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Shocking display

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Coming out of the main stand after the game I saw one Oldham fan chase another down the stairs in a frenzy, shouting stuff like "How dare you insult me in front of my family". He then implied he was going to send some "boys round" as he knew where the other Oldham fan was from.

The Oldham fan doing the chasing.....













None other than Simon Corney.


It was an absolutely shocking display from one of our most senior people. Any other fan would have been bought up on charges but no doubt Mr. Corney will get away scott free from what was criminal harrassment. The poor bloke (wearing a red jacket who looked like he was in his 50s) didn't know what was going on and it was only the fact that a steward broke it up that he was able to escape without Mr. Corney assaulting him IMHO. I'm sorry Yes I want to see passion from our owners but that was criminal and it shows what a (insert word) Corney is. There is no way I want that sort of person in charge of my beloved Oldham. Oh and if Mr. Corney doesn't like what I just said (depsite it being the truth) it he is welcome to send some boys round (something he is obviously fond of threatening).

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Coming out of the main stand after the game I saw one Oldham fan chase another down the stairs in a frenzy, shouting stuff like "How dare you insult me in front of my family". He then implied he was going to send some "boys round" as he knew where the other Oldham fan was from.

The Oldham fan doing the chasing.....













None other than Simon Corney.


It was an absolutely shocking display from one of our most senior people. Any other fan would have been bought up on charges but no doubt Mr. Corney will get away scott free from what was criminal harrassment. The poor bloke (wearing a red jacket who looked like he was in his 50s) didn't know what was going on and it was only the fact that a steward broke it up that he was able to escape without Mr. Corney assaulting him IMHO. I'm sorry Yes I want to see passion from our owners but that was criminal and it shows what a (insert word) Corney is. There is no way I want that sort of person in charge of my beloved Oldham. Oh and if Mr. Corney doesn't like what I just said (depsite it being the truth) it he is welcome to send some boys round (something he is obviously fond of threatening).

I totaly agree , i saw it and it was thugish at best, Simon should take whatever criticism that comes his way and be profetional bout it., I think his attitude at the new ground meeting said it all , . Hope the press get all over it.

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If the fan has said something personal then everyone has their breaking...especially after such an inept performance. However, it would have preferable if he had kept his cool!


However, comments about the team are fair play. We are, after all, paying customers!


Keep the Faith, I don't think so!



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You're taking that at face value?

I'm not disputing that the other individual in this fracas said something, however what he said is irrelevant. It's the reaction I'm keen to explore, and I won't be the only one either.


He's a dick. I bet he doesn't like me either. C'est la vie.

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TBH I'm not entiely sure Mr. Corney can guarantee that the other person involved said something to him, there were an awful lot of Oldham fans leaving at the time and I'm sure more than one person said something about TTA/Mr. Corney. If the other person had something that bad- unless he was in the directors box I'm sure I'd have seen him say it (the argument started almost directly in front of me). Mr. Corney IMHO completely inappropraitely over reacted to something anyone else would have taken on the chin. When he started going on about sending some boys round I thought who does this :censored: think he is and then when I realised who it was, I was thinking that ain't much of a threat after all it isn't exactly like his name is Ward or Noonan.

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What was said to corney is irrelivant....


He has made a :censored: of himself in front of his family and the fans... Not good enough from a club offical...

Of course it's not irrelvent what was said, you don't have to be a genius to think of an insult that could upset SC the way it seems to have been reported

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Of course it's not irrelvent what was said, you don't have to be a genius to think of an insult that could upset SC the way it seems to have been reported


Actually Senor I entirely disagree, if someone called me a :censored: censored: :censored: in Corney's postition I would look at them funny and maybe suggest that someone with some decent power have a word but I certainly wouldn't chase after them, get a little bit physical and then threaten to send some boys round pubically like Mr. Corney did. People have insulted me in my job but if I had reacted like Mr. Corney did I'd be out of one. He is a club offical/co-owner of a football team if he reacts like that every time someone calls him a nasty name I suggest he sells up now before he makes any money out of us by moving us virtually out of the borough. It was appalling and to be honest for a steward to have to get involved- and she did- makes it even more so- especially as technically he was paying the steward's wages.

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Senor is correct, some comments do have to be challenged.


I am sorry but that is a load carp...


When at BP Corney is working. It is his profesional environment and he needs to grow a set and not reatact like a ten year old child. If the cashier at tesco did that...well....

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