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Everything posted by dannyboy55555

  1. Ish Miller? No! We should not let him go. (Sorry one last time)
  2. Have you ever seen him and Matthew Hoggard in the same room?
  3. There’s no doubt in my mind it was a huge mistake getting rid of him.
  4. There are plenty. Neil Adams diving into an empty swimming pool i seem to recall. Lee Richardson getting bitten by his dog? Somebody dropped a bottle of sauce on their toe...maybe Pointon? Memory is hazy!
  5. Stephens played 0 games for us in his first season (loaned out etc). Lee played 7 times in his first season. Point being it took them a while to break through.
  6. I did a little punch of the air when Frank said he was back. This is how bad its become!
  7. One thing I wish we'd stop doing are short corners/free kicks nonsense. At this level surely opportunities to get it into the box need to be taken? We seem to be happy to use lump it to Miller/O'Grady as a plan A early in games so why the reluctance to get good delivery into the box? When we did that last night we created problems for them
  8. Apart from the fact that Ian Marshall was a good defender.
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