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Worcester Owl

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Everything posted by Worcester Owl

  1. In a sealed train, heading for an unknown destination. Allegedly.
  2. I have to say Kusunga's relentless - nay, unbridled - optimism can get a bit much sometimes!
  3. I hope it wasn't pinking? To use an old fashioned term that you never see now. Does nobody put the wrong fuel in their car any more? When does this thread get re-named dieselgate? Or mowergate?
  4. I went to that game too, my one and only visit to Anfield. I stood on the Kop (tourist I admit) and had to keep very quiet when David Shaw scored!
  5. I Hayter correct you, and don't know about subtlety, but I look for accuracy where comments on gardening equipment are made.
  6. I defer to no-one in my detestation of Sergio Ramos but, though it was a foul, there is no way he could have known/intended to cause that much damage to Salah. Get a grip.
  7. Erm, mowers actually equally usually run on four stroke. Equally important detail, and four stroke is dearer.
  8. Trevor Francis. I sat behind him on the plane back from Munich after the 1988 European Championship Final (when van Basten scored his miracle goal) and Trev was cooly reading an Italian newspaper. Used to play for Sampdoria if I remember.
  9. He scored 2 crackers in a qualifier v Slovenia I think it was. I know he's injury prone but when fit I think he's one of the few we've got who can pick a pass.
  10. Somebody should have a word with Simon Wood - tell him to keep his bayleaves in the kitchen where they belong.
  11. Dier has been dire this season. Never looks happy either. Shelvey should have been in the squad, destroyed Chelsea last week. Wilshere is the most talented English midfielder, and is left footed, giving balance. I've admired the way Southgate has got England to play since he took the job, but he's let himself down with some selections in this squad.
  12. Played for us after Huddersfield and Everton. World Cup winning XI down to eight now, sadly.
  13. Sorry, ballsed up the quote/reply above. You're right about 70/71 of course though didn't they stay in Div 3 until about 73/74 or so? Ancient history I know.
  14. Indeed. We went up that year, they came down Yes of course, good shout, though I think they stayed in Div 3 until 73/74 if I remember, Dave? I was 11 in 68/69 and got dragged to Spotland by my brother (who didn't support us or Rochdale) and his mates to see a match near the end of that season, possibly the one that clinched promotion for them. We stood behind one of the goals, can't remember which end, it was absolutely packed. Even now I remember that it didn't feel right to be there! My only ever visit to Spotland, though I had an auntie who lived nearby in Roch Valley Way.
  15. Come to think of it, have Rochdale ever been in a higher division than us? They've spent most of their life in Div 4, so unlikely. I remember being traumatised when Bury briefly made it to Div 2/Championship. Grim times.
  16. There was a great story back in May 2016 of how the Forest Green players were caught buying meat pizzas at the Greggs in Stroud! It even made HIGNFY. https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/footballers-forest-green-rovers-ignore-29238
  17. Magnificent. You’re ahead on two fronts I reckon: 1. You’ll have a limitless supply of cold beer. Forget the brain cell worries, nanny state medics have to tell us off for something. 2. The fridge cost you about a quarter of Maouche’s (alleged) weekly wage. Put like that, it’s a bargain!
  18. I know it gets hot in Australia but that must be some fridge. Respect.
  19. You can't say that, can you - unless you know why he was disciplined? It's irrelevant anyway as the rest of them should have manned up and got us out of the hole. If a player misbehaves, I don't care if he's Leo Messi - there are consequences. Otherwise, anarchy rules.
  20. Cheltenham and Forest Green are on my doorstep so easy aways to get to. Only a plus if we beat them though!
  21. Darius Osei has been released by National League Maidstone Utd.
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