to see if any come up who could possibly be a candidate.
  9. Stones is not coming back though he's out for 3 months. By which time Wigan might want him in their side. I'd be abit concerned by Madine he comes with alot of Baggage and to be quite frank we've had too many of those in recent years. If we go for a forward someone younger and more mobile would be my preference Fondop cam play the role of bruiser Norwood the goal poacher I think we need someone who is a willing runner who will work the channels.
  10. That would be more than decent that would be about as good a signing as anyone outside the football league could do this month.
  11. Surely if the rumour of Dallas is true surely any cryptic clues would be abit more round the 80's TV series or would that be too obvious. I'm sure the social media team will jump on it tomorrow. Dallas NB: If he does sign we have a ready to go song for him that's easy to singalong too. It's all rather exciting this waiting on a new signing remember when we used to sit around waiting for the next CLUB STATEMENT to come out.
  12. Judging by the squad based on performances this season then you would think 3-5-2 is probably it's best formation. However with us bringing in Walker Sachdev and potentially Kanu or another wide player then it gives us the option to go to a 4 at the back formation with wingers. If these signings prove to be a success it could be enough of a boost to get us up.
  13. Right Winger/wing back? If that's the case we can't be far off closing the book on any more incoming players maybe a striker to replace Stones but that could be enough to get us up.
  14. I feel little bit sad reading Rick Holdens Facebook page sounds like he had abit of a rough Christmas and well some of his views are a little bit bizarre a kind of never meet your heroes thing going on. As for the particular post well he didn't need the owners of JWLees to be in the stands to beat a full back and the current lot don't need Frank at the club every day either. If anything they should feel inspired that a guy who is old enough to be their Grandad is rowing the Atlantic for charity. I've no doubt they have respect for what he does for the club. Yep they should have done a hell of alot better yesterday but that's been covered in other threads.
  15. I've tried Googling Stats for yesterday's game to confirm or deny this however I felt that we may have created the odd chance it's nowhere near as many as we should have done considering how much possession we had. We had alot of the ball but did very little with it. I don't remember their keeper pulling off too many worldies either.
  16. Their is a danger of reading too much into things we lack creativity on the ball which is a problem particularly at home when teams sit in against us as we struggle to break any team even a 7th tier one down. I actually think it's more of an advantage having fans behind the goal.
  17. The players turned up with the wrong attitude that's partly on MM but it's also on the players.
  18. The vast majority of that starting line up have spent most of their careers making a living atleast 2 levels above where Hendon are now it wasn't an ability issue it was an attitude problem today they thought they could roll up and steamroller Hendon they got a rude awakening.
  19. The team we put out today was good enough to win that game if they put their minds to it they didn't and we lost and we deserved it.
  20. I had abit of a go at people last week for saying that it was abit hyperbolic to say that describe last weeks 1-0 away win as embarrassing and a disgrace I imagine that if any of them saw that today their heads will have exploded. That was an actual embarrasment we had players today who were given an opportunity to impress and did nothing in Willoughby Ward and Hope. Players such as Raglan and Lundstrum who just dilly dallied on the ball and wanted to take too many touches Gardners was out of position but he could have done a hell of alot more. The passing was pedestrian and slow amd the movement was nonexistent. But the biggest dissapointment today was the lack of desire we lost today because Hendon wanted it more nothingelse it was a lack of application and professionalism and that's the biggest insult I can give to that team today. I'm of for a curry and a few pints to calm down I suggest the rest of you do the same.
  21. Derbyshire Times Gateshead This article ahead of last nights game gives us some answers and yes the goalkeeper (I don't know if it's the same one) is one of those going to the EFL.
  22. Indeed which they willingly signed up to. People can still think and say what they like, But if you commit a point of view or even an accusation to writing or indeed to a video it takes on a different level of accountability.
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