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Everything posted by adamoafc

  1. I was sat infront of them couldn't believe what I was hearing!!!
  2. Thought his kicking was superb. Not once did the ball end up out of play from his kicks. Handling very good especially when collecting right above that lads head in the second half. Looked like he gave the defence a lot more support in taking the pressure of by coming for balls. I would be happy to start him next week. Clean sheet after all!
  3. Tony Philliskirk for me! He has done the club a service not many others would! He has never chased the money as he could have done and has brought through some fantastic talent along the way which has helped our club massively financially. Been an unsung hero for a long time and feel he deserves this more than the rest!! Get voting for TP!
  4. Going back to JCH he was a million miles better than having rooney on the pitch. For me rooney doesn't bring a great deal. When the ball is played up to him he hardly ever wins it!! He won 1 out of about 15 headers at crawley when he came on. We had a presence when JCH was on. I hope he keeps the front 2 from Saturday as they have us chances. They keep getting in the right positions they were in on Saturday goals will flow!!
  5. Definatly city fans with a wooden spoon! Like previous posts have said you don't lose the dressing room and still put in performances that we are! You lose the dressing room when peformances from dickovs era are on show! I know one of the players well as was out with him week before last and he said the complete opposite about LJ. He said always pushes players to get 110%, sticks by his word if he says you will get your chance he will stick to it, everyone enjoys the banter and buzz around training. Young players learning a lot from him and are appreciating the opportunity to go and get experience on loan.
  6. And that is what is wrong with young footballers. If he had show great signs he would be starting. He played at shrewsbury and was the worst player on the pitch! He is 19 and not achieved anything. Yes he should have to apologise, am sure viera who has won more in his career than this little stuck up kid will ever achieve, knows what he has done wrong therefore asked him to apologise. Bad attitude breeds not what we need. Well done LJ nice to see a manager standing firm against premier league youngsters on far too much money!
  7. He spat his dummy out cause he was asked to play in the reserves. Went to viera who told him to come back and apologise. Says to me bridges haven't been burned! They might want to help us more now!
  8. To be fair the players coming out of city's youth and reserves are quite poor standard. Scapuzzi rusnak Mancini. Only really wabara who was any good!
  9. Wearing thin?! Are you for real! I'm sorry but we didn't win any of our first seven under shez when we went to the playoffs!
  10. What better way to show commitment to put your hand in and say here's xx amount bring in some quality players. You must be more deluded than I thought if you think baxters money has covered all these signings. Gesunga won't be cheap and that's just one of them!
  11. None of us have been made aware of any official bid! That says to me discussions have started, why wouldn't you just say no contact has been made by koukash if that was the case. More to this than meets the eye. Stadium has been slightly delayed? I am sorry but the money baxter has gone for wouldn't cover bringing in 7 players!! I think funding has already started to be given.
  12. Shame cause players like cliff don't come around very often. Model pro someone who I know the younger players respect and look up to. Great player to have in the squad but good luck cliff.
  13. To say philliskirk had a bad game and should of been taken off is ridiculous! He is the link up striker/ 6 yard goal man! His work rate tonight for a delight to watch! He should be starting on Saturday Rooney should be dropped! Now not one thing he managed to control tonight. Anyone wants to watch the game back look at phillys link up play and getting into dangerous areas and watch rooney no comparison! Might give rooney the kick up the backside he needs to score those 20 goals if he is benched on Saturday. Think montano of old is back but great effort by the team tonight they did us proud! On to the next with Rotherham away lets make this a large following!!
  14. I honestly think he has funded some of these new signings Oldham have signed. we couldn't afford a big squad last year yet this year we have enough to play 3 teams! I honestly think the paperwork was done last time we had this debate.
  15. Les pogliacomi set to retire! http://m.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/veteran-mark-schwarzer-to-outlast-former-no-2-gloveman-les-pogliacomi/story-fnii0g1d-1226710922785 Reading that seems to regret rejecting crystal palace! However he did get shoved out by managers after Dowie! On his day the best keeper we have had for years!! Good luck pogs!
  16. Try radio Shropshire I'm sure they covered the game when we were there on a Tuesday last season.
  17. One thing I would say is he struggled in the 3 games against premier league opposition so very much think championship is his level.
  18. Looks like you maybe right. Hasn't played in any of the league games this season and only played in the cup midweek. Am guessing to get him warmed up for us?
  19. With bonuses yeah. Still all part of the wage which has to be paid.
  20. Rooney is on more than that baxter was the same and kuqi was on about 3k. Those I know for a fact!
  21. Am sorry but this is getting stupid! The transfer doesn't even make sense. Why would baxter leave a average league one club to join another average club which they are showing the last few years. Sideways if not slightly back move if you ask me! The only place baxter will go is up a league if he ever wants to progress!
  22. Should be given a go on Saturday! Goals are goals! Could have found a gem!
  23. I really can't see corney being that naive to reveal it. I think he may have said to fans one figure knowing that it would get batted about but kept the real figure between himself and Baxter. As a chairman wanting the most for a player surely he wouldn't give it away!
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