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Everything posted by piglinbland

  1. I'm an aetheist so I have to make my own moral judgements - but having god on your side shouldn't absolve you from doing the same. As it happens, I have absolutely no affinity with Evans or his claims to innocence and accept his conviction one hundred percent. What I did at the time object to was being called a rape apologist when this clearly wasn't the case. My principle concern about the whole affair was, and still is, the level of intimidation used to circumnavigate his lawful right to employment.
  2. "What I would close by saying is that proven guilty or innocent in the long term there are a LOT of people defending what at this time is a convicted rapist, based on wild speculation and gossip - that I find distasteful." Or equally, distasteful in the sense that should his conviction be quashed, there will be a LOT of people who won't acknowledge his innocence?,
  3. I seem to remember (at the risk of sounding old) that a certain Alan Groves cultivated a very similar discord amongst Latics fans.
  4. Fair play to them for fielding the questions. Barry and Darren are far from loquacious fellows -but on the other hand it's Piccadilly Radio Football Hour, not a Reith lecture! I can't judge the one because I genuinely don't know what his input to the club is, the other will be judged on results when he's been in charge long enough for a worthwhile opinion to be formed. Couldn't believe someone rang up with the old F.C. United chestnut about their (tiny) ground being built quicker than the stand. Sad really. I also thought his comments about Championship sustainability were spot-on. He's just telling the truth and lack of ambition doesn't come into it - the new stand shows that.
  5. I got me three dots in too, which means (in an unsaid way) that I'm only mildly ribbing you. And most journalism is, I agree, beneath contempt.
  6. "I've always had a dim view of the level of tabloid journalism, but this is truly astounding. Words fail me ...." And that in itself is journalistic hyperbole as words obviously don't fail you...
  7. "Don't think the Latics board would be happy with 9th.... We've held on to our better players and have the best squad we've had for a long long time, I'm pretty certain this time around that anything other than being in or around the playoff places for most/all of the season would be classed as failure!" Can't see this at all. Surely the time is for consolidation until the income from the new stand kicks in? 9th would be considered very good in my view.
  8. Keep to the right side of the river and you could be 'Western And Northern Kilmarnock', aka WANK!
  9. I'd never considered the possibility of continuing the full length of the pitch because I assumed the cost would be prohibitive. It's a good idea though. There's quite a kink in the stand - didn't Ewood Park have something similar?
  10. Personally I think it's a cracking stand, but it was at best mediocre compared with some of the fabulous stands of the past - perhaps this tells us just how much of football's heritage has been lost. One thing about BP circa the 70's - 80's was that the layout was textbook English - ie.covered standing end, open standing end, seated side stands with standing paddocks in front. Ethnic. http://92club.blogspot.fr/2015/05/no-85-boundary-park-oldham-athletic.html
  11. The moan when the pitch is shifted 10 yards to the North - "Having had a season ticket behind the goal in the RRE for 20 years, imagine my surprise etc."
  12. He came across better than I thought he would. It's not easy to resist the temptation to scratch one's nose, tug on ears, adjust shirt sleeves etc. in these circumstances and he managed pretty well - shows a possible steely resolve. And it's almost a sort of relief NOT having Dowie (or such) installed in the hot seat, imagine the pressure of expectation and then the wailing and gnashing of teeth if the results didn't follow?
  13. It's done then. Surprising choice of manager and not one I would have chosen - but I will buy my season ticket and cheer the lads on next season. Could even be a master stroke.....
  14. Beg to differ there, the mere mention of the European Court of Human Rights enables me to NOT have to make online tax payments, direct-debit payments and the like if I don't want to. No one can force you to have a bank account, credit card, mobile phone or computer and I've yet to meet an authority that will contest this. Loads of good stuff comes out of Europe that never gets the praise it deserves. I.M.O. we owe our high standard of living to the E.U.
  15. I had my first season ticket for the Chaddy End in 1977. It was a rocking stand then, but I think this decision is the right one.
  16. The Chaddy may be home spiritually, but it has been but a shadow of it's former self for many years. Moving to the Rochdale is the logical, sensible thing to do now - in my opinion. But of course, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs! Glass half full-ist that I am.
  17. It's a chilling thought that someone might have intentionally sparked the stand at Bradford. I dropped my packet of Embassy No.10 through the Chaddy boards many, many moons ago and a nice old boy in the club's employ took me out the back and through a little door in the back of the stand to retrieve them. It was like a bonfire under there, waiting to be lit! Even at the time, as a daft teenager, I remember wondering why the hell they didn't remove so many decades worth of detritus.
  18. Gorton's Bar - Comments for this establishment dis-activated following recent fire.
  19. "if id seen yer gettin off 409 tazzy id a breaked yer head!" Good write up.
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