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Everything posted by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills

  1. I would nominate Rob Lee and Albert Rusnak just for their arrogance. Can anyone think of other players who were similarly unprofessional?
  2. He was sold at a time when he was starting to look like he might be a little surplus to requirements regarding LJ's plans for the team. What Corney said only backs up my initial thoughts on the Baxter sale.
  3. I thought he looked ok against Preston, his crossing was shocking though
  4. Anyone else thinking that an away draw might be preferable at the moment?
  5. Is this unclearly worded or are you suggesting that 15/30 is an average of 2 points a game?
  6. The picture shows nothing but him celebrating with the players, What are you talking about?
  7. Baxter going is not the end of the world. I rather felt we looked to him a little too much and when the opposition were on their game he was squeezed out. He was an inconsistent focal point rather than a a vital cog in the wheel. He'll be missed when we look back at the goal highlights reel from this season, I don't think he'll be missed when we look at the table. I'm just mainly glad that we have plenty of assets again (both current and potentially). Unlike an earlier poster, I think the key to progression in this division and beyond (for a club like ours) is always have teams knocking on your door offering to buy your players. Sometimes we will have to sell, but so long as we are as plugged into the football world as LJ seems to be, suitable replacments can be found.
  8. Brown is injured, so my prediction is that Byrne will be right back. Obviously the sub keeper is different too. My only other question mark is whether Rodgers makes the bench.
  9. Thought it time for an update, Damn that Johnson fellow and his spinning plates:
  10. I'm 36 and my knees are already screwed after a few months of astroturf football a couple of years ago. I hope when i'm over 50 I can take part in things like this.
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