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Everything posted by Oafc88

  1. I think the point of the thread is to just highlight any negative news rather than foster it
  2. whats the name of the league as im unsure if ive already signed up to it? im currently in the JKlatics-owtb league
  3. .... your old enough, it seems is definitely a term still used in bolivia 12 Year old football pro
  4. Yeah that was what my point is, in regards to the poll, why some people may choose to go to less games now as it will be less if they currently go all home games now, i doubt if any at all are going to stop going full stop.
  5. I just think that tuesday nights in general have lower attendances and i assume due to distance for some that this is one of the reasons for certain folk not being able to make it on a tues night now. So i imagine those currently up and around or near bp will have the same excuses for when we move down there?
  6. "No name has been decided for the stadium but it is thought that the rights could be offered to the highest bidder." Well looks like we'll be getting a crappy name added to the stadium
  7. Just before its said, ive voted hardcore, nothing il stop me going however much i detest the idea of moving to failsworth, but i can imagine for some it may be less, i.e those who cant/wont make tuesday night games who use to as its now further away to make. Sorta like others now who dont make it BP on a tues night as its too far for them. Cant imagine many of those that have voted will stoip going all together! (then again maybe they will)
  8. Not trying to be arsey, i thought we had planning premission for all this now? i thought these problems were things of the past and also if its a bad design of the stadium should this not have been considered before the initial plans to redevelop BP were drawn up? i understand you may not be able to directly answer that as i imagine that would be what the TTA would be better for doing that
  9. See although thats a facebook group, and not a wholly representative of every one in the area, the general consensus seems to be they dont want bugger all to do with oldham!! so why should this new stadium benefit their area when they couldnt give two :censored:es about us?? move away from BP by all means but surely there must be somewhere better, where it we may be more welcomed?
  10. Wonder what failsworth people consider themselves? Mancs or Biffo's? talked to a mate who lives in new moston yesterday and he didnt realise failsworth was a part of oldham
  11. Agree with this question, dont care about the size of stadium or moving away from BP, its where we are moving to that really gets me!
  12. Quite obviously if this was to happen there would be no way i would follow them anymore and the TTA would be become as bad as Enckleman in my eyes. However more concrete evidence of this going on needs to be shown or proved first as someone else said this is nothing more than scare mongering!
  13. The Soul(-less) bowl ;) id prefer a name that reflects the area if we do move down there, not some tacky commercial name 'the >insert company name here< stadium'
  14. I know its been specualted on for a while but now its official..... cant say im enthused by this, namely because of the location were going to, i dont disagree as i recognise the club is dying on its arse and if needs be then with a move away from BP so be it but FAILSWORTH?? On the very edge right next to Manchester, im sure somebodys already mentioned the people there dont consider themselves Oldhamers. It may attract some new faces at first but how long till the novelty wears off them and they dont wish to view league 1 football with who they might consider unfashionable opponents. If the idea is once we have Championship football people round there may come more regularly then why not build on a site in a site closer to oldham itself, surely this one is not hte only option? I dont want to sound negative about it as its not the moving thats getting me, its where we are moving to. I also can't see how we are meant to compete with City in the area if they have similar priced tickets to ours but a better standard. I know we compete now, but i feel we had better chance up here to attract non latics followers, and thats saying something as to how well i think we could do down there as we've not exactly attracted many here now as the new site would be a lot closer to city and people may think they may just as well travel that bit further. How will the fan bases up around BP and in the opposite direction to failsworth cope i wonder? i dont mean the current fan base (me included) who most likely will follow wherever, i mean for future people of these areas who might not know somebody who follows latics be it a dad/relative/friends people from Shaw, Royton and Sholver etc. how will they be inclined to follow latics potentially being a lot further away. Gutted is how i feel, hopefully its all for the better, il still follow the lads as ive invested too much effort into them to just give up on em, like im sure many others have, i hope someone comes along soon enough to cheer us up with words of wisdom on how this will work for the future!
  15. A bomb test site for the army or the worlds largest open air 24 hour shooting range?
  16. Who's that i see on the horizon........ it be...... Doncaster!!!
  17. Aye it was around the 85th minute i think, shame Shamrock couldnt put away a few of their own chances, even had a break away potential one on one put the guy over hit it as he was taking another touch!
  18. 1-0 full time, Benzema probably made the biggest impression tonight out of the Madrid players. Shame Shamrock couldnt hold on for the draw and but it was still a good performance from them!
  19. They've certainly done themselves proud so far (the 68th min) even if it is a friendly!! Whats their average attendance btw? (Rovers i mean, not Madrid lol)
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