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Everything posted by Nohairdontcare

  2. Fantastic emails everybody... We need to keep lashing them out every day for as long as it takes to keep the pressure on...
  3. Great stuff - pressure must be kept on the council. I like the idea of asking Scholes to chip in...
  4. Nohairdontcare


    I'm still lost for words at the moment - but I have emailed the council. All I could muster up to say is that our club is in danger of choking and the town will be next. When I get my thoughts straight in my head I'll send 'em another one.
  5. Those who want Sheridan out... who do you want in? On this thread he has been accused of 'looking clueless'. What on earth is that all about? The notion of 'Sheridan out' is absurd at this stage of the season. Yes, the team is in a rut. Things have been grim since February. But the months before that saw an amazing run of good results. Let's wait until February before we start hitting the panic button, eh?
  6. Awful news. Lets hope he can beat it. All the best fella... we're with you all the way.
  7. Speaking of Carl... I found this link to an article about how he's been getting on since leaving the game. Seems he's doing quite well. http://www.thefa.com/Features/EnglishDomes...02/12/33843.htm
  8. The thought of selling any of our half decent players - or even being without them or half decent replacements for a couple of weeks - makes me shiver... I reckon what we need most is the team we have now to gel and click into gear. If we start moving up the table and the lads play better, it's not going to do their value any harm whether we want to sell them or not...
  9. If we sold 'em then we would have the hassle of trying to replace 'em... So I reckon we're better off keeping them. Simple as that.
  10. Yup, you pay your money... but what does booing achieve? I reckon most players know when they're playing rubbish...
  11. When has booing our own players ever helped with anything? It's out of order and a bit ignorant in my opinion... Fans should always be behind the team - It's Shez's job to bo****k them...
  12. Didn't we get whipped 7-1 by Cardiff back in 2002? I think that was so bad I had to laugh - so if I was forced to pick a favourite defeat that would be it. Can't remember much about it though - must have been so painful I've blocked the details from my memory.
  13. Nothing like a good old cyberscrap to liven up an evening... That aside, for what it's worth I reckon we'll be doing nicely by September and I've a feeling Hughes is going to fire us into the top six. And having another striker around can only be a good thing that will light a fire under the a**e of forwards who may not be pulling their considerable weight...
  14. Right - he's done the press conference, released the statement, all that stuff... Now I hope he can get on with the football. I'm looking forward to his first goal and hope it will be the first of many.
  15. I can't believe how few people go on a pub crawl after a Latics win. In my experience, it's the ONLY way to celebrate a victory. It's also a good way to help come to terms with a loss too. I find that a pub crawl helps put a draw in perspective. And when matches are postponed, it is a great way to pass the evening...
  16. I'm tired of the Lee Hughes debate already - I just hope he bags 30 goals for us this season and if he doesn't and is a flop then so be it.
  17. Lee Dixon - I can't stand the site of the man. If I saw him on the street I'd feel obliged to push him over. Then there's Mark Hughes. But in his case I do, slightly, respect him as a man and a player even though I wince at the sight of him. Dixon, I don't respect at all.
  18. I suggested this before so sorry for repeating it - but why not get two players into one chant like so: (To the tune of the Batman theme) Ka la la la la la la la RATMAN!
  19. I remember heading to County Cork to see Latics in a pre-season friendly against Cobh Ramblers (ended up a 0-0 draw). Me and my dad weren't exactly chuffed with what was happening with the club at the time - Graham Sharp was manager and Andy Richie was gone. Anyway, I remember my dad shouting 'bring back Andy Richie' at the top of his voice right beside the Latics subs bench. He got a filthy look from Sharp and, as the team and management were walking off the pitch at half time, Sharp even gave me - a young lad at that time - a scowl. I wasn't at all pleased, but then it all changed - Nick Henry strolled right over to myself and my pal (my dad was having a pint at this stage) and gave us a big smile, a big thumbs up, and had a brief chat. I say 'brief chat' because I was awestruck and couldn't think of anything to say - but Nicky made my day. He actually approached me and my friend and it made us feel like kings for a week. Legend.
  20. I bet we have him in the bag - the 'deal not done yet' bit may just be a ruse to get us bashing the poor old F5 button again!
  21. Bloody hell... we really have to get things sorted at the back. How about Thommo and Gregan up front and to hell with our signings - they're apparently combining well when it comes to hitting the back of the net... shame it's at the wrong bloody end.
  22. Where's that big huge Keep The Faith flag that's been draped over the Boundary Park stands? We could fold it in half and make Ricketts' jersey out of it.
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