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Everything posted by penrhyn

  1. Hi Mike I listen every week from Michigan USA religiously and have done for the past 5 -6 year I think it is . Todays commentary was something else ,really enjoyed it well done. very much reminded me of the pinch me years . I just have this feeling about Lee Johnson doing something special here .I hope its next year we have waited so long for some league success. Thanks again supporter for 40+ years .
  2. He he went to school with Tony good lad and a great latics fan.
  3. Steve Hoolickin son plays for them too.
  4. Great signing, absolutely looking forward to the season . Think quite a bit of money must have been freed up from Mvoto, Furman, Simpson, Croft, Cisak, and to a lesser extent Bouzanis and Smith. I am looking to attend my first game in nearly 10 Years as I am coming over from the US first week in August. Will hopefully catch the first home league game.
  5. Totally agree mate, think this lad will score a lot of goals and make us a lot of money if we can manage his temperament. Another plus its not often you screw Barry Fry, you also have to give Peterborough credit they keep coming up with gems all the time.
  6. Well you know stranger things have happened he is apparently looking very sharp and has been amongst the goals pre-season. Oh and where is he Stevenage unfortunately for us he is likely to give whatever our current central defensive pairing is a roasting I would think. Plain and simple for me at the moment if we sort out the middle of the back four we will be a top ten side . If not we will struggle again probably worse than last season due to inexperience and strength . But I am thinking and hoping LJ has a couple more surprises up his sleeve before kick off. I hope so because every other area looks better than it has for a good few years.
  7. Pretty sure that's him, also Matt Chambers tweeted, "Good name as well" which was a big clue me thinks.
  8. Think we will do better than most expect, there is just something about LJ, that leads to believe he is going to be very successful with us. Lord knows we are due it, and SC is bound to pick a good one eventually.
  9. Nicky Sinclair at one point I thought was going to turn into a great player.
  10. Lets face it we are going to have to show dam near promotion form to get out of this mess. So if whoever gets the job pulls it off they should be good enough to sustain it next year. Personal choice is Dowie from what I have heard are the candidates. But just maybe Scholes has said I am your man next season, and this is affecting SC choice on a long term or short term appointment. That said he could I suppose offer him the no 2 role next season if whoever gets it is successful. All we really know is we are in the :censored: and need to get out of it ,promotion form is going to be one hell of an ask. We need an appointment quick but the right one.
  11. Totally agree with the comments former member of the "Under The Clock Brigade"
  12. Wow remember walesy Nick, that is a blast from the past
  13. How about there is no way to stop Jose na na na na na na na na na.
  14. He probably was in the boardroom during said conversation, what he says is all very plausable . However at this point like all the other comments it is only speculation no matter how believable. I just hope whatever desicions are made are the right ones and move us forward.
  15. Joes famous term too many paper tigers springs to mind, totally agree with you.
  16. Wasnt Dickov's brief to win more home games playing more attractive football to win some fans back . With the priority of staying in this league. Think we might see Furman & Cisak gone in Jan to bring in other,Furman has not been the same since he got into the SA squad and looks like he wants away from all accounts. Its really dissapointing as this league is poor this year, a less talented squad than ours with more grit and discipline could win this league. Pissed off this year we should be up there with this squad.
  17. True but could you really begrudge Derbyshires claims given the decisions against him the last few months
  18. Cisak has to be worth more despite recent hiccups. Think we will pull through tough start despite the knives being out in force very early.
  19. Didnt he say he was expecting to announce some new board members August/September. I am sure I recall something in a previous interview a while ago, maybe we have some investment coming which may help the burden he has been shouldering. But I agree he does sound a lot more positive, I also agree the first eleven appears to be the best we have for some time especially given that we have 2-3 to come in yet that should strengthen us further. Could well be a good season lets hope we have ironed out those defensive errors, for me though the problem has always appeared to be lack of height/strength at the back. Too many times we have had docking centre backs and lightweight full backs, which is why I think we conceded a lot from set pieces. Grounds and Byrne are both at least six footers which should help. ,
  20. Interestingly Corney referred to him as one of the quickest right backs in this division,think this lad is here to do more than make up the numbers. Get the two Clarkes in now and we will almost be set.
  21. Oh my god, I have just seen this on tv in the states where I now live, my heart goes out to my old friend Geoff, he must be devastated. I am so sorry Geoff. RIP little one my thought an prayers are with him and his family at this time.
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